class astropy.units.format.CDS(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base, _ParsingFormatMixin

Support the Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg Standards for Astronomical Catalogues 2.0 format, and the complete set of supported units. This format is used by VOTable up to version 1.2.

Attributes Summary

Methods Summary

parse(s[, debug])

Convert a string to a unit object.

to_string(unit[, fraction])

Convert a unit to its string representation.

Attributes Documentation

name: ClassVar[str] = 'cds'#

Methods Documentation

classmethod parse(s: str, debug: bool = False) UnitBase[source]#

Convert a string to a unit object.

classmethod to_string(unit: UnitBase, fraction: bool | Literal['inline', 'multiline'] = False) str[source]#

Convert a unit to its string representation.

Implementation for to_string.


The unit to convert.

fraction{False|True|’inline’|’multiline’}, optional

Options are as follows:

  • False : display unit bases with negative powers as they are (e.g., km s-1);

  • ‘inline’ or True : use a single-line fraction (e.g., km / s);

  • ‘multiline’ : use a multiline fraction if possible (available for the latex, console and unicode formats; e.g., $\mathrm{\frac{km}{s}}$). If not possible, use ‘inline’.


If fraction is not recognized.