
class astropy.units.format.VOUnit(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Base, _GenericParserMixin

The IVOA standard for units used by the VO.

This is an implementation of Units in the VO 1.0.

Attributes Summary

Methods Summary

format_exponential_notation(val[, format_spec])

Formats a value in exponential notation.

parse(s[, debug])

Convert a string to a unit object.

to_string(unit[, fraction])

Convert a unit to its string representation.

Attributes Documentation

name: ClassVar[str] = 'vounit'#

Methods Documentation

classmethod format_exponential_notation(val: UnitScale | np.number, format_spec: str = '.8g') str[source]#

Formats a value in exponential notation.


The value to be formatted

format_specstr, optional

Format used to split up mantissa and exponent


The value in exponential notation in a this class’s format.

classmethod parse(s: str, debug: bool = False) UnitBase[source]#

Convert a string to a unit object.

classmethod to_string(unit: UnitBase, fraction: bool | Literal['inline', 'multiline'] = False) str[source]#

Convert a unit to its string representation.

Implementation for to_string.


The unit to convert.

fraction{False|True|’inline’|’multiline’}, optional

Options are as follows:

  • False : display unit bases with negative powers as they are (e.g., km s-1);

  • ‘inline’ or True : use a single-line fraction (e.g., km / s);

  • ‘multiline’ : use a multiline fraction if possible (available for the latex, console and unicode formats; e.g., $\mathrm{\frac{km}{s}}$). If not possible, use ‘inline’.


If fraction is not recognized.