Decomposing and Composing Units#
Reducing a Unit to Its Irreducible Parts#
A unit or quantity can be decomposed into its irreducible parts using
the Unit.decompose()
To decompose a unit with decompose()
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> u.Ry
>>> u.Ry.decompose()
Unit("2.17987e-18 m2 kg / s2")
To get the list of units in the decomposition, the
and powers
properties can be used:
>>> Ry = u.Ry.decompose()
>>> [unit**power for unit, power in zip(Ry.bases, Ry.powers)]
[Unit("m2"), Unit("kg"), Unit("1 / s2")]
You can limit the selection of units that you want to decompose by
using the bases
keyword argument:
>>> u.Ry.decompose(bases=[u.m, u.N])
Unit("2.17987e-18 N m")
This is also useful to decompose to a particular system. For example, to decompose the Rydberg unit of energy in terms of CGS units:
>>> u.Ry.decompose(bases=u.cgs.bases)
Unit("2.17987e-11 cm2 g / s2")
Finally, if you want to know how a unit was defined:
>>> u.Ry.represents
Unit("13.6057 eV")
Automatically Composing a Unit into More Complex Units#
Conversely, a unit may be recomposed back into more complex units
using the compose()
method. Since there
may be multiple equally good results, a list is always returned.
To recompose a unit with compose()
>>> x = u.Ry.decompose()
>>> x.compose()
Unit("2.17987e-62 foe"),
Unit("2.17987e-18 J"),
Unit("2.17987e-11 erg"),
Unit("13.6057 eV")]
Some other interesting examples:
>>> (u.s ** -1).compose()
[Unit("Bq"), Unit("Hz"), Unit("2.7027e-11 Ci")]
Composition can be combined with Equivalencies:
>>> (u.s ** -1).compose(equivalencies=u.spectral())
Unit("3.24078e-17 pc"),
Unit("1.057e-16 lyr"),
Unit("6.68459e-12 AU"),
Unit("1.4378e-09 solRad"),
Unit("0.01 k"),
Unit("100 cm"),
Unit("1e+06 micron"),
Unit("1e+07 erg"),
Unit("1e+10 Angstrom"),
Unit("3.7e+10 Ci"),
Unit("4.58743e+17 Ry"),
Unit("6.24151e+18 eV")]
A name does not exist for every arbitrary derived unit imaginable. In that case, the system will do its best to reduce the unit to the fewest possible symbols:
>>> ( * * u.V * u.s).compose()
[Unit("Wb lm"), Unit("1e+08 Mx lm")]
Converting Between Systems#
Built on top of this functionality is a convenience method to convert between unit systems.
To convert between unit systems:
>>> u.Pa.to_system(u.cgs)
[Unit("10 Ba"), Unit("10 P / s")]
There is also a shorthand for this which only returns the first of many possible matches:
>>> u.Pa.cgs
Unit("10 Ba")
This is equivalent to decomposing into the new system and then
composing into the simplest units possible in that system, though
adds some extra logic to
return the results sorted such that if a simple combination of base
units exists, it will be put sorted to the front:
>>> unit = u.m**2 / u.s
>>> unit.decompose(bases=u.cgs.bases)
Unit("10000 cm2 / s")
>>> _.compose(units=u.cgs)
[Unit("10000 St"), Unit("10000 cm2 / s")]
>>> unit.to_system(u.cgs)
[Unit("10000 cm2 / s"), Unit("10000 St")]