- class astropy.utils.iers.Conf[source]#
Configuration parameters for
.Attributes Summary
Enable auto-downloading of the latest IERS-A data.
Maximum age (days) of predictive data before auto-downloading.
URL for auto-downloading IERS file data.
Mirror URL for auto-downloading IERS file data.
IERS behavior if the range of available IERS data does not cover the times when converting time scales, potentially leading to degraded accuracy.
URL for auto-downloading leap seconds.
Alternate URL for auto-downloading leap seconds.
Remote timeout downloading IERS file data (seconds).
System file with leap seconds.
Attributes Documentation
- auto_download#
Enable auto-downloading of the latest IERS-A data. If set to False then the bundled IERS-A file will be used by default (even if a newer version of the IERS-A file was previously downloaded and cached). This parameter also controls whether internet resources will be queried to update the leap second table if the installed version is out of date. Default is True.
- auto_max_age#
Maximum age (days) of predictive data before auto-downloading. See “Auto refresh behavior” in astropy.utils.iers documentation for details. Default is 30.
- iers_auto_url#
URL for auto-downloading IERS file data.
- iers_auto_url_mirror#
Mirror URL for auto-downloading IERS file data.
- iers_degraded_accuracy#
IERS behavior if the range of available IERS data does not cover the times when converting time scales, potentially leading to degraded accuracy. Applies only when using IERS-B data on its own.
- iers_leap_second_auto_url#
URL for auto-downloading leap seconds.
- ietf_leap_second_auto_url#
Alternate URL for auto-downloading leap seconds.
- remote_timeout#
Remote timeout downloading IERS file data (seconds).
- system_leap_second_file#
System file with leap seconds.