- class['hline', 'vspace', 'tableline', 'toprule', 'midrule', 'bottomrule'], latexdict={}, caption='', col_align=None)[source]#
LaTeX format table.
This class implements some LaTeX specific commands. Its main purpose is to write out a table in a form that LaTeX can compile. It is beyond the scope of this class to implement every possible LaTeX command, instead the focus is to generate a syntactically valid LaTeX tables.
This class can also read simple LaTeX tables (one line per table row, no
or similar constructs), specifically, it can read the tables that it writes. When reading, it will look for the Latex commands to start and end tabular data (\begin{tabular}
). That means that those lines have to be present in the input file; the benefit is that this reader can be used on a LaTeX file with text, tables, and figures and it will read the first valid table.Note
Units in LaTeX tables
The LaTeX writer will output units in the table if they are present in the column info:
>>> import io >>> out = io.StringIO() >>> import sys >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from astropy.table import Table >>> t = Table({'v': [1, 2] *, 'class': ['star', 'jet']}) >>> t.write(out, format='ascii.latex') >>> print(out.getvalue()) \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{cc} v & class \\ $\mathrm{km\,s^{-1}}$ & \\ 1.0 & star \\ 2.0 & jet \\ \end{tabular} \end{table}
However, it will fail to read a table with units. There are so many ways to write units in LaTeX (enclosed in parenthesis or square brackets, as a separate row are as part of the column headers, using plain text, LaTeX symbols etc. ) that it is not feasible to implement a general reader for this. If you need to read a table with units, you can skip reading the lines with units to just read the numerical values using the
parameter to set the first line where numerical data values appear:>>>, format='ascii.latex', data_start=4) <Table length=2> v class float64 str4 ------- ----- 1.0 star 2.0 jet
Alternatively, you can write a custom reader using your knowledge of the exact format of the units in that case, by extending this class.
Reading a LaTeX table, the following keywords are accepted:
- ignore_latex_commands :
Lines starting with these LaTeX commands will be treated as comments (i.e. ignored).
When writing a LaTeX table, the some keywords can customize the format. Care has to be taken here, because python interprets
in a string as an escape character. In order to pass this to the output either format your strings as raw strings with ther
specifier or use a double\\\\
caption = r'My table \label{mytable}' caption = 'My table \\\\label{mytable}'
latexdict : Dictionary of extra parameters for the LaTeX output
- tabletypeused for first and last line of table.
The default is
. The following would generate a table, which spans the whole page in a two-column document:ascii.write(data, sys.stdout, format="latex", latexdict={'tabletype': 'table*'})
, the table environment will be dropped, keeping only thetabular
- tablealignpositioning of table in text.
The default is not to specify a position preference in the text. If, e.g. the alignment is
, then the LaTeX will be\\begin{table}[ht]
- col_alignAlignment of columns
If not present all columns will be centered.
- captionTable caption (string or list of strings)
This will appear above the table as it is the standard in many scientific publications. If you prefer a caption below the table, just write the full LaTeX command as
latexdict['tablefoot'] = r'\caption{My table}'
- preamble, header_start, header_end, data_start, data_end, tablefoot: Pure LaTeX
Each one can be a string or a list of strings. These strings will be inserted into the table without any further processing. See the examples below.
- unitsdictionary of strings
Keys in this dictionary should be names of columns. If present, a line in the LaTeX table directly below the column names is added, which contains the values of the dictionary. Example:
from import ascii data = {'name': ['bike', 'car'], 'mass': [75,1200], 'speed': [10, 130]} ascii.write(data, format="latex", latexdict={'units': {'mass': 'kg', 'speed': 'km/h'}})
If the column has no entry in the
dictionary, it defaults to the unit attribute of the column. If this attribute is not specified (i.e. it is None), the unit will be written as' '
Run the following code to see where each element of the dictionary is inserted in the LaTeX table:
from import ascii data = {'cola': [1,2], 'colb': [3,4]} ascii.write(data, format="latex", latexdict=ascii.latex.latexdicts['template'])
Some table styles are predefined in the dictionary
. The following generates in table in style preferred by A&A and some other journals:ascii.write(data, format="latex", latexdict=ascii.latex.latexdicts['AA'])
As an example, this generates a table, which spans all columns and is centered on the page:
ascii.write(data, format="latex", col_align='|lr|', latexdict={'preamble': r'\begin{center}', 'tablefoot': r'\end{center}', 'tabletype': 'table*'})
- captionSet table caption
Shorthand for:
latexdict['caption'] = caption
- col_alignSet the column alignment.
If not present this will be auto-generated for centered columns. Shorthand for:
latexdict['col_align'] = col_align
Attributes Summary
Methods Summary
as list of strings.Attributes Documentation
- max_ndim = None#
Methods Documentation