Source code for astropy.units.format.ogip

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICNSE.rst

# This module includes files automatically generated from ply (these end in
# and To generate these files, remove them from this
# folder, then build astropy and run the tests in-place:
#   python build_ext --inplace
#   pytest astropy/units
# You can then commit the changes to the re-generated and
# files.

Handles units in `Office of Guest Investigator Programs (OGIP)
FITS files

from __future__ import annotations

import math
import warnings
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from astropy.units.core import CompositeUnit
from astropy.units.errors import UnitParserWarning, UnitsWarning
from astropy.utils import classproperty, parsing

from . import utils
from .base import Base, _ParsingFormatMixin

    from typing import ClassVar, Literal

    import numpy as np

    from astropy.extern.ply.lex import Lexer
    from astropy.units import UnitBase
    from astropy.units.typing import UnitScale
    from astropy.utils.parsing import ThreadSafeParser

[docs] class OGIP(Base, _ParsingFormatMixin): """ Support the units in `Office of Guest Investigator Programs (OGIP) FITS files <>`__. """ _tokens: ClassVar[tuple[str, ...]] = ( "DIVISION", "OPEN_PAREN", "CLOSE_PAREN", "WHITESPACE", "POWER", "STAR", "SIGN", "UFLOAT", "LIT10", "UINT", "UNKNOWN", "FUNCNAME", "UNIT", ) _deprecated_units: ClassVar[frozenset[str]] = frozenset(("Crab", "mCrab")) @classproperty(lazy=True) def _units(cls) -> dict[str, UnitBase]: from astropy import units as u bases = [ "A", "C", "cd", "eV", "F", "g", "H", "Hz", "J", "Jy", "K", "lm", "lx", "m", "mol", "N", "ohm", "Pa", "pc", "rad", "s", "S", "sr", "T", "V", "W", "Wb", ] # fmt: skip prefixes = [ "y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "u", "m", "c", "d", "", "da", "h", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y", ] # fmt: skip names = { unit: getattr(u, unit) for unit, _ in utils.get_non_keyword_units(bases, prefixes) } simple_units = [ "angstrom", "arcmin", "arcsec", "AU", "barn", "bin", "byte", "chan", "count", "d", "deg", "erg", "G", "h", "lyr", "mag", "min", "photon", "pixel", "voxel", "yr", ] # fmt: skip names.update((unit, getattr(u, unit)) for unit in simple_units) # Create a separate, disconnected unit for the special case of # Crab and mCrab, since OGIP doesn't define their quantities. names["Crab"] = u.def_unit(["Crab"], prefixes=False, doc="Crab (X-ray flux)") names["mCrab"] = u.Unit(10**-3 * names["Crab"]) return names @classproperty(lazy=True) def _lexer(cls) -> Lexer: tokens = cls._tokens t_DIVISION = "[ \t]*/[ \t]*" t_OPEN_PAREN = r"\(" t_CLOSE_PAREN = r"\)" t_WHITESPACE = "[ \t]+" t_POWER = r"\*\*" t_STAR = r"\*" # NOTE THE ORDERING OF THESE RULES IS IMPORTANT!! # Regular expression rules for simple tokens def t_UFLOAT(t): r"(((\d+\.?\d*)|(\.\d+))([eE][+-]?\d+))|(((\d+\.\d*)|(\.\d+))([eE][+-]?\d+)?)" t.value = float(t.value) return t def t_UINT(t): r"\d+" t.value = int(t.value) return t def t_SIGN(t): r"[+-](?=\d)" t.value = 1 if t.value == "+" else -1 return t def t_LIT10(t): r"10" return 10 def t_UNKNOWN(t): r"[Uu][Nn][Kk][Nn][Oo][Ww][Nn]" return None def t_FUNCNAME(t): r"((sqrt)|(ln)|(exp)|(log)|(sin)|(cos)|(tan)|(asin)|(acos)|(atan)|(sinh)|(cosh)|(tanh))(?=\ *\()" return t def t_UNIT(t): r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_]*" t.value = cls._get_unit(t) return t # Don't ignore whitespace t_ignore = "" # Error handling rule def t_error(t): raise ValueError(f"Invalid character at col {t.lexpos}") return parsing.lex(lextab="ogip_lextab", package="astropy/units") @classproperty(lazy=True) def _parser(cls) -> ThreadSafeParser: """ The grammar here is based on the description in the `Specification of Physical Units within OGIP FITS files <>`__, which is not terribly precise. The exact grammar is here is based on the YACC grammar in the `unity library <>`_. """ tokens = cls._tokens def p_main(p): """ main : UNKNOWN | complete_expression | scale_factor complete_expression | scale_factor WHITESPACE complete_expression """ match p[1:]: case (factor, unit) | (factor, _, unit): p[0] = CompositeUnit(factor * unit.scale, unit.bases, unit.powers) case _: p[0] = p[1] def p_complete_expression(p): """ complete_expression : unit_expression | product_of_units | division_of_units """ # product_of_units is not in unit_expression for performance # division_of_units is separate to enforce the correct order of operations p[0] = p[1] def p_product_of_units(p): """ product_of_units : complete_expression product unit_expression """ p[0] = p[1] * p[3] def p_division_of_units(p): """ division_of_units : DIVISION unit_expression | complete_expression DIVISION unit_expression """ match p[1:]: case _, unit: p[0] = unit**-1 case num, _, denom: p[0] = num / denom def p_unit_expression(p): """ unit_expression : UNIT | function | UNIT POWER numeric_power | UNIT OPEN_PAREN complete_expression CLOSE_PAREN | OPEN_PAREN complete_expression CLOSE_PAREN | UNIT OPEN_PAREN complete_expression CLOSE_PAREN POWER numeric_power | OPEN_PAREN complete_expression CLOSE_PAREN POWER numeric_power """ bad_multiplication_message = ( "if '{0}{1}' was meant to be a multiplication, " "it should have been written as '{0} {1}'." ) match p[1:]: case factor, _, unit, _, _, power: warnings.warn( bad_multiplication_message.format(factor, f"({unit})**{power}"), UnitParserWarning, ) p[0] = factor * unit**power case (_, unit, _, _, power) | (unit, "**", power): p[0] = unit**power case left, _, right, _: warnings.warn( bad_multiplication_message.format(left, f"({right})"), UnitParserWarning, ) p[0] = left * right case _, unit, _: p[0] = unit case _: p[0] = p[1] def p_function(p): """ function : FUNCNAME OPEN_PAREN complete_expression CLOSE_PAREN | FUNCNAME OPEN_PAREN complete_expression CLOSE_PAREN POWER numeric_power """ match p[1:]: case "sqrt", _, unit, _: p[0] = unit**0.5 case "sqrt", _, unit, _, _, numeric_power: p[0] = unit ** (0.5 * numeric_power) case func, *_: raise ValueError( f"The function '{func}' is valid in OGIP, but not understood " "by astropy.units." ) def p_scale_factor(p): """ scale_factor : LIT10 POWER numeric_power | LIT10 | signed_float | signed_float POWER numeric_power | signed_int POWER numeric_power """ if len(p) == 4: p[0] = 10 ** p[3] else: p[0] = p[1] # Can't use np.log10 here, because p[0] may be a Python long. if math.log10(p[0]) % 1.0 != 0.0: warnings.warn( f"'{p[0]}' scale should be a power of 10 in OGIP format", UnitsWarning, ) def p_product(p): """ product : WHITESPACE | STAR | WHITESPACE STAR | WHITESPACE STAR WHITESPACE | STAR WHITESPACE """ def p_numeric_power(p): """ numeric_power : UINT | signed_float | OPEN_PAREN signed_int CLOSE_PAREN | OPEN_PAREN signed_float CLOSE_PAREN | OPEN_PAREN signed_float DIVISION UINT CLOSE_PAREN """ if len(p) == 6: p[0] = Fraction(int(p[2]), int(p[4])) elif len(p) == 4: p[0] = p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] if p[1] < 0: warnings.warn( UnitParserWarning( "negative exponents must be enclosed in parenthesis. " f"Expected '**({p[1]})' instead of '**{p[1]}'." ) ) def p_sign(p): """ sign : SIGN | """ if len(p) == 2: p[0] = p[1] else: p[0] = 1.0 def p_signed_int(p): """ signed_int : SIGN UINT """ p[0] = p[1] * p[2] def p_signed_float(p): """ signed_float : sign UINT | sign UFLOAT """ p[0] = p[1] * p[2] def p_error(p): raise ValueError() return parsing.yacc(tabmodule="ogip_parsetab", package="astropy/units")
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, s: str, debug: bool = False) -> UnitBase: return cls._do_parse(s.strip(), debug)
@classmethod def _format_superscript(cls, number: str) -> str: return f"**({number})" if "/" in number else f"**{number}"
[docs] @classmethod def to_string( cls, unit: UnitBase, fraction: bool | Literal["inline", "multiline"] = "inline" ) -> str: # Remove units that aren't known to the format unit = cls._decompose_to_known_units(unit) if isinstance(unit, CompositeUnit): # Can't use np.log10 here, because p[0] may be a Python long. if math.log10(unit.scale) % 1.0 != 0.0: warnings.warn( f"'{unit.scale}' scale should be a power of 10 in OGIP format", UnitsWarning, ) return super().to_string(unit, fraction=fraction)
[docs] @classmethod def format_exponential_notation( cls, val: UnitScale | np.number, format_spec: str = "g" ) -> str: return format(val, format_spec)
@classmethod def _validate_unit(cls, unit: str, detailed_exception: bool = True) -> UnitBase: if unit in cls._deprecated_units: warnings.warn( f"The unit '{unit}' has been deprecated in the OGIP standard.", UnitsWarning, ) return super()._validate_unit(unit, detailed_exception)