Source code for astropy.units.format.latex

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

Handles the "LaTeX" unit format.

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from . import console

    from typing import ClassVar, Literal

    from astropy.units import NamedUnit, UnitBase
    from astropy.units.typing import UnitPower

[docs] class Latex(console.Console): """ Output LaTeX to display the unit based on IAU style guidelines. Attempts to follow the `IAU Style Manual <>`_. """ _space: ClassVar[str] = r"\," _scale_unit_separator: ClassVar[str] = r"\," _times: ClassVar[str] = r" \times " @classmethod def _format_mantissa(cls, m: str) -> str: return m.replace("nan", r"{\rm NaN}").replace("inf", r"\infty") @classmethod def _format_superscript(cls, number: str) -> str: return f"^{{{number}}}" @classmethod def _format_unit_power(cls, unit: NamedUnit, power: UnitPower = 1) -> str: name = unit._get_format_name("latex") if name == # This doesn't escape arbitrary LaTeX strings, but it should # be good enough for unit names which are required to be alpha # + "_" anyway. name = name.replace("_", r"\_") if power != 1: # If the LaTeX representation of the base unit already ends with # a superscript, we need to spell out the unit to avoid double # superscripts. For example, the logic below ensures that # `u.deg**2` returns `deg^{2}` instead of `{}^{\circ}^{2}`. if re.match(r".*\^{[^}]*}$", name): # ends w/ superscript? name = unit.short_names[0] name += cls._format_power(power) return name @classmethod def _format_multiline_fraction( cls, scale: str, numerator: str, denominator: str ) -> str: return rf"{scale}\frac{{{numerator}}}{{{denominator}}}"
[docs] @classmethod def to_string( cls, unit: UnitBase, fraction: bool | Literal["inline", "multiline"] = "multiline", ) -> str: s = super().to_string(unit, fraction=fraction) return rf"$\mathrm{{{s}}}$"
[docs] class LatexInline(Latex): """ Output LaTeX to display the unit based on IAU style guidelines with negative powers. Attempts to follow the `IAU Style Manual <>`_ and the `ApJ and AJ style guide <>`_. """ name: ClassVar[str] = "latex_inline"
[docs] @classmethod def to_string( cls, unit: UnitBase, fraction: bool | Literal["inline", "multiline"] = False ) -> str: return super().to_string(unit, fraction=fraction)