# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Methods for selecting the bin width of histograms.
Ported from the astroML project: https://www.astroml.org/
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
from .bayesian_blocks import bayesian_blocks
from typing import Literal
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
__all__ = [
def calculate_bin_edges(
a: ArrayLike,
bins: int
| list[float]
| Literal["blocks", "knuth", "scott", "freedman"]
| None = 10,
range: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
weights: ArrayLike | None = None,
) -> NDArray[float]:
Calculate histogram bin edges like ``numpy.histogram_bin_edges``.
a : array-like
Input data. The bin edges are calculated over the flattened array.
bins : int, list, or str, optional
If ``bins`` is an int, it is the number of bins. If it is a list
it is taken to be the bin edges. If it is a string, it must be one
of 'blocks', 'knuth', 'scott' or 'freedman'. See
`~astropy.stats.histogram` for a description of each method.
range : tuple or None, optional
The minimum and maximum range for the histogram. If not specified,
it will be (a.min(), a.max()). However, if bins is a list it is
returned unmodified regardless of the range argument.
weights : array-like, optional
An array the same shape as ``a``. If given, the histogram accumulates
the value of the weight corresponding to ``a`` instead of returning the
count of values. This argument does not affect determination of bin
edges, though they may be used in the future as new methods are added.
bins : ndarray
Histogram bin edges
# if range is specified, we need to truncate the data for
# the bin-finding routines
if range is not None:
a = a[(a >= range[0]) & (a <= range[1])]
# if bins is a string, first compute bin edges with the desired heuristic
if isinstance(bins, str):
a = np.asarray(a).ravel()
# TODO: if weights is specified, we need to modify things.
# e.g. we could use point measures fitness for Bayesian blocks
if weights is not None:
raise NotImplementedError(
"weights are not yet supported for the enhanced histogram"
if bins == "blocks":
bins = bayesian_blocks(a)
elif bins == "knuth":
da, bins = knuth_bin_width(a, True)
elif bins == "scott":
da, bins = scott_bin_width(a, True)
elif bins == "freedman":
da, bins = freedman_bin_width(a, True)
raise ValueError(f"unrecognized bin code: '{bins}'")
if range:
# Check that the upper and lower edges are what was requested.
# The current implementation of the bin width estimators does not
# guarantee this, it only ensures that data outside the range is
# excluded from calculation of the bin widths.
if bins[0] != range[0]:
bins[0] = range[0]
if bins[-1] != range[1]:
bins[-1] = range[1]
elif np.ndim(bins) == 0:
# Number of bins was given
bins = np.histogram_bin_edges(a, bins, range=range, weights=weights)
return bins
def histogram(
a: ArrayLike,
bins: int
| list[float]
| Literal["blocks", "knuth", "scott", "freedman"]
| None = 10,
range: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
weights: ArrayLike | None = None,
) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]:
"""Enhanced histogram function, providing adaptive binnings.
This is a histogram function that enables the use of more sophisticated
algorithms for determining bins. Aside from the ``bins`` argument allowing
a string specified how bins are computed, the parameters are the same
as `numpy.histogram`.
a : array-like
array of data to be histogrammed
bins : int, list, or str, optional
If bins is a string, then it must be one of:
- 'blocks' : use bayesian blocks for dynamic bin widths
- 'knuth' : use Knuth's rule to determine bins
- 'scott' : use Scott's rule to determine bins
- 'freedman' : use the Freedman-Diaconis rule to determine bins
range : tuple or None, optional
the minimum and maximum range for the histogram. If not specified,
it will be (x.min(), x.max())
weights : array-like, optional
An array the same shape as ``a``. If given, the histogram accumulates
the value of the weight corresponding to ``a`` instead of returning the
count of values. This argument does not affect determination of bin
**kwargs : dict, optional
Extra arguments are described in `numpy.histogram`.
hist : array
The values of the histogram. See ``density`` and ``weights`` for a
description of the possible semantics.
bin_edges : array of dtype float
Return the bin edges ``(length(hist)+1)``.
See Also
bins = calculate_bin_edges(a, bins=bins, range=range, weights=weights)
# Now we call numpy's histogram with the resulting bin edges
return np.histogram(a, bins=bins, range=range, weights=weights, **kwargs)
def scott_bin_width(
data: ArrayLike,
return_bins: bool | None = False,
) -> float | tuple[float, NDArray]:
r"""Return the optimal histogram bin width using Scott's rule.
Scott's rule is a normal reference rule: it minimizes the integrated
mean squared error in the bin approximation under the assumption that the
data is approximately Gaussian.
data : array-like, ndim=1
observed (one-dimensional) data
return_bins : bool, optional
if True, then return the bin edges
width : float
optimal bin width using Scott's rule
bins : ndarray
bin edges: returned if ``return_bins`` is True
The optimal bin width is
.. math::
\Delta_b = \frac{3.5\sigma}{n^{1/3}}
where :math:`\sigma` is the standard deviation of the data, and
:math:`n` is the number of data points [1]_.
.. [1] Scott, David W. (1979). "On optimal and data-based histograms".
Biometricka 66 (3): 605-610
See Also
data = np.asarray(data)
if data.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("data should be one-dimensional")
n = data.size
sigma = np.std(data)
dx = 3.5 * sigma / (n ** (1 / 3))
if return_bins:
Nbins = np.ceil((data.max() - data.min()) / dx)
Nbins = max(1, Nbins)
bins = data.min() + dx * np.arange(Nbins + 1)
return dx, bins
return dx
def freedman_bin_width(
data: ArrayLike,
return_bins: bool | None = False,
) -> float | tuple[float, NDArray]:
r"""Return the optimal histogram bin width using the Freedman-Diaconis rule.
The Freedman-Diaconis rule is a normal reference rule like Scott's
rule, but uses rank-based statistics for results which are more robust
to deviations from a normal distribution.
data : array-like, ndim=1
observed (one-dimensional) data
return_bins : bool, optional
if True, then return the bin edges
width : float
optimal bin width using the Freedman-Diaconis rule
bins : ndarray
bin edges: returned if ``return_bins`` is True
The optimal bin width is
.. math::
\Delta_b = \frac{2(q_{75} - q_{25})}{n^{1/3}}
where :math:`q_{N}` is the :math:`N` percent quartile of the data, and
:math:`n` is the number of data points [1]_.
.. [1] D. Freedman & P. Diaconis (1981)
"On the histogram as a density estimator: L2 theory".
Probability Theory and Related Fields 57 (4): 453-476
See Also
data = np.asarray(data)
if data.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("data should be one-dimensional")
n = data.size
if n < 4:
raise ValueError("data should have more than three entries")
v25, v75 = np.percentile(data, [25, 75])
dx = 2 * (v75 - v25) / (n ** (1 / 3))
if return_bins:
dmin, dmax = data.min(), data.max()
Nbins = max(1, np.ceil((dmax - dmin) / dx))
bins = dmin + dx * np.arange(Nbins + 1)
except ValueError as e:
if "Maximum allowed size exceeded" in str(e):
raise ValueError(
"The inter-quartile range of the data is too small: "
f"failed to construct histogram with {Nbins + 1} bins. "
"Please use another bin method, such as "
else: # Something else # pragma: no cover
return dx, bins
return dx
def knuth_bin_width(
data: ArrayLike,
return_bins: bool | None = False,
quiet: bool | None = True,
) -> float | tuple[float, NDArray]:
r"""Return the optimal histogram bin width using Knuth's rule.
Knuth's rule is a fixed-width, Bayesian approach to determining
the optimal bin width of a histogram.
data : array-like, ndim=1
observed (one-dimensional) data
return_bins : bool, optional
if True, then return the bin edges
quiet : bool, optional
if True (default) then suppress stdout output from scipy.optimize
dx : float
optimal bin width. Bins are measured starting at the first data point.
bins : ndarray
bin edges: returned if ``return_bins`` is True
The optimal number of bins is the value M which maximizes the function
.. math::
F(M|x,I) = n\log(M) + \log\Gamma(\frac{M}{2})
- M\log\Gamma(\frac{1}{2})
- \log\Gamma(\frac{2n+M}{2})
+ \sum_{k=1}^M \log\Gamma(n_k + \frac{1}{2})
where :math:`\Gamma` is the Gamma function, :math:`n` is the number of
data points, :math:`n_k` is the number of measurements in bin :math:`k`
.. [1] Knuth, K.H. "Optimal Data-Based Binning for Histograms".
arXiv:0605197, 2006
See Also
# import here because of optional scipy dependency
from scipy import optimize
knuthF = _KnuthF(data)
dx0, bins0 = freedman_bin_width(data, True)
M = optimize.fmin(knuthF, len(bins0), disp=not quiet)[0]
bins = knuthF.bins(M)
dx = bins[1] - bins[0]
if return_bins:
return dx, bins
return dx
class _KnuthF:
r"""Class which implements the function minimized by knuth_bin_width.
data : array-like, one dimension
data to be histogrammed
the function F is given by
.. math::
F(M|x,I) = n\log(M) + \log\Gamma(\frac{M}{2})
- M\log\Gamma(\frac{1}{2})
- \log\Gamma(\frac{2n+M}{2})
+ \sum_{k=1}^M \log\Gamma(n_k + \frac{1}{2})
where :math:`\Gamma` is the Gamma function, :math:`n` is the number of
data points, :math:`n_k` is the number of measurements in bin :math:`k`.
See Also
def __init__(self, data: ArrayLike) -> None:
self.data = np.array(data, copy=True)
if self.data.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError("data should be 1-dimensional")
self.n = self.data.size
# import here rather than globally: scipy is an optional dependency.
# Note that scipy is imported in the function which calls this,
# so there shouldn't be any issue importing here.
from scipy import special
# create a reference to gammaln to use in self.eval()
self.gammaln = special.gammaln
def bins(self, M: int) -> NDArray:
"""Return the bin edges given M number of bins."""
return np.linspace(self.data[0], self.data[-1], int(M) + 1)
def __call__(self, M: int) -> float:
return self.eval(M)
def eval(self, M: int) -> float:
"""Evaluate the Knuth function.
M : int
Number of bins
F : float
evaluation of the negative Knuth loglikelihood function:
smaller values indicate a better fit.
if not np.isscalar(M):
M = M[0]
M = int(M)
if M <= 0:
return np.inf
bins = self.bins(M)
nk, bins = np.histogram(self.data, bins)
return -(
self.n * np.log(M)
+ self.gammaln(0.5 * M)
- M * self.gammaln(0.5)
- self.gammaln(self.n + 0.5 * M)
+ np.sum(self.gammaln(nk + 0.5))