A module that provides functions for manipulating bit masks and data quality
(DQ) arrays.
import numbers
import warnings
import numpy as np
__all__ = [
_SUPPORTED_FLAGS = int(np.bitwise_not(0, dtype="uint64", casting="unsafe"))
def _is_bit_flag(n):
Verifies if the input number is a bit flag (i.e., an integer number that is
an integer power of 2).
n : int
A positive integer number. Non-positive integers are considered not to
be "flags".
``True`` if input ``n`` is a bit flag and ``False`` if it is not.
if n < 1:
return False
return n.bit_count() == 1
def _is_int(n):
return (isinstance(n, numbers.Integral) and not isinstance(n, bool)) or (
isinstance(n, np.generic) and np.issubdtype(n, np.integer)
class InvalidBitFlag(ValueError):
"""Indicates that a value is not an integer that is a power of 2."""
class BitFlag(int):
"""Bit flags: integer values that are powers of 2."""
def __new__(cls, val, doc=None):
if isinstance(val, tuple):
if doc is not None:
raise ValueError("Flag's doc string cannot be provided twice.")
val, doc = val
if not (_is_int(val) and _is_bit_flag(val)):
raise InvalidBitFlag(
f"Value '{val}' is not a valid bit flag: bit flag value must be "
"an integral power of two."
s = int.__new__(cls, val)
if doc is not None:
s.__doc__ = doc
return s
class BitFlagNameMeta(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, members):
for k, v in members.items():
if not k.startswith("_"):
v = BitFlag(v)
attr = [k for k in members.keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
attrl = list(map(str.lower, attr))
cache = dict()
for b in bases:
for k, v in b.__dict__.items():
if k.startswith("_"):
kl = k.lower()
if kl in attrl:
idx = attrl.index(kl)
raise AttributeError(
f"Bit flag '{attr[idx]:s}' was already defined."
cache[kl] = v
members = {
k: v if k.startswith("_") else BitFlag(v) for k, v in members.items()
{k.lower(): v for k, v in members.items() if not k.startswith("_")}
members = {"_locked": True, "__version__": "", **members, "_cache": cache}
members = {"_locked": True, "__version__": "", **members}
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, members)
def __setattr__(cls, name, val):
if name == "_locked":
return super().__setattr__(name, True)
if name == "__version__":
if cls._locked:
raise AttributeError("Version cannot be modified.")
return super().__setattr__(name, val)
err_msg = f"Bit flags are read-only. Unable to reassign attribute {name}"
if cls._locked:
raise AttributeError(err_msg)
namel = name.lower()
if not namel.startswith("_") and namel in cls._cache:
raise AttributeError(err_msg)
for b in cls.__bases__:
if not namel.startswith("_") and namel in list(
map(str.lower, b.__dict__)
raise AttributeError(err_msg)
if namel in list(map(str.lower, cls.__dict__)):
raise AttributeError(err_msg)
val = BitFlag(val)
if _ENABLE_BITFLAG_CACHING and not namel.startswith("_"):
cls._cache[namel] = val
return super().__setattr__(name, val)
def __getattr__(cls, name):
flagnames = cls._cache
flagnames = {k.lower(): v for k, v in cls.__dict__.items()}
{k.lower(): v for b in cls.__bases__ for k, v in b.__dict__.items()}
return flagnames[name.lower()]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(f"Flag '{name}' not defined")
def __getitem__(cls, key):
return cls.__getattr__(key)
def __add__(cls, items):
if not isinstance(items, dict):
if not isinstance(items[0], (tuple, list)):
items = [items]
items = dict(items)
return extend_bit_flag_map(
cls.__name__ + "_" + "_".join(list(items)), cls, **items
def __iadd__(cls, other):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Unary '+' is not supported. Use binary operator instead."
def __delattr__(cls, name):
raise AttributeError(
f"{cls.__name__}: cannot delete {cls.mro()[-2].__name__} member."
def __delitem__(cls, name):
raise AttributeError(
f"{cls.__name__}: cannot delete {cls.mro()[-2].__name__} member."
def __repr__(cls):
return f"<{cls.mro()[-2].__name__} '{cls.__name__}'>"
class BitFlagNameMap(metaclass=BitFlagNameMeta):
A base class for bit flag name maps used to describe data quality (DQ)
flags of images by provinding a mapping from a mnemonic flag name to a flag
Mapping for a specific instrument should subclass this class.
Subclasses should define flags as class attributes with integer values
that are powers of 2. Each bit flag may also contain a string
comment following the flag value.
>>> from astropy.nddata.bitmask import BitFlagNameMap
>>> class ST_DQ(BitFlagNameMap):
... __version__ = '1.0.0' # optional
... CR = 1, 'Cosmic Ray'
... CLOUDY = 4 # no docstring comment
... RAINY = 8, 'Dome closed'
>>> class ST_CAM1_DQ(ST_DQ):
... HOT = 16
... DEAD = 32
def extend_bit_flag_map(cls_name, base_cls=BitFlagNameMap, **kwargs):
A convenience function for creating bit flags maps by subclassing an
existing map and adding additional flags supplied as keyword arguments.
cls_name : str
Class name of the bit flag map to be created.
base_cls : BitFlagNameMap, optional
Base class for the new bit flag map.
**kwargs : int
Each supplied keyword argument will be used to define bit flag
names in the new map. In addition to bit flag names, ``__version__`` is
allowed to indicate the version of the newly created map.
>>> from astropy.nddata.bitmask import extend_bit_flag_map
>>> ST_DQ = extend_bit_flag_map('ST_DQ', __version__='1.0.0', CR=1, CLOUDY=4, RAINY=8)
>>> ST_CAM1_DQ = extend_bit_flag_map('ST_CAM1_DQ', ST_DQ, HOT=16, DEAD=32)
>>> ST_CAM1_DQ['HOT'] # <-- Access flags as dictionary keys
>>> ST_CAM1_DQ.HOT # <-- Access flags as class attributes
new_cls = BitFlagNameMeta.__new__(
BitFlagNameMeta, cls_name, (base_cls,), {"_locked": False}
for k, v in kwargs.items():
setattr(new_cls, k, v)
except AttributeError as e:
if new_cls[k] != int(v):
raise e
new_cls._locked = True
return new_cls
def interpret_bit_flags(bit_flags, flip_bits=None, flag_name_map=None):
Converts input bit flags to a single integer value (bit mask) or `None`.
When input is a list of flags (either a Python list of integer flags or a
string of comma-, ``'|'``-, or ``'+'``-separated list of flags),
the returned bit mask is obtained by summing input flags.
.. note::
In order to flip the bits of the returned bit mask,
for input of `str` type, prepend '~' to the input string. '~' must
be prepended to the *entire string* and not to each bit flag! For
input that is already a bit mask or a Python list of bit flags, set
``flip_bits`` for `True` in order to flip the bits of the returned
bit mask.
bit_flags : int, str, list, None
An integer bit mask or flag, `None`, a string of comma-, ``'|'``- or
``'+'``-separated list of integer bit flags or mnemonic flag names,
or a Python list of integer bit flags. If ``bit_flags`` is a `str`
and if it is prepended with '~', then the output bit mask will have
its bits flipped (compared to simple sum of input flags).
For input ``bit_flags`` that is already a bit mask or a Python list
of bit flags, bit-flipping can be controlled through ``flip_bits``
.. note::
When ``bit_flags`` is a list of flag names, the ``flag_name_map``
parameter must be provided.
.. note::
Only one flag separator is supported at a time. ``bit_flags``
string should not mix ``','``, ``'+'``, and ``'|'`` separators.
flip_bits : bool, None
Indicates whether or not to flip the bits of the returned bit mask
obtained from input bit flags. This parameter must be set to `None`
when input ``bit_flags`` is either `None` or a Python list of flags.
flag_name_map : BitFlagNameMap
A `BitFlagNameMap` object that provides mapping from mnemonic
bit flag names to integer bit values in order to translate mnemonic
flags to numeric values when ``bit_flags`` that are comma- or
'+'-separated list of menmonic bit flag names.
bitmask : int or None
Returns an integer bit mask formed from the input bit value or `None`
if input ``bit_flags`` parameter is `None` or an empty string.
If input string value was prepended with '~' (or ``flip_bits`` was set
to `True`), then returned value will have its bits flipped
(inverse mask).
>>> from astropy.nddata.bitmask import interpret_bit_flags, extend_bit_flag_map
>>> ST_DQ = extend_bit_flag_map('ST_DQ', CR=1, CLOUDY=4, RAINY=8, HOT=16, DEAD=32)
>>> "{0:016b}".format(0xFFFF & interpret_bit_flags(28))
>>> "{0:016b}".format(0xFFFF & interpret_bit_flags('4,8,16'))
>>> "{0:016b}".format(0xFFFF & interpret_bit_flags('CLOUDY,RAINY,HOT', flag_name_map=ST_DQ))
>>> "{0:016b}".format(0xFFFF & interpret_bit_flags('~4,8,16'))
>>> "{0:016b}".format(0xFFFF & interpret_bit_flags('~(4+8+16)'))
>>> "{0:016b}".format(0xFFFF & interpret_bit_flags('~(CLOUDY+RAINY+HOT)',
... flag_name_map=ST_DQ))
>>> "{0:016b}".format(0xFFFF & interpret_bit_flags([4, 8, 16]))
>>> "{0:016b}".format(0xFFFF & interpret_bit_flags([4, 8, 16], flip_bits=True))
has_flip_bits = flip_bits is not None
flip_bits = bool(flip_bits)
allow_non_flags = False
if _is_int(bit_flags):
return ~int(bit_flags) if flip_bits else int(bit_flags)
elif bit_flags is None:
if has_flip_bits:
raise TypeError(
"Keyword argument 'flip_bits' must be set to 'None' when "
"input 'bit_flags' is None."
return None
elif isinstance(bit_flags, str):
if has_flip_bits:
raise TypeError(
"Keyword argument 'flip_bits' is not permitted for "
"comma-separated string lists of bit flags. Prepend '~' to "
"the string to indicate bit-flipping."
bit_flags = str(bit_flags).strip()
if bit_flags.upper() in ["", "NONE", "INDEF"]:
return None
# check whether bitwise-NOT is present and if it is, check that it is
# in the first position:
bitflip_pos = bit_flags.find("~")
if bitflip_pos == 0:
flip_bits = True
bit_flags = bit_flags[1:].lstrip()
if bitflip_pos > 0:
raise ValueError("Bitwise-NOT must precede bit flag list.")
flip_bits = False
# basic check for correct use of parenthesis:
while True:
nlpar = bit_flags.count("(")
nrpar = bit_flags.count(")")
if nlpar == 0 and nrpar == 0:
if nlpar != nrpar:
raise ValueError("Unbalanced parentheses in bit flag list.")
lpar_pos = bit_flags.find("(")
rpar_pos = bit_flags.rfind(")")
if lpar_pos > 0 or rpar_pos < (len(bit_flags) - 1):
raise ValueError(
"Incorrect syntax (incorrect use of parenthesis) in bit flag list."
bit_flags = bit_flags[1:-1].strip()
if sum(k in bit_flags for k in "+,|") > 1:
raise ValueError(
"Only one type of bit flag separator may be used in one "
"expression. Allowed separators are: '+', '|', or ','."
if "," in bit_flags:
bit_flags = bit_flags.split(",")
elif "+" in bit_flags:
bit_flags = bit_flags.split("+")
elif "|" in bit_flags:
bit_flags = bit_flags.split("|")
if bit_flags == "":
raise ValueError(
"Empty bit flag lists not allowed when either bitwise-NOT "
"or parenthesis are present."
bit_flags = [bit_flags]
if flag_name_map is not None:
except ValueError:
bit_flags = [flag_name_map[f] for f in bit_flags]
allow_non_flags = len(bit_flags) == 1
elif hasattr(bit_flags, "__iter__"):
if not all(_is_int(flag) for flag in bit_flags):
if flag_name_map is not None and all(
isinstance(flag, str) for flag in bit_flags
bit_flags = [flag_name_map[f] for f in bit_flags]
raise TypeError(
"Every bit flag in a list must be either an "
"integer flag value or a 'str' flag name."
raise TypeError("Unsupported type for argument 'bit_flags'.")
bitset = set(map(int, bit_flags))
if len(bitset) != len(bit_flags):
warnings.warn("Duplicate bit flags will be ignored")
bitmask = 0
for v in bitset:
if not _is_bit_flag(v) and not allow_non_flags:
raise ValueError(
f"Input list contains invalid (not powers of two) bit flag: {v}"
bitmask += v
if flip_bits:
bitmask = ~bitmask
return bitmask
def bitfield_to_boolean_mask(
bitfield_to_boolean_mask(bitfield, ignore_flags=None, flip_bits=None, \
good_mask_value=False, dtype=numpy.bool_)
Converts an array of bit fields to a boolean (or integer) mask array
according to a bit mask constructed from the supplied bit flags (see
``ignore_flags`` parameter).
This function is particularly useful to convert data quality arrays to
boolean masks with selective filtering of DQ flags.
bitfield : ndarray
An array of bit flags. By default, values different from zero are
interpreted as "bad" values and values equal to zero are considered
as "good" values. However, see ``ignore_flags`` parameter on how to
selectively ignore some bits in the ``bitfield`` array data.
ignore_flags : int, str, list, None (default = 0)
An integer bit mask, `None`, a Python list of bit flags, a comma-,
or ``'|'``-separated, ``'+'``-separated string list of integer
bit flags or mnemonic flag names that indicate what bits in the input
``bitfield`` should be *ignored* (i.e., zeroed), or `None`.
.. note::
When ``bit_flags`` is a list of flag names, the ``flag_name_map``
parameter must be provided.
| Setting ``ignore_flags`` to `None` effectively will make
`bitfield_to_boolean_mask` interpret all ``bitfield`` elements
as "good" regardless of their value.
| When ``ignore_flags`` argument is an integer bit mask, it will be
combined using bitwise-NOT and bitwise-AND with each element of the
input ``bitfield`` array (``~ignore_flags & bitfield``). If the
resultant bitfield element is non-zero, that element will be
interpreted as a "bad" in the output boolean mask and it will be
interpreted as "good" otherwise. ``flip_bits`` parameter may be used
to flip the bits (``bitwise-NOT``) of the bit mask thus effectively
changing the meaning of the ``ignore_flags`` parameter from "ignore"
to "use only" these flags.
.. note::
Setting ``ignore_flags`` to 0 effectively will assume that all
non-zero elements in the input ``bitfield`` array are to be
interpreted as "bad".
| When ``ignore_flags`` argument is a Python list of integer bit
flags, these flags are added together to create an integer bit mask.
Each item in the list must be a flag, i.e., an integer that is an
integer power of 2. In order to flip the bits of the resultant
bit mask, use ``flip_bits`` parameter.
| Alternatively, ``ignore_flags`` may be a string of comma- or
``'+'``(or ``'|'``)-separated list of integer bit flags that should
be added (bitwise OR) together to create an integer bit mask.
For example, both ``'4,8'``, ``'4|8'``, and ``'4+8'`` are equivalent
and indicate that bit flags 4 and 8 in the input ``bitfield``
array should be ignored when generating boolean mask.
.. note::
``'None'``, ``'INDEF'``, and empty (or all white space) strings
are special values of string ``ignore_flags`` that are
interpreted as `None`.
.. note::
Each item in the list must be a flag, i.e., an integer that is an
integer power of 2. In addition, for convenience, an arbitrary
**single** integer is allowed and it will be interpreted as an
integer bit mask. For example, instead of ``'4,8'`` one could
simply provide string ``'12'``.
.. note::
Only one flag separator is supported at a time. ``ignore_flags``
string should not mix ``','``, ``'+'``, and ``'|'`` separators.
.. note::
When ``ignore_flags`` is a `str` and when it is prepended with
'~', then the meaning of ``ignore_flags`` parameters will be
reversed: now it will be interpreted as a list of bit flags to be
*used* (or *not ignored*) when deciding which elements of the
input ``bitfield`` array are "bad". Following this convention,
an ``ignore_flags`` string value of ``'~0'`` would be equivalent
to setting ``ignore_flags=None``.
.. warning::
Because prepending '~' to a string ``ignore_flags`` is equivalent
to setting ``flip_bits`` to `True`, ``flip_bits`` cannot be used
with string ``ignore_flags`` and it must be set to `None`.
flip_bits : bool, None (default = None)
Specifies whether or not to invert the bits of the bit mask either
supplied directly through ``ignore_flags`` parameter or built from the
bit flags passed through ``ignore_flags`` (only when bit flags are
passed as Python lists of integer bit flags). Occasionally, it may be
useful to *consider only specific bit flags* in the ``bitfield``
array when creating a boolean mask as opposed to *ignoring* specific
bit flags as ``ignore_flags`` behaves by default. This can be achieved
by inverting/flipping the bits of the bit mask created from
``ignore_flags`` flags which effectively changes the meaning of the
``ignore_flags`` parameter from "ignore" to "use only" these flags.
Setting ``flip_bits`` to `None` means that no bit flipping will be
performed. Bit flipping for string lists of bit flags must be
specified by prepending '~' to string bit flag lists
(see documentation for ``ignore_flags`` for more details).
.. warning::
This parameter can be set to either `True` or `False` **ONLY** when
``ignore_flags`` is either an integer bit mask or a Python
list of integer bit flags. When ``ignore_flags`` is either
`None` or a string list of flags, ``flip_bits`` **MUST** be set
to `None`.
good_mask_value : int, bool (default = False)
This parameter is used to derive the values that will be assigned to
the elements in the output boolean mask array that correspond to the
"good" bit fields (that are 0 after zeroing bits specified by
``ignore_flags``) in the input ``bitfield`` array. When
``good_mask_value`` is non-zero or ``numpy.True_`` then values in the
output boolean mask array corresponding to "good" bit fields in
``bitfield`` will be ``numpy.True_`` (if ``dtype`` is ``numpy.bool_``)
or 1 (if ``dtype`` is of numerical type) and values of corresponding
to "bad" flags will be ``numpy.False_`` (or 0). When
``good_mask_value`` is zero or ``numpy.False_`` then the values
in the output boolean mask array corresponding to "good" bit fields
in ``bitfield`` will be ``numpy.False_`` (if ``dtype`` is
``numpy.bool_``) or 0 (if ``dtype`` is of numerical type) and values
of corresponding to "bad" flags will be ``numpy.True_`` (or 1).
dtype : data-type (default = ``numpy.bool_``)
The desired data-type for the output binary mask array.
flag_name_map : BitFlagNameMap
A `BitFlagNameMap` object that provides mapping from mnemonic
bit flag names to integer bit values in order to translate mnemonic
flags to numeric values when ``bit_flags`` that are comma- or
'+'-separated list of menmonic bit flag names.
mask : ndarray
Returns an array of the same dimensionality as the input ``bitfield``
array whose elements can have two possible values,
e.g., ``numpy.True_`` or ``numpy.False_`` (or 1 or 0 for integer
``dtype``) according to values of to the input ``bitfield`` elements,
``ignore_flags`` parameter, and the ``good_mask_value`` parameter.
>>> from astropy.nddata import bitmask
>>> import numpy as np
>>> dqarr = np.asarray([[0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 8, 12, 0],
... [10, 4, 0, 0, 0, 16, 6, 0]])
>>> flag_map = bitmask.extend_bit_flag_map(
... 'ST_DQ', CR=2, CLOUDY=4, RAINY=8, HOT=16, DEAD=32
... )
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags=0,
... dtype=int)
array([[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]])
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags=0,
... dtype=bool)
array([[False, False, True, True, False, True, True, False],
[ True, True, False, False, False, True, True, False]]...)
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags=6,
... good_mask_value=0, dtype=int)
array([[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]])
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags=~6,
... good_mask_value=0, dtype=int)
array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags=6, dtype=int,
... flip_bits=True, good_mask_value=0)
array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags='~(2+4)',
... good_mask_value=0, dtype=int)
array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags=[2, 4],
... flip_bits=True, good_mask_value=0,
... dtype=int)
array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags='~(CR,CLOUDY)',
... good_mask_value=0, dtype=int,
... flag_name_map=flag_map)
array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])
>>> bitmask.bitfield_to_boolean_mask(dqarr, ignore_flags='~(CR+CLOUDY)',
... good_mask_value=0, dtype=int,
... flag_name_map=flag_map)
array([[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]])
bitfield = np.asarray(bitfield)
if not np.issubdtype(bitfield.dtype, np.integer):
raise TypeError("Input bitfield array must be of integer type.")
ignore_mask = interpret_bit_flags(
ignore_flags, flip_bits=flip_bits, flag_name_map=flag_name_map
if ignore_mask is None:
if good_mask_value:
mask = np.ones_like(bitfield, dtype=dtype)
mask = np.zeros_like(bitfield, dtype=dtype)
return mask
# filter out bits beyond the maximum supported by the data type:
ignore_mask = ignore_mask & _SUPPORTED_FLAGS
# invert the "ignore" mask:
ignore_mask = np.bitwise_not(
ignore_mask, dtype=bitfield.dtype.type, casting="unsafe"
mask = np.empty_like(bitfield, dtype=np.bool_)
np.bitwise_and(bitfield, ignore_mask, out=mask, casting="unsafe")
if good_mask_value:
np.logical_not(mask, out=mask)
return mask.astype(dtype=dtype, subok=False, copy=False)