Source code for astropy.nddata
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
The `astropy.nddata` subpackage provides the `~astropy.nddata.NDData`
class and related tools to manage n-dimensional array-based data (e.g.
CCD images, IFU Data, grid-based simulation data, ...). This is more than
just `numpy.ndarray` objects, because it provides metadata that cannot
be easily provided by a single array.
from astropy import config as _config
from .bitmask import *
from .blocks import *
from .ccddata import *
from .compat import *
from .decorators import *
from .flag_collection import *
from .mixins.ndarithmetic import *
from .mixins.ndio import *
from .mixins.ndslicing import *
from .nddata import *
from .nddata_base import *
from .nddata_withmixins import *
from .nduncertainty import *
from .utils import *
class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace):
Configuration parameters for `astropy.nddata`.
warn_unsupported_correlated = _config.ConfigItem(
"Whether to issue a warning if `~astropy.nddata.NDData` arithmetic "
"is performed with uncertainties and the uncertainties do not "
"support the propagation of correlated uncertainties.",
warn_setting_unit_directly = _config.ConfigItem(
"Whether to issue a warning when the `~astropy.nddata.NDData` unit "
"attribute is changed from a non-``None`` value to another value "
"that data values/uncertainties are not scaled with the unit change.",
conf = Conf()