Special models useful for complex compound models where control is needed over
which outputs from a source model are mapped to which inputs of a target model.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
from astropy.units import Quantity
from .core import FittableModel, Model
__all__ = ["Identity", "Mapping", "UnitsMapping"]
class Mapping(FittableModel):
Allows inputs to be reordered, duplicated or dropped.
mapping : tuple
A tuple of integers representing indices of the inputs to this model
to return and in what order to return them. See
:ref:`astropy:compound-model-mappings` for more details.
n_inputs : int
Number of inputs; if `None` (default) then ``max(mapping) + 1`` is
used (i.e. the highest input index used in the mapping).
name : str, optional
A human-friendly name associated with this model instance
(particularly useful for identifying the individual components of a
compound model).
meta : dict-like
Free-form metadata to associate with this model.
Raised when number of inputs is less that ``max(mapping)``.
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial2D, Shift, Mapping
>>> poly1 = Polynomial2D(1, c0_0=1, c1_0=2, c0_1=3)
>>> poly2 = Polynomial2D(1, c0_0=1, c1_0=2.4, c0_1=2.1)
>>> model = (Shift(1) & Shift(2)) | Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (poly1 & poly2)
>>> model(1, 2) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
(17.0, 14.2)
linear = True # FittableModel is non-linear by default
def __init__(self, mapping, n_inputs=None, name=None, meta=None):
self._inputs = ()
self._outputs = ()
if n_inputs is None:
self._n_inputs = max(mapping) + 1
self._n_inputs = n_inputs
self._n_outputs = len(mapping)
super().__init__(name=name, meta=meta)
self.inputs = tuple("x" + str(idx) for idx in range(self._n_inputs))
self.outputs = tuple("x" + str(idx) for idx in range(self._n_outputs))
self._mapping = mapping
self._input_units_strict = {key: False for key in self._inputs}
self._input_units_allow_dimensionless = {key: False for key in self._inputs}
def n_inputs(self):
return self._n_inputs
def n_outputs(self):
return self._n_outputs
def mapping(self):
"""Integers representing indices of the inputs."""
return self._mapping
def __repr__(self):
if self.name is None:
return f"<Mapping({self.mapping})>"
return f"<Mapping({self.mapping}, name={self.name!r})>"
def evaluate(self, *args):
if len(args) != self.n_inputs:
name = self.name if self.name is not None else "Mapping"
raise TypeError(f"{name} expects {self.n_inputs} inputs; got {len(args)}")
result = tuple(args[idx] for idx in self._mapping)
if self.n_outputs == 1:
return result[0]
return result
def inverse(self):
A `Mapping` representing the inverse of the current mapping.
An inverse does no exist on mappings that drop some of its inputs
(there is then no way to reconstruct the inputs that were dropped).
mapping = tuple(self.mapping.index(idx) for idx in range(self.n_inputs))
except ValueError:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Mappings such as {self.mapping} that drop one or more of their inputs"
" are not invertible at this time."
inv = self.__class__(mapping)
inv._inputs = self._outputs
inv._outputs = self._inputs
inv._n_inputs = len(inv._inputs)
inv._n_outputs = len(inv._outputs)
return inv
class Identity(Mapping):
Returns inputs unchanged.
This class is useful in compound models when some of the inputs must be
passed unchanged to the next model.
n_inputs : int
Specifies the number of inputs this identity model accepts.
name : str, optional
A human-friendly name associated with this model instance
(particularly useful for identifying the individual components of a
compound model).
meta : dict-like
Free-form metadata to associate with this model.
Transform ``(x, y)`` by a shift in x, followed by scaling the two inputs::
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import (Polynomial1D, Shift, Scale,
... Identity)
>>> model = (Shift(1) & Identity(1)) | Scale(1.2) & Scale(2)
>>> model(1,1) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
(2.4, 2.0)
>>> model.inverse(2.4, 2) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
(1.0, 1.0)
linear = True # FittableModel is non-linear by default
def __init__(self, n_inputs, name=None, meta=None):
mapping = tuple(range(n_inputs))
super().__init__(mapping, name=name, meta=meta)
def __repr__(self):
if self.name is None:
return f"<Identity({self.n_inputs})>"
return f"<Identity({self.n_inputs}, name={self.name!r})>"
def inverse(self):
The inverse transformation.
In this case of `Identity`, ``self.inverse is self``.
return self
class UnitsMapping(Model):
Mapper that operates on the units of the input, first converting to
canonical units, then assigning new units without further conversion.
Used by Model.coerce_units to support units on otherwise unitless models
such as Polynomial1D.
mapping : tuple
A tuple of (input_unit, output_unit) pairs, one per input, matched to the
inputs by position. The first element of the each pair is the unit that
the model will accept (specify ``dimensionless_unscaled``
to accept dimensionless input). The second element is the unit that the
model will return. Specify ``dimensionless_unscaled``
to return dimensionless Quantity, and `None` to return raw values without
input_units_equivalencies : dict, optional
Default equivalencies to apply to input values. If set, this should be a
dictionary where each key is a string that corresponds to one of the
model inputs.
input_units_allow_dimensionless : dict or bool, optional
Allow dimensionless input. If this is True, input values to evaluate will
gain the units specified in input_units. If this is a dictionary then it
should map input name to a bool to allow dimensionless numbers for that
name : str, optional
A human-friendly name associated with this model instance
(particularly useful for identifying the individual components of a
compound model).
meta : dict-like, optional
Free-form metadata to associate with this model.
Wrapping a unitless model to require and convert units:
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial1D, UnitsMapping
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> poly = Polynomial1D(1, c0=1, c1=2)
>>> model = UnitsMapping(((u.m, None),)) | poly
>>> model = model | UnitsMapping(((None, u.s),))
>>> model(u.Quantity(10, u.m)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 21. s>
>>> model(u.Quantity(1000, u.cm)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 21. s>
>>> model(u.Quantity(10, u.cm)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 1.2 s>
Wrapping a unitless model but still permitting unitless input:
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial1D, UnitsMapping
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> poly = Polynomial1D(1, c0=1, c1=2)
>>> model = UnitsMapping(((u.m, None),), input_units_allow_dimensionless=True) | poly
>>> model = model | UnitsMapping(((None, u.s),))
>>> model(u.Quantity(10, u.m)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 21. s>
>>> model(10) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 21. s>
def __init__(
self._mapping = mapping
none_mapping_count = len([m for m in mapping if m[-1] is None])
if none_mapping_count > 0 and none_mapping_count != len(mapping):
raise ValueError("If one return unit is None, then all must be None")
# These attributes are read and handled by Model
self._input_units_strict = True
self.input_units_equivalencies = input_units_equivalencies
self._input_units_allow_dimensionless = input_units_allow_dimensionless
super().__init__(name=name, meta=meta)
# Can't invoke this until after super().__init__, since
# we need self.inputs and self.outputs to be populated.
def _rebuild_units(self):
self._input_units = {
input_name: input_unit
for input_name, (input_unit, _) in zip(self.inputs, self.mapping)
def n_inputs(self):
return len(self._mapping)
def n_outputs(self):
return len(self._mapping)
def inputs(self):
return super().inputs
def inputs(self, value):
super(UnitsMapping, self.__class__).inputs.fset(self, value)
def outputs(self):
return super().outputs
def outputs(self, value):
super(UnitsMapping, self.__class__).outputs.fset(self, value)
def input_units(self):
return self._input_units
def mapping(self):
return self._mapping
def evaluate(self, *args):
result = []
for arg, (_, return_unit) in zip(args, self.mapping):
if isinstance(arg, Quantity):
value = arg.value
value = arg
if return_unit is None:
result.append(Quantity(value, return_unit, subok=True))
if self.n_outputs == 1:
return result[0]
return tuple(result)
def __repr__(self):
if self.name is None:
return f"<UnitsMapping({self.mapping})>"
return f"<UnitsMapping({self.mapping}, name={self.name!r})>"