Source code for astropy.config.configuration

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""This module contains classes and functions to standardize access to
configuration files for Astropy and affiliated packages.

.. note::
    The configuration system makes use of the 'configobj' package, which stores
    configuration in a text format like that used in the standard library
    `ConfigParser`. More information and documentation for configobj can be
    found at .

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import importlib
import io
import os
import pkgutil
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
from inspect import getdoc
from pathlib import Path
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from warnings import warn

from astropy.extern.configobj import configobj, validate
from astropy.utils import find_current_module, isiterable, silence
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning, AstropyWarning

from .paths import get_config_dir_path

    from import Generator
    from typing import Final

__all__ = (

[docs] class InvalidConfigurationItemWarning(AstropyWarning): """A Warning that is issued when the configuration value specified in the astropy configuration file does not match the type expected for that configuration value. """
# these are not in __all__ because it's not intended that a user ever see them class ConfigurationDefaultMissingError(ValueError): """An exception that is raised when the configuration defaults (which should be generated at build-time) are missing. """ # this is used in astropy/ class ConfigurationDefaultMissingWarning(AstropyWarning): """A warning that is issued when the configuration defaults (which should be generated at build-time) are missing. """ class ConfigurationChangedWarning(AstropyWarning): """ A warning that the configuration options have changed. """
[docs] class ConfigNamespace: """ A namespace of configuration items. Each subpackage with configuration items should define a subclass of this class, containing `ConfigItem` instances as members. For example:: class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace): unicode_output = _config.ConfigItem( False, 'Use Unicode characters when outputting values, ...') use_color = _config.ConfigItem( sys.platform != 'win32', 'When True, use ANSI color escape sequences when ...', aliases=['astropy.utils.console.USE_COLOR']) conf = Conf() """ def __iter__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: for key, val in self.__class__.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, ConfigItem): yield key def __str__(self): if (docstring := getdoc(self)) is not None: header = f"{docstring}\n\n" else: current_module = str(find_current_module(2)).split("'")[1] header = f"Configuration parameters for `{current_module}`\n\n" return header + "\n\n".join(map(str, self.values())) keys = __iter__ """Iterate over configuration item names."""
[docs] def values(self) -> Generator[ConfigItem, None, None]: """Iterate over configuration item values.""" for val in self.__class__.__dict__.values(): if isinstance(val, ConfigItem): yield val
[docs] def items(self) -> Generator[tuple[str, ConfigItem], None, None]: """Iterate over configuration item ``(name, value)`` pairs.""" for key, val in self.__class__.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(val, ConfigItem): yield key, val
[docs] def help(self, name: str | None = None) -> None: """Print info about configuration items. Parameters ---------- name : `str`, optional Name of the configuration item to be described. If no name is provided then info about all the configuration items will be printed. Examples -------- >>> from astropy import conf >>>"unicode_output") ConfigItem: unicode_output cfgtype='boolean' defaultvalue=False description='When True, use Unicode characters when outputting values, and displaying widgets at the console.' module=astropy value=False """ if name is None: print(self) else: try: print(type(self).__dict__[name]) except KeyError: raise KeyError( f"'{name}' is not among configuration items {tuple(self)}" ) from None
[docs] def set_temp(self, attr, value): """ Temporarily set a configuration value. Parameters ---------- attr : str Configuration item name value : object The value to set temporarily. Examples -------- >>> import astropy >>> with astropy.conf.set_temp('use_color', False): ... pass ... # console output will not contain color >>> # console output contains color again... """ if hasattr(self, attr): return self.__class__.__dict__[attr].set_temp(value) raise AttributeError(f"No configuration parameter '{attr}'")
[docs] def reload(self, attr=None): """ Reload a configuration item from the configuration file. Parameters ---------- attr : str, optional The name of the configuration parameter to reload. If not provided, reload all configuration parameters. """ if attr is not None: if hasattr(self, attr): return self.__class__.__dict__[attr].reload() raise AttributeError(f"No configuration parameter '{attr}'") for item in self.values(): item.reload()
[docs] def reset(self, attr: str | None = None) -> None: """ Reset a configuration item to its default. Parameters ---------- attr : str, optional The name of the configuration parameter to reload. If not provided, reset all configuration parameters. """ if attr is not None: if hasattr(self, attr): prop = self.__class__.__dict__[attr] prop.set(prop.defaultvalue) return raise AttributeError(f"No configuration parameter '{attr}'") for item in self.values(): item.set(item.defaultvalue)
[docs] class ConfigItem: """ A setting and associated value stored in a configuration file. These objects should be created as members of `ConfigNamespace` subclasses, for example:: class _Conf(config.ConfigNamespace): unicode_output = config.ConfigItem( False, 'Use Unicode characters when outputting values, and writing widgets ' 'to the console.') conf = _Conf() Parameters ---------- defaultvalue : object, optional The default value for this item. If this is a list of strings, this item will be interpreted as an 'options' value - this item must be one of those values, and the first in the list will be taken as the default value. description : str or None, optional A description of this item (will be shown as a comment in the configuration file) cfgtype : str or None, optional A type specifier like those used as the *values* of a particular key in a ``configspec`` file of ``configobj``. If None, the type will be inferred from the default value. module : str or None, optional The full module name that this item is associated with. The first element (e.g. 'astropy' if this is 'astropy.config.configuration') will be used to determine the name of the configuration file, while the remaining items determine the section. If None, the package will be inferred from the package within which this object's initializer is called. aliases : str, or list of str, optional The deprecated location(s) of this configuration item. If the config item is not found at the new location, it will be searched for at all of the old locations. Raises ------ RuntimeError If ``module`` is `None`, but the module this item is created from cannot be determined. """ # this is used to make validation faster so a Validator object doesn't # have to be created every time _validator = validate.Validator() cfgtype = None """ A type specifier like those used as the *values* of a particular key in a ``configspec`` file of ``configobj``. """ rootname = "astropy" """ Rootname sets the base path for all config files. """ def __init__( self, defaultvalue="", description=None, cfgtype=None, module=None, aliases=None ): if module is None: module = find_current_module(2) if module is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot automatically determine get_config module, " "because it is not called from inside a valid module" ) else: module = module.__name__ self.module = module self.description = description self.__doc__ = description # now determine cfgtype if it is not given if cfgtype is None: if isiterable(defaultvalue) and not isinstance(defaultvalue, str): # it is an options list dvstr = [str(v) for v in defaultvalue] cfgtype = "option(" + ", ".join(dvstr) + ")" defaultvalue = dvstr[0] elif isinstance(defaultvalue, bool): cfgtype = "boolean" elif isinstance(defaultvalue, int): cfgtype = "integer" elif isinstance(defaultvalue, float): cfgtype = "float" elif isinstance(defaultvalue, str): cfgtype = "string" defaultvalue = str(defaultvalue) self.cfgtype = cfgtype self._validate_val(defaultvalue) self.defaultvalue = defaultvalue if aliases is None: self.aliases = [] elif isinstance(aliases, str): self.aliases = [aliases] else: self.aliases = aliases def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name def __set__(self, obj, value): return self.set(value) def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj is None: return self # cache value on the descriptor itself, to avoid repeated accesses # to the ConfigObj object which is much slower try: return self.value except AttributeError: val = self.value = self() return val
[docs] def set(self, value): """ Sets the current value of this ``ConfigItem``. This also updates the comments that give the description and type information. Parameters ---------- value The value this item should be set to. Raises ------ TypeError If the provided ``value`` is not valid for this ``ConfigItem``. """ try: value = self._validate_val(value) except validate.ValidateError as e: raise TypeError( f"Provided value for configuration item {} not valid:" f" {e.args[0]}" ) # store value on the ConfigObj instance... sec = get_config(self.module, rootname=self.rootname) sec[] = value # and on the descriptor self.value = value
[docs] @contextmanager def set_temp(self, value): """ Sets this item to a specified value only inside a with block. Use as:: ITEM = ConfigItem('ITEM', 'default', 'description') with ITEM.set_temp('newval'): #... do something that wants ITEM's value to be 'newval' ... print(ITEM) # ITEM is now 'default' after the with block Parameters ---------- value The value to set this item to inside the with block. """ initval = self() try: self.set(value) yield finally: self.set(initval)
[docs] def reload(self): """Reloads the value of this ``ConfigItem`` from the relevant configuration file. Returns ------- val : object The new value loaded from the configuration file. """ try: del self.value except AttributeError: pass baseobj = get_config(self.module, True, rootname=self.rootname) secname = cobj = baseobj # a ConfigObj's parent is itself, so we look for the parent with that while cobj.parent is not cobj: cobj = cobj.parent newobj = configobj.ConfigObj(cobj.filename, interpolation=False) if secname is not None: if secname not in newobj: return baseobj.get( newobj = newobj[secname] if in newobj: baseobj[] = newobj[] return baseobj.get(
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: name={!r} value={self()!r} at" f" 0x{id(self):x}>" ) def __str__(self) -> str: return "\n".join( ( f"{self.__class__.__name__}: {}", f" cfgtype={self.cfgtype!r}", f" defaultvalue={self.defaultvalue!r}", f" description={self.description!r}", f" module={self.module}", f" value={self()!r}", ) )
[docs] def __call__(self): """Returns the value of this ``ConfigItem``. Returns ------- val : object This item's value, with a type determined by the ``cfgtype`` attribute. Raises ------ TypeError If the configuration value as stored is not this item's type. """ def section_name(section): if section == "": return "at the top-level" else: return f"in section [{section}]" options = [] sec = get_config(self.module, rootname=self.rootname) if in sec: options.append((sec[], self.module, for alias in self.aliases: module, name = alias.rsplit(".", 1) sec = get_config(module, rootname=self.rootname) if "." in module: filename, module = module.split(".", 1) else: filename = module module = "" if name in sec: if "." in self.module: new_module = self.module.split(".", 1)[1] else: new_module = "" warn( f"Config parameter '{name}' {section_name(module)} of the file" f" '{get_config_filename(filename, rootname=self.rootname)}' is" f" deprecated. Use '{}'" f" {section_name(new_module)} instead.", AstropyDeprecationWarning, ) options.append((sec[name], module, name)) if len(options) == 0: self.set(self.defaultvalue) options.append((self.defaultvalue, None, None)) if len(options) > 1: filename, sec = self.module.split(".", 1) warn( f"Config parameter '{}' {section_name(sec)} of the file" f" '{get_config_filename(filename, rootname=self.rootname)}' is given" " by more than one alias" f" ({', '.join(['.'.join(x[1:3]) for x in options if x[1] is not None])})." " Using the first.", AstropyDeprecationWarning, ) val = options[0][0] try: return self._validate_val(val) except validate.ValidateError as e: raise TypeError(f"Configuration value not valid: {e.args[0]}")
def _validate_val(self, val): """Validates the provided value based on cfgtype and returns the type-cast value. throws the underlying configobj exception if it fails """ # note that this will normally use the *class* attribute `_validator`, # but if some arcane reason is needed for making a special one for an # instance or sub-class, it will be used return self._validator.check(self.cfgtype, val)
# this dictionary stores the primary copy of the ConfigObj's for each # root package _cfgobjs: Final[dict[str, configobj.ConfigObj]] = {} def get_config_filename(packageormod=None, rootname=None): """ Get the filename of the config file associated with the given package or module. """ cfg = get_config(packageormod, rootname=rootname) while cfg.parent is not cfg: cfg = cfg.parent return cfg.filename # This is used by testing to override the config file, so we can test # with various config files that exercise different features of the # config system. _override_config_file = None
[docs] def get_config(packageormod=None, reload=False, rootname=None): """Gets the configuration object or section associated with a particular package or module. Parameters ---------- packageormod : str or None The package for which to retrieve the configuration object. If a string, it must be a valid package name, or if ``None``, the package from which this function is called will be used. reload : bool, optional Reload the file, even if we have it cached. rootname : str or None Name of the root configuration directory. If ``None`` and ``packageormod`` is ``None``, this defaults to be the name of the package from which this function is called. If ``None`` and ``packageormod`` is not ``None``, this defaults to ``astropy``. Returns ------- cfgobj : ``configobj.ConfigObj`` or ``configobj.Section`` If the requested package is a base package, this will be the ``configobj.ConfigObj`` for that package, or if it is a subpackage or module, it will return the relevant ``configobj.Section`` object. Raises ------ RuntimeError If ``packageormod`` is `None`, but the package this item is created from cannot be determined. """ if packageormod is None: packageormod = find_current_module(2) if packageormod is None: msg1 = "Cannot automatically determine get_config module, " msg2 = "because it is not called from inside a valid module" raise RuntimeError(msg1 + msg2) else: packageormod = packageormod.__name__ _autopkg = True else: _autopkg = False packageormodspl = packageormod.split(".") pkgname = packageormodspl[0] secname = ".".join(packageormodspl[1:]) if rootname is None: if _autopkg: rootname = pkgname else: rootname = "astropy" # so we don't break affiliated packages cobj = _cfgobjs.get(pkgname) if cobj is None or reload: cfgfn = None try: # This feature is intended only for use by the unit tests if _override_config_file is not None: cfgfn = Path(_override_config_file) else: cfgfn = ( get_config_dir_path(rootname=rootname) .joinpath(pkgname) .with_suffix(".cfg") ) cobj = configobj.ConfigObj(str(cfgfn), interpolation=False) except OSError: # This can happen when HOME is not set cobj = configobj.ConfigObj(interpolation=False) # This caches the object, so if the file becomes accessible, this # function won't see it unless the module is reloaded _cfgobjs[pkgname] = cobj if secname: # not the root package if secname not in cobj: cobj[secname] = {} return cobj[secname] else: return cobj
[docs] def generate_config(pkgname="astropy", filename=None, verbose=False): """Generates a configuration file, from the list of `ConfigItem` objects for each subpackage. .. versionadded:: 4.1 Parameters ---------- pkgname : str or None The package for which to retrieve the configuration object. filename : str or file-like or None If None, the default configuration path is taken from `get_config`. """ if verbose: verbosity = nullcontext filter_warnings = AstropyDeprecationWarning else: verbosity = silence filter_warnings = Warning package = importlib.import_module(pkgname) with verbosity(), warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=filter_warnings) for mod in pkgutil.walk_packages( path=package.__path__, prefix=package.__name__ + "." ): if mod.module_finder.path.endswith(("test", "tests")) or "setup_package" ): # Skip test and setup_package modules continue if".")[-1].startswith("_"): # Skip private modules continue with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): importlib.import_module( wrapper = TextWrapper(initial_indent="## ", subsequent_indent="## ", width=78) if filename is None: filename = get_config_filename(pkgname) with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: if isinstance(filename, (str, os.PathLike)): fp = stack.enter_context(open(filename, "w")) else: # assume it's a file object, or io.StringIO fp = filename # Parse the subclasses, ordered by their module name subclasses = ConfigNamespace.__subclasses__() processed = set() for conf in sorted(subclasses, key=lambda x: x.__module__): mod = conf.__module__ # Skip modules for other packages, e.g. astropy modules that # would be imported when running the function for astroquery. if mod.split(".")[0] != pkgname: continue # Check that modules are not processed twice, which can happen # when they are imported in another module. if mod in processed: continue else: processed.add(mod) print_module = True for item in conf().values(): if print_module: # If this is the first item of the module, we print the # module name, but not if this is the root package... if item.module != pkgname: modname = item.module.replace(f"{pkgname}.", "") fp.write(f"[{modname}]\n\n") print_module = False fp.write(wrapper.fill(item.description) + "\n") if isinstance(item.defaultvalue, (tuple, list)): if len(item.defaultvalue) == 0: fp.write(f"# {} = ,\n\n") elif len(item.defaultvalue) == 1: fp.write(f"# {} = {item.defaultvalue[0]},\n\n") else: fp.write( f"# {} =" f' {",".join(map(str, item.defaultvalue))}\n\n' ) else: fp.write(f"# {} = {item.defaultvalue}\n\n")
[docs] def reload_config(packageormod=None, rootname=None): """Reloads configuration settings from a configuration file for the root package of the requested package/module. This overwrites any changes that may have been made in `ConfigItem` objects. This applies for any items that are based on this file, which is determined by the *root* package of ``packageormod`` (e.g. ``'astropy.cfg'`` for the ``'astropy.config.configuration'`` module). Parameters ---------- packageormod : str or None The package or module name - see `get_config` for details. rootname : str or None Name of the root configuration directory - see `get_config` for details. """ sec = get_config(packageormod, True, rootname=rootname) # look for the section that is its own parent - that's the base object while sec.parent is not sec: sec = sec.parent sec.reload()
def is_unedited_config_file(content, template_content=None): """ Determines if a config file can be safely replaced because it doesn't actually contain any meaningful content, i.e. if it contains only comments or is completely empty. """ buffer = io.StringIO(content) raw_cfg = configobj.ConfigObj(buffer, interpolation=True) # If any of the items is set, return False return not any(len(v) > 0 for v in raw_cfg.values())
[docs] def create_config_file(pkg, rootname="astropy", overwrite=False): """ Create the default configuration file for the specified package. If the file already exists, it is updated only if it has not been modified. Otherwise the ``overwrite`` flag is needed to overwrite it. Parameters ---------- pkg : str The package to be updated. rootname : str Name of the root configuration directory. overwrite : bool Force updating the file if it already exists. Returns ------- updated : bool If the profile was updated, `True`, otherwise `False`. """ # local import to prevent using the logger before it is configured from astropy.logger import log cfgfn = Path(get_config_filename(pkg, rootname=rootname)) # generate the default config template template_content = io.StringIO() generate_config(pkg, template_content) template_content = doupdate = True # if the file already exists, check that it has not been modified if cfgfn is not None and cfgfn.is_file(): with open(cfgfn, encoding="latin-1") as fd: content = doupdate = is_unedited_config_file(content, template_content) if doupdate or overwrite: with open(cfgfn, "w", encoding="latin-1") as fw: fw.write(template_content)"The configuration file has been successfully written to {cfgfn}") return True elif not doupdate: log.warning( "The configuration file already exists and seems to " "have been customized, so it has not been updated. " "Use overwrite=True if you really want to update it." ) return False