Source code for astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.wcsapi

# Functions/classes for WCSAxes related to APE14 WCSes

from contextlib import contextmanager

import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import ICRS, BaseCoordinateFrame, SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi import SlicedLowLevelWCS

from .frame import EllipticalFrame, RectangularFrame, RectangularFrame1D
from .transforms import CurvedTransform

__all__ = [

IDENTITY = WCS(naxis=2)
IDENTITY.wcs.ctype = ["X", "Y"]
IDENTITY.wcs.crval = [0.0, 0.0]
IDENTITY.wcs.crpix = [1.0, 1.0]
IDENTITY.wcs.cdelt = [1.0, 1.0]

    "lon": {"coord_type": "longitude"},
    "lat": {"coord_type": "latitude"},
    "ra": {"coord_type": "longitude", "format_unit": u.hourangle},
    "dec": {"coord_type": "latitude"},
    "alt": {"coord_type": "longitude"},
    "az": {"coord_type": "latitude"},
    "long": {"coord_type": "longitude"},

    "pos.helioprojective.lon": {
        "coord_wrap": 180.0 * u.deg,
        "format_unit": u.arcsec,
        "coord_type": "longitude",
    "": {"format_unit": u.arcsec, "coord_type": "latitude"},
    "pos.heliographic.stonyhurst.lon": {
        "coord_wrap": 180.0 * u.deg,
        "format_unit": u.deg,
        "coord_type": "longitude",
    "": {"format_unit": u.deg, "coord_type": "latitude"},
    "pos.heliographic.carrington.lon": {
        "coord_wrap": 360.0 * u.deg,
        "format_unit": u.deg,
        "coord_type": "longitude",
    "": {"format_unit": u.deg, "coord_type": "latitude"},

[docs] @contextmanager def custom_ucd_coord_meta_mapping(mapping, *, overwrite=False): """ A context manager that makes it possible to temporarily add new UCD+ to WCS coordinate plot metadata mappings. Parameters ---------- mapping : dict A dictionary mapping a UCD to coordinate plot metadata. Note that custom UCD names have their "custom:" prefix stripped. overwrite : bool If `True` overwrite existing entries with ``mapping``. Examples -------- >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.wcsapi import custom_ucd_coord_meta_mapping >>> from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.fitswcs import custom_ctype_to_ucd_mapping >>> wcs = WCS(naxis=1) >>> wcs.wcs.ctype = ["eggs"] >>> wcs.wcs.cunit = ["deg"] >>> custom_mapping = {"eggs": "custom:pos.eggs"} >>> with custom_ctype_to_ucd_mapping(custom_mapping): ... custom_meta = { ... "pos.eggs": { ... "coord_wrap": 360.0 * u.deg, ... "format_unit": u.arcsec, ... "coord_type": "longitude", ... } ... } ... with custom_ucd_coord_meta_mapping(custom_meta): ... fig = plt.figure() ... ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs) ... ax.coords <CoordinatesMap with 1 world coordinates: <BLANKLINE> index aliases type unit wrap format_unit visible deg ----- -------------------- --------- ---- ----- ----------- ------- 0 custom:pos.eggs eggs longitude deg 360.0 arcsec yes <BLANKLINE> > """ for k, v in mapping.items(): k = k.removeprefix("custom:") if not overwrite and k in CUSTOM_UCD_COORD_META_MAPPING: raise ValueError(f"UCD metadata mapping {k} already exists.") CUSTOM_UCD_COORD_META_MAPPING[k] = v yield for k in mapping.keys(): k = k.removeprefix("custom:") del CUSTOM_UCD_COORD_META_MAPPING[k]
def transform_coord_meta_from_wcs(wcs, frame_class, slices=None): if slices is not None: slices = tuple(slices) if wcs.pixel_n_dim > 2: if slices is None: raise ValueError( "WCS has more than 2 pixel dimensions, so 'slices' should be set" ) elif len(slices) != wcs.pixel_n_dim: raise ValueError( "'slices' should have as many elements as WCS " f"has pixel dimensions (should be {wcs.pixel_n_dim})" ) is_fits_wcs = isinstance(wcs, WCS) or ( isinstance(wcs, SlicedLowLevelWCS) and isinstance(wcs._wcs, WCS) ) coord_meta = {} coord_meta["name"] = [] coord_meta["type"] = [] coord_meta["wrap"] = [] coord_meta["unit"] = [] coord_meta["visible"] = [] coord_meta["format_unit"] = [] for idx in range(wcs.world_n_dim): axis_type = wcs.world_axis_physical_types[idx] axis_unit = u.Unit(wcs.world_axis_units[idx]) coord_wrap = None format_unit = axis_unit coord_type = "scalar" dim_meta = { "coord_type": coord_type, "coord_wrap": coord_wrap, "format_unit": format_unit, "axis_unit": axis_unit, } if axis_type is not None: axis_type_split = axis_type.split(".") if len(axis_type_split): axis_type_split[0] = axis_type_split[0].replace("custom:", "") for ucd, meta in CUSTOM_UCD_COORD_META_MAPPING.items(): if ucd in axis_type: dim_meta.update(meta) break else: for ucd, meta in UCD_COORD_META_MAPPING.items(): if ucd == axis_type_split[-1]: dim_meta.update(meta) break coord_meta["type"].append(dim_meta["coord_type"]) coord_meta["wrap"].append(dim_meta["coord_wrap"]) coord_meta["format_unit"].append(dim_meta["format_unit"]) coord_meta["unit"].append(dim_meta["axis_unit"]) # For FITS-WCS, for backward-compatibility, we need to make sure that we # provide aliases based on CTYPE for the name. if is_fits_wcs: name = [] if isinstance(wcs, WCS): name.append(wcs.wcs.ctype[idx].lower()) name.append(wcs.wcs.ctype[idx][:4].replace("-", "").lower()) elif isinstance(wcs, SlicedLowLevelWCS): name.append(wcs._wcs.wcs.ctype[wcs._world_keep[idx]].lower()) name.append( wcs._wcs.wcs.ctype[wcs._world_keep[idx]][:4] .replace("-", "") .lower() ) if name[0] == name[1]: name = name[0:1] if axis_type: if axis_type not in name: name.insert(0, axis_type) if wcs.world_axis_names and wcs.world_axis_names[idx]: if wcs.world_axis_names[idx] not in name: name.append(wcs.world_axis_names[idx]) name = tuple(name) if len(name) > 1 else name[0] else: name = axis_type or "" if wcs.world_axis_names: name = ( (name, wcs.world_axis_names[idx]) if wcs.world_axis_names[idx] else name ) coord_meta["name"].append(name) coord_meta["default_axislabel_position"] = [""] * wcs.world_n_dim coord_meta["default_ticklabel_position"] = [""] * wcs.world_n_dim coord_meta["default_ticks_position"] = [""] * wcs.world_n_dim # If the world axis has a name use it, else display the world axis physical type. fallback_labels = [ name[0] if isinstance(name, (list, tuple)) else name for name in coord_meta["name"] ] coord_meta["default_axis_label"] = [ wcs.world_axis_names[i] or fallback_label for i, fallback_label in enumerate(fallback_labels) ] transform_wcs, invert_xy, world_map = apply_slices(wcs, slices) transform = WCSPixel2WorldTransform(transform_wcs, invert_xy=invert_xy) for i in range(len(coord_meta["type"])): coord_meta["visible"].append(i in world_map) inv_all_corr = [False] * wcs.world_n_dim m = transform_wcs.axis_correlation_matrix.copy() if invert_xy: inv_all_corr = np.all(m, axis=1) m = m[:, ::-1] if frame_class in (RectangularFrame, RectangularFrame1D): for index in world_map: coord_meta["default_axislabel_position"][index] = "#" coord_meta["default_ticklabel_position"][index] = "#" coord_meta["default_ticks_position"][index] = "#" # In the special and common case where the frame is rectangular and we # are dealing with a 2-d WCS (after slicing) for RectangularFrame or a # 1-d WCS for RectangularFrame1D, we show all ticks on all axes. if (frame_class is RectangularFrame and len(world_map) == 2) or ( frame_class is RectangularFrame1D and len(world_map) == 1 ): for index in world_map: coord_meta["default_ticks_position"][index] = frame_class.spine_names elif frame_class is EllipticalFrame: if "longitude" in coord_meta["type"]: lon_idx = coord_meta["type"].index("longitude") coord_meta["default_axislabel_position"][lon_idx] = "h" coord_meta["default_ticklabel_position"][lon_idx] = "h" coord_meta["default_ticks_position"][lon_idx] = "h" if "latitude" in coord_meta["type"]: lat_idx = coord_meta["type"].index("latitude") coord_meta["default_axislabel_position"][lat_idx] = "c" coord_meta["default_ticklabel_position"][lat_idx] = "c" coord_meta["default_ticks_position"][lat_idx] = "c" else: for index in range(len(coord_meta["type"])): if index in world_map: coord_meta["default_axislabel_position"][index] = ( frame_class.spine_names ) coord_meta["default_ticklabel_position"][index] = ( frame_class.spine_names ) coord_meta["default_ticks_position"][index] = frame_class.spine_names return transform, coord_meta def apply_slices(wcs, slices): """ Take the input WCS and slices and return a sliced WCS for the transform and a mapping of world axes in the sliced WCS to the input WCS. """ if isinstance(wcs, SlicedLowLevelWCS): world_keep = list(wcs._world_keep) else: world_keep = list(range(wcs.world_n_dim)) # world_map is the index of the world axis in the input WCS for a given # axis in the transform_wcs world_map = list(range(wcs.world_n_dim)) transform_wcs = wcs invert_xy = False if slices is not None: wcs_slice = list(slices) wcs_slice[wcs_slice.index("x")] = slice(None) if "y" in slices: wcs_slice[wcs_slice.index("y")] = slice(None) invert_xy = slices.index("x") > slices.index("y") transform_wcs = SlicedLowLevelWCS(wcs, wcs_slice[::-1]) world_map = tuple(world_keep.index(i) for i in transform_wcs._world_keep) return transform_wcs, invert_xy, world_map def wcsapi_to_celestial_frame(wcs): for cls, _, kwargs, *_ in wcs.world_axis_object_classes.values(): if issubclass(cls, SkyCoord): return kwargs.get("frame", ICRS()) elif issubclass(cls, BaseCoordinateFrame): return cls(**kwargs) class WCSWorld2PixelTransform(CurvedTransform): """ WCS transformation from world to pixel coordinates. """ has_inverse = True frame_in = None def __init__(self, wcs, invert_xy=False): super().__init__() if wcs.pixel_n_dim > 2: raise ValueError("Only pixel_n_dim =< 2 is supported") self.wcs = wcs self.invert_xy = invert_xy self.frame_in = wcsapi_to_celestial_frame(wcs) def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.wcs is other.wcs and self.invert_xy == other.invert_xy ) @property def input_dims(self): return self.wcs.world_n_dim def transform(self, world): # Convert to a list of arrays world = list(world.T) if len(world) != self.wcs.world_n_dim: raise ValueError( f"Expected {self.wcs.world_n_dim} world coordinates, got {len(world)} " ) if len(world[0]) == 0: pixel = np.zeros((0, 2)) else: pixel = self.wcs.world_to_pixel_values(*world) if self.invert_xy: pixel = pixel[::-1] pixel = np.array(pixel).T return pixel transform_non_affine = transform def inverted(self): """ Return the inverse of the transform. """ return WCSPixel2WorldTransform(self.wcs, invert_xy=self.invert_xy) class WCSPixel2WorldTransform(CurvedTransform): """ WCS transformation from pixel to world coordinates. """ has_inverse = True def __init__(self, wcs, invert_xy=False): super().__init__() if wcs.pixel_n_dim > 2: raise ValueError("Only pixel_n_dim =< 2 is supported") self.wcs = wcs self.invert_xy = invert_xy self.frame_out = wcsapi_to_celestial_frame(wcs) def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.wcs is other.wcs and self.invert_xy == other.invert_xy ) @property def output_dims(self): return self.wcs.world_n_dim def transform(self, pixel): # Convert to a list of arrays pixel = list(pixel.T) if len(pixel) != self.wcs.pixel_n_dim: raise ValueError( f"Expected {self.wcs.pixel_n_dim} world coordinates, got {len(pixel)} " ) if self.invert_xy: pixel = pixel[::-1] if len(pixel[0]) == 0: world = np.zeros((0, self.wcs.world_n_dim)) else: world = self.wcs.pixel_to_world_values(*pixel) if self.wcs.world_n_dim == 1: world = [world] world = np.array(world).T return world transform_non_affine = transform def inverted(self): """ Return the inverse of the transform. """ return WCSWorld2PixelTransform(self.wcs, invert_xy=self.invert_xy)