Source code for astropy.utils.xml.validate
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Functions to do XML schema and DTD validation. At the moment, this
makes a subprocess call to xmllint. This could use a Python-based
library at some point in the future, if something appropriate could be
import os
import subprocess
from signal import Signals
def validate_schema(filename, schema_file):
Validates an XML file against a schema or DTD.
filename : str
The path to the XML file to validate
schema_file : str
The path to the XML schema or DTD
returncode, stdout, stderr : int, str, str
Returns the returncode from xmllint and the stdout and stderr
as strings
base, ext = os.path.splitext(schema_file)
if ext == ".xsd":
schema_part = "--schema"
elif ext == ".dtd":
schema_part = "--dtdvalid"
raise TypeError("schema_file must be a path to an XML Schema or DTD")
p = subprocess.Popen(
["xmllint", "--noout", "--nonet", schema_part, schema_file, filename],
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode == 127:
raise OSError("xmllint not found, so can not validate schema")
elif p.returncode < 0:
raise OSError(
f"xmllint was terminated by signal '{Signals(-p.returncode).name}'"
return p.returncode, stdout, stderr