# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Defines the physical types that correspond to different units.
The classes and functions defined here are also available in
(and should be used through) the `astropy.units` namespace.
import numbers
from astropy.utils.compat import COPY_IF_NEEDED
from . import (
imperial, # for bkwd compat #11975 and #11977 # noqa: F401
__all__ = ["PhysicalType", "def_physical_type", "get_physical_type"]
_units_and_physical_types = [
(core.dimensionless_unscaled, "dimensionless"),
(si.m, "length"),
(si.m**2, "area"),
(si.m**3, "volume"),
(si.s, "time"),
(si.rad, "angle"),
(si.sr, "solid angle"),
(si.m / si.s, {"speed", "velocity"}),
(si.m / si.s**2, "acceleration"),
(si.Hz, "frequency"),
(si.g, "mass"),
(si.mol, "amount of substance"),
(si.K, "temperature"),
(si.W * si.m**-1 * si.K**-1, "thermal conductivity"),
(si.J * si.K**-1, {"heat capacity", "entropy"}),
(si.J * si.K**-1 * si.kg**-1, {"specific heat capacity", "specific entropy"}),
(si.N, "force"),
(si.J, {"energy", "work", "torque"}),
(si.J * si.m**-2 * si.s**-1, {"energy flux", "irradiance"}),
(si.Pa, {"pressure", "energy density", "stress"}),
(si.W, {"power", "radiant flux"}),
(si.kg * si.m**-3, "mass density"),
(si.m**3 / si.kg, "specific volume"),
(si.mol / si.m**3, "molar concentration"),
(si.m**3 / si.mol, "molar volume"),
(si.kg * si.m / si.s, {"momentum", "impulse"}),
(si.kg * si.m**2 / si.s, {"angular momentum", "action"}),
(si.rad / si.s, {"angular speed", "angular velocity", "angular frequency"}),
(si.rad / si.s**2, "angular acceleration"),
(si.rad / si.m, "plate scale"),
(si.g / (si.m * si.s), "dynamic viscosity"),
(si.m**2 / si.s, {"diffusivity", "kinematic viscosity"}),
(si.m**-1, "wavenumber"),
(si.m**-2, "column density"),
(si.A, "electrical current"),
(si.C, "electrical charge"),
(si.V, "electrical potential"),
(si.Ohm, {"electrical resistance", "electrical impedance", "electrical reactance"}),
(si.Ohm * si.m, "electrical resistivity"),
(si.S, "electrical conductance"),
(si.S / si.m, "electrical conductivity"),
(si.F, "electrical capacitance"),
(si.C * si.m, "electrical dipole moment"),
(si.A / si.m**2, "electrical current density"),
(si.V / si.m, "electrical field strength"),
si.C / si.m**2,
{"electrical flux density", "surface charge density", "polarization density"},
(si.C / si.m**3, "electrical charge density"),
(si.F / si.m, "permittivity"),
(si.Wb, "magnetic flux"),
(si.Wb**2, "magnetic helicity"),
(si.T, "magnetic flux density"),
(si.A / si.m, "magnetic field strength"),
(si.m**2 * si.A, "magnetic moment"),
(si.H / si.m, {"electromagnetic field strength", "permeability"}),
(si.H, "inductance"),
(si.cd, "luminous intensity"),
(si.lm, "luminous flux"),
(si.lx, {"luminous emittance", "illuminance"}),
(si.W / si.sr, "radiant intensity"),
(si.cd / si.m**2, "luminance"),
(si.m**-3 * si.s**-1, "volumetric rate"),
(astrophys.Jy, "spectral flux density"),
(astrophys.Jy / si.sr, "surface brightness"),
(si.W * si.m**2 * si.Hz**-1, "surface tension"),
(si.J * si.m**-3 * si.s**-1, {"spectral flux density wav", "power density"}),
(si.J * si.m**-3 * si.s**-1 * si.sr**-1, "surface brightness wav"),
(astrophys.photon / si.Hz / si.cm**2 / si.s, "photon flux density"),
(astrophys.photon / si.AA / si.cm**2 / si.s, "photon flux density wav"),
(astrophys.photon / si.Hz / si.cm**2 / si.s / si.sr, "photon surface brightness"),
astrophys.photon / si.AA / si.cm**2 / si.s / si.sr,
"photon surface brightness wav",
(astrophys.R, "photon flux"),
(misc.bit, "data quantity"),
(misc.bit / si.s, "bandwidth"),
(cgs.Franklin, "electrical charge (ESU)"),
(cgs.statampere, "electrical current (ESU)"),
(cgs.Biot, "electrical current (EMU)"),
(cgs.abcoulomb, "electrical charge (EMU)"),
(si.m * si.s**-3, {"jerk", "jolt"}),
(si.m * si.s**-4, {"snap", "jounce"}),
(si.m * si.s**-5, "crackle"),
(si.m * si.s**-6, {"pop", "pounce"}),
(si.K / si.m, "temperature gradient"),
(si.J / si.kg, {"specific energy", "dose of ionizing radiation"}),
(si.mol * si.m**-3 * si.s**-1, "reaction rate"),
(si.kg * si.m**2, "moment of inertia"),
(si.mol / si.s, "catalytic activity"),
(si.J * si.K**-1 * si.mol**-1, "molar heat capacity"),
(si.mol / si.kg, "molality"),
(si.m * si.s, "absement"),
(si.m * si.s**2, "absity"),
(si.m**3 / si.s, "volumetric flow rate"),
(si.s**-2, "frequency drift"),
(si.Pa**-1, "compressibility"),
(astrophys.electron * si.m**-3, "electron density"),
(astrophys.electron * si.m**-2 * si.s**-1, "electron flux"),
(si.kg / si.m**2, "surface mass density"),
(si.W / si.m**2 / si.sr, "radiance"),
(si.J / si.mol, "chemical potential"),
(si.kg / si.m, "linear density"),
(si.H**-1, "magnetic reluctance"),
(si.W / si.K, "thermal conductance"),
(si.K / si.W, "thermal resistance"),
(si.K * si.m / si.W, "thermal resistivity"),
(si.N / si.s, "yank"),
(si.S * si.m**2 / si.mol, "molar conductivity"),
(si.m**2 / si.V / si.s, "electrical mobility"),
(si.lumen / si.W, "luminous efficacy"),
(si.m**2 / si.kg, {"opacity", "mass attenuation coefficient"}),
(si.kg * si.m**-2 * si.s**-1, {"mass flux", "momentum density"}),
(si.m**-3, "number density"),
(si.m**-2 * si.s**-1, "particle flux"),
_physical_unit_mapping = {}
_unit_physical_mapping = {}
_name_physical_mapping = {}
# mapping from attribute-accessible name (no spaces, etc.) to the actual name.
_attrname_physical_mapping = {}
def _physical_type_from_str(name):
Return the `PhysicalType` instance associated with the name of a
physical type.
if name == "unknown":
raise ValueError("cannot uniquely identify an 'unknown' physical type.")
elif name in _attrname_physical_mapping:
return _attrname_physical_mapping[name] # convert attribute-accessible
elif name in _name_physical_mapping:
return _name_physical_mapping[name]
raise ValueError(f"{name!r} is not a known physical type.")
def _replace_temperatures_with_kelvin(unit):
If a unit contains a temperature unit besides kelvin, then replace
that unit with kelvin.
Temperatures cannot be converted directly between K, °F, °C, and
°Ra, in particular since there would be different conversions for
T and ΔT. However, each of these temperatures each represents the
physical type. Replacing the different temperature units with
kelvin allows the physical type to be treated consistently.
physical_type_id = unit._physical_type_id
physical_type_id_components = []
substitution_was_made = False
for base, power in physical_type_id:
if base in ["deg_F", "deg_C", "deg_R"]:
base = "K"
substitution_was_made = True
physical_type_id_components.append((base, power))
if substitution_was_made:
return core.Unit._from_physical_type_id(tuple(physical_type_id_components))
return unit
def _standardize_physical_type_names(physical_type_input):
Convert a string or `set` of strings into a `set` containing
string representations of physical types.
The strings provided in ``physical_type_input`` can each contain
multiple physical types that are separated by a regular slash.
Underscores are treated as spaces so that variable names could
be identical to physical type names.
if isinstance(physical_type_input, str):
physical_type_input = {physical_type_input}
standardized_physical_types = set()
for ptype_input in physical_type_input:
if not isinstance(ptype_input, str):
raise ValueError(f"expecting a string, but got {ptype_input}")
input_set = set(ptype_input.split("/"))
processed_set = {s.strip().replace("_", " ") for s in input_set}
standardized_physical_types |= processed_set
return standardized_physical_types
class PhysicalType:
Represents the physical type(s) that are dimensionally compatible
with a set of units.
Instances of this class should be accessed through either
`get_physical_type` or by using the
`~astropy.units.core.UnitBase.physical_type` attribute of units.
This class is not intended to be instantiated directly in user code.
For a list of physical types, see `astropy.units.physical`.
unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`
The unit to be represented by the physical type.
physical_types : `str` or `set` of `str`
A `str` representing the name of the physical type of the unit,
or a `set` containing strings that represent one or more names
of physical types.
A physical type will be considered equal to an equivalent
`PhysicalType` instance (recommended) or a string that contains a
name of the physical type. The latter method is not recommended
in packages, as the names of some physical types may change in the
To maintain backwards compatibility, two physical type names may be
included in one string if they are separated with a slash (e.g.,
``"momentum/impulse"``). String representations of physical types
may include underscores instead of spaces.
`PhysicalType` instances may be accessed via the
`~astropy.units.core.UnitBase.physical_type` attribute of units.
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> u.meter.physical_type
`PhysicalType` instances may also be accessed by calling
`get_physical_type`. This function will accept a unit, a string
containing the name of a physical type, or the number one.
>>> u.get_physical_type(u.m ** -3)
PhysicalType('number density')
>>> u.get_physical_type("volume")
>>> u.get_physical_type(1)
Some units are dimensionally compatible with multiple physical types.
A pascal is intended to represent pressure and stress, but the unit
decomposition is equivalent to that of energy density.
>>> pressure = u.get_physical_type("pressure")
>>> pressure
PhysicalType({'energy density', 'pressure', 'stress'})
>>> 'energy density' in pressure
Physical types can be tested for equality against other physical
type objects or against strings that may contain the name of a
physical type.
>>> area = (u.m ** 2).physical_type
>>> area == u.barn.physical_type
>>> area == "area"
Multiplication, division, and exponentiation are enabled so that
physical types may be used for dimensional analysis.
>>> length = u.pc.physical_type
>>> area = (u.cm ** 2).physical_type
>>> length * area
>>> area / length
>>> length ** 3
may also be performed using a string that contains the name of a
physical type.
>>> "length" * area
>>> "area" / length
Unknown physical types are labelled as ``"unknown"``.
>>> (u.s ** 13).physical_type
Dimensional analysis may be performed for unknown physical types too.
>>> length_to_19th_power = (u.m ** 19).physical_type
>>> length_to_20th_power = (u.m ** 20).physical_type
>>> length_to_20th_power / length_to_19th_power
def __init__(self, unit, physical_types):
self._unit = _replace_temperatures_with_kelvin(unit)
self._physical_type = _standardize_physical_type_names(physical_types)
self._physical_type_list = sorted(self._physical_type)
def __iter__(self):
yield from self._physical_type_list
def __eq__(self, other):
Return `True` if ``other`` represents a physical type that is
consistent with the physical type of the `PhysicalType` instance.
if isinstance(other, PhysicalType):
return self._unit._physical_type_id == other._unit._physical_type_id
elif isinstance(other, str):
other = _standardize_physical_type_names(other)
return other.issubset(self._physical_type)
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
equality = self.__eq__(other)
return not equality if isinstance(equality, bool) else NotImplemented
def _name_string_as_ordered_set(self):
return "{" + str(self._physical_type_list)[1:-1] + "}"
def __repr__(self):
if len(self._physical_type) == 1:
names = "'" + self._physical_type_list[0] + "'"
names = self._name_string_as_ordered_set()
return f"PhysicalType({names})"
def __str__(self):
return "/".join(self._physical_type_list)
def _dimensionally_compatible_unit(obj):
Return a unit that corresponds to the provided argument.
If a unit is passed in, return that unit. If a physical type
(or a `str` with the name of a physical type) is passed in,
return a unit that corresponds to that physical type. If the
number equal to ``1`` is passed in, return a dimensionless unit.
Otherwise, return `NotImplemented`.
if isinstance(obj, core.UnitBase):
return _replace_temperatures_with_kelvin(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, PhysicalType):
return obj._unit
elif isinstance(obj, numbers.Real) and obj == 1:
return core.dimensionless_unscaled
elif isinstance(obj, str):
return _physical_type_from_str(obj)._unit
return NotImplemented
def _dimensional_analysis(self, other, operation):
other_unit = self._dimensionally_compatible_unit(other)
if other_unit is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
other_unit = _replace_temperatures_with_kelvin(other_unit)
new_unit = getattr(self._unit, operation)(other_unit)
return new_unit.physical_type
def __mul__(self, other):
return self._dimensional_analysis(other, "__mul__")
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self.__mul__(other)
def __truediv__(self, other):
return self._dimensional_analysis(other, "__truediv__")
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
other = self._dimensionally_compatible_unit(other)
if other is NotImplemented:
return NotImplemented
return other.physical_type._dimensional_analysis(self, "__truediv__")
def __pow__(self, power):
return (self._unit**power).physical_type
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._unit._physical_type_id)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._physical_type)
# We need to prevent operations like where a Unit instance left
# multiplies a PhysicalType instance from returning a `Quantity`
# instance with a PhysicalType as the value. We can do this by
# preventing np.array from casting a PhysicalType instance as
# an object array.
__array__ = None
def def_physical_type(unit, name):
Add a mapping between a unit and the corresponding physical type(s).
If a physical type already exists for a unit, add new physical type
names so long as those names are not already in use for other
physical types.
unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`
The unit to be represented by the physical type.
name : `str` or `set` of `str`
A `str` representing the name of the physical type of the unit,
or a `set` containing strings that represent one or more names
of physical types.
If a physical type name is already in use for another unit, or
if attempting to name a unit as ``"unknown"``.
For a list of physical types, see `astropy.units.physical`.
physical_type_id = unit._physical_type_id
physical_type_names = _standardize_physical_type_names(name)
if "unknown" in physical_type_names:
raise ValueError("cannot uniquely define an unknown physical type")
names_for_other_units = set(_unit_physical_mapping.keys()).difference(
_physical_unit_mapping.get(physical_type_id, {})
names_already_in_use = physical_type_names & names_for_other_units
if names_already_in_use:
raise ValueError(
"the following physical type names are already in use: "
unit_already_in_use = physical_type_id in _physical_unit_mapping
if unit_already_in_use:
physical_type = _physical_unit_mapping[physical_type_id]
physical_type_names |= set(physical_type)
physical_type.__init__(unit, physical_type_names)
physical_type = PhysicalType(unit, physical_type_names)
_physical_unit_mapping[physical_type_id] = physical_type
for ptype in physical_type:
_unit_physical_mapping[ptype] = physical_type_id
for ptype_name in physical_type_names:
_name_physical_mapping[ptype_name] = physical_type
# attribute-accessible name
attr_name = ptype_name.replace(" ", "_").replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
_attrname_physical_mapping[attr_name] = physical_type
def get_physical_type(obj):
Return the physical type that corresponds to a unit (or another
physical type representation).
obj : quantity-like or `~astropy.units.PhysicalType`-like
An object that (implicitly or explicitly) has a corresponding
physical type. This object may be a unit, a
`~astropy.units.Quantity`, an object that can be converted to a
`~astropy.units.Quantity` (such as a number or array), a string
that contains a name of a physical type, or a
`~astropy.units.PhysicalType` instance.
A representation of the physical type(s) of the unit.
For a list of physical types, see `astropy.units.physical`.
The physical type may be retrieved from a unit or a
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> u.get_physical_type(u.meter ** -2)
PhysicalType('column density')
>>> u.get_physical_type(0.62 * u.barn * u.Mpc)
The physical type may also be retrieved by providing a `str` that
contains the name of a physical type.
>>> u.get_physical_type("energy")
PhysicalType({'energy', 'torque', 'work'})
Numbers and arrays of numbers correspond to a dimensionless physical
>>> u.get_physical_type(1)
if isinstance(obj, PhysicalType):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, str):
return _physical_type_from_str(obj)
if isinstance(obj, core.UnitBase):
unit = obj
unit = quantity.Quantity(obj, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED).unit
except TypeError as exc:
raise TypeError(f"{obj} does not correspond to a physical type.") from exc
unit = _replace_temperatures_with_kelvin(unit)
physical_type_id = unit._physical_type_id
unit_has_known_physical_type = physical_type_id in _physical_unit_mapping
if unit_has_known_physical_type:
return _physical_unit_mapping[physical_type_id]
return PhysicalType(unit, "unknown")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script section creating the physical types and the documentation
# define the physical types
for unit, physical_type in _units_and_physical_types:
def_physical_type(unit, physical_type)
# For getting the physical types.
def __getattr__(name):
"""Checks for physical types using lazy import.
This also allows user-defined physical types to be accessible from the
:mod:`astropy.units.physical` module.
See `PEP 562 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0562/>`_
name : str
The name of the attribute in this module. If it is already defined,
then this function is not called.
ptype : `~astropy.units.physical.PhysicalType`
If the ``name`` does not correspond to a physical type
if name in _attrname_physical_mapping:
return _attrname_physical_mapping[name]
raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}")
def __dir__():
"""Return contents directory (__all__ + all physical type names)."""
return list(set(__all__) | set(_attrname_physical_mapping.keys()))
# This generates a docstring addition for this module that describes all of the
# standard physical types defined here.
if __doc__ is not None:
doclines = [
".. list-table:: Defined Physical Types",
" :header-rows: 1",
" :widths: 30 10 50",
" * - Physical type",
" - Unit",
" - Other physical type(s) with same unit",
for name in sorted(_name_physical_mapping.keys()):
physical_type = _name_physical_mapping[name]
doclines += [
f" * - _`{name}`",
f" - :math:`{physical_type._unit.to_string('latex')[1:-1]}`",
f" - {', '.join([n for n in physical_type if n != name])}",
__doc__ += "\n\n" + "\n".join(doclines)
del unit, physical_type