Source code for
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import warnings
import numpy as np
from import fits, registry
from astropy.table import MaskedColumn, Table
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy.timeseries.sampled import TimeSeries
__all__ = ["kepler_fits_reader"]
def kepler_fits_reader(filename, unit_parse_strict="warn"):
This serves as the FITS reader for KEPLER or TESS files within
This function should generally not be called directly, and instead this
time series reader should be accessed with the
:meth:`` method::
>>> from astropy.timeseries import TimeSeries
>>> ts ='kplr33122.fits', format='kepler.fits') # doctest: +SKIP
filename : `str` or `pathlib.Path`
File to load.
unit_parse_strict : str, optional
Behaviour when encountering invalid column units in the FITS header.
Default is "warn", which will emit a ``UnitsWarning`` and create a
Values are the ones allowed by the ``parse_strict`` argument of
:class:`~astropy.units.core.Unit`: ``raise``, ``warn`` and ``silent``.
ts : `~astropy.timeseries.TimeSeries`
Data converted into a TimeSeries.
hdulist =
# Get the lightcurve HDU
telescope = hdulist[0].header["telescop"].lower()
if telescope == "tess":
hdu = hdulist["LIGHTCURVE"]
elif telescope == "kepler":
hdu = hdulist[1]
raise NotImplementedError(
f"{hdulist[0].header['telescop']} is not implemented, only KEPLER or TESS"
" are supported through this reader"
if hdu.header["EXTVER"] > 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Support for {hdu.header['TELESCOP']} v{hdu.header['EXTVER']} files not"
" yet implemented"
# Check time scale
if hdu.header["TIMESYS"] != "TDB":
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Support for {hdu.header['TIMESYS']} time scale not yet implemented in"
f" {hdu.header['TELESCOP']} reader"
tab =, format="fits", unit_parse_strict=unit_parse_strict)
# Some KEPLER files have a T column instead of TIME.
if "T" in tab.colnames:
tab.rename_column("T", "TIME")
for colname in tab.colnames:
unit = tab[colname].unit
# Make masks nan for any column which will turn into a Quantity
# later. TODO: remove once we support Masked Quantities properly?
if unit and isinstance(tab[colname], MaskedColumn):
tab[colname] = tab[colname].filled(np.nan)
# Fix units
if unit == "e-/s":
tab[colname].unit = "electron/s"
if unit == "pixels":
tab[colname].unit = "pixel"
# Rename columns to lowercase
tab.rename_column(colname, colname.lower())
# Filter out NaN rows
nans = np.isnan(tab["time"].data)
if np.any(nans):
warnings.warn(f"Ignoring {np.sum(nans)} rows with NaN times")
tab = tab[~nans]
# Time column is dependent on source and we correct it here
reference_date = Time(
time = reference_date + TimeDelta(tab["time"].data, format="jd")
time.format = "isot"
# Remove original time column
return TimeSeries(time=time, data=tab)
registry.register_reader("kepler.fits", TimeSeries, kepler_fits_reader)
registry.register_reader("tess.fits", TimeSeries, kepler_fits_reader)