# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""VOTable exceptions and warnings.
.. _warnings:
.. note::
Most of the following warnings indicate violations of the VOTable
specification. They should be reported to the authors of the
tools that produced the VOTable file.
To control the warnings emitted, use the standard Python
:mod:`warnings` module and the ``astropy.io.votable.exceptions.conf.max_warnings``
configuration item. Most of these are of the type `VOTableSpecWarning`.
.. _exceptions:
.. note::
This is a list of many of the fatal exceptions emitted by ``astropy.io.votable``
when the file does not conform to spec. Other exceptions may be
raised due to unforeseen cases or bugs in ``astropy.io.votable`` itself.
import io
import re
from textwrap import dedent
from warnings import warn
from astropy import config as _config
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
__all__ = [
# NOTE: Cannot put this in __init__.py due to circular import.
class Conf(_config.ConfigNamespace):
Configuration parameters for `astropy.io.votable.exceptions`.
max_warnings = _config.ConfigItem(
"Number of times the same type of warning is displayed before being suppressed",
conf = Conf()
def _format_message(message, name, config=None, pos=None):
if config is None:
config = {}
if pos is None:
pos = ("?", "?")
filename = config.get("filename", "?")
return f"{filename}:{pos[0]}:{pos[1]}: {name}: {message}"
def _suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=2):
warning_class = type(warning)
config.setdefault("_warning_counts", {}).setdefault(warning_class, 0)
config["_warning_counts"][warning_class] += 1
message_count = config["_warning_counts"][warning_class]
if message_count <= conf.max_warnings:
if message_count == conf.max_warnings:
warning.formatted_message += (
" (suppressing further warnings of this type...)"
warn(warning, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
def warn_or_raise(
warning_class, exception_class=None, args=(), config=None, pos=None, stacklevel=1
Warn or raise an exception, depending on the verify setting.
if config is None:
config = {}
# NOTE: the default here is deliberately warn rather than ignore, since
# one would expect that calling warn_or_raise without config should not
# silence the warnings.
config_value = config.get("verify", "warn")
if config_value == "exception":
if exception_class is None:
exception_class = warning_class
vo_raise(exception_class, args, config, pos)
elif config_value == "warn":
vo_warn(warning_class, args, config, pos, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
def vo_raise(exception_class, args=(), config=None, pos=None):
Raise an exception, with proper position information if available.
if config is None:
config = {}
raise exception_class(args, config, pos)
def vo_reraise(exc, config=None, pos=None, additional=""):
Raise an exception, with proper position information if available.
Restores the original traceback of the exception, and should only
be called within an "except:" block of code.
if config is None:
config = {}
message = _format_message(str(exc), exc.__class__.__name__, config, pos)
if message.split()[0] == str(exc).split()[0]:
message = str(exc)
if len(additional):
message += " " + additional
exc.args = (message,)
raise exc
def vo_warn(warning_class, args=(), config=None, pos=None, stacklevel=1):
Warn, with proper position information if available.
if config is None:
config = {}
# NOTE: the default here is deliberately warn rather than ignore, since
# one would expect that calling warn_or_raise without config should not
# silence the warnings.
if config.get("verify", "warn") != "ignore":
warning = warning_class(args, config, pos)
_suppressed_warning(warning, config, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
def warn_unknown_attrs(element, attrs, config, pos, good_attr=[], stacklevel=1):
for attr in attrs:
if attr not in good_attr:
vo_warn(W48, (attr, element), config, pos, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
_warning_pat = re.compile(
r":?(?P<nline>[0-9?]+):(?P<nchar>[0-9?]+): "
r"((?P<warning>[WE]\d+): )?(?P<rest>.*)$"
def parse_vowarning(line):
Parses the vo warning string back into its parts.
result = {}
match = _warning_pat.search(line)
if match:
result["warning"] = warning = match.group("warning")
if warning is not None:
result["is_warning"] = warning[0].upper() == "W"
result["is_exception"] = not result["is_warning"]
result["number"] = int(match.group("warning")[1:])
result["doc_url"] = f"io/votable/api_exceptions.html#{warning.lower()}"
result["is_warning"] = False
result["is_exception"] = False
result["is_other"] = True
result["number"] = None
result["doc_url"] = None
result["nline"] = int(match.group("nline"))
except ValueError:
result["nline"] = 0
result["nchar"] = int(match.group("nchar"))
except ValueError:
result["nchar"] = 0
result["message"] = match.group("rest")
result["is_something"] = True
result["warning"] = None
result["is_warning"] = False
result["is_exception"] = False
result["is_other"] = False
result["is_something"] = False
if not isinstance(line, str):
line = line.decode("utf-8")
result["message"] = line
return result
class VOWarning(AstropyWarning):
The base class of all VO warnings and exceptions.
Handles the formatting of the message with a warning or exception
code, filename, line and column number.
default_args = ()
message_template = ""
def __init__(self, args, config=None, pos=None):
if config is None:
config = {}
if not isinstance(args, tuple):
args = (args,)
msg = self.message_template.format(*args)
self.formatted_message = _format_message(
msg, self.__class__.__name__, config, pos
Warning.__init__(self, self.formatted_message)
def __str__(self):
return self.formatted_message
def get_short_name(cls):
if len(cls.default_args):
return cls.message_template.format(*cls.default_args)
return cls.message_template
class VOTableChangeWarning(VOWarning, SyntaxWarning):
A change has been made to the input XML file.
class VOTableSpecWarning(VOWarning, SyntaxWarning):
The input XML file violates the spec, but there is an obvious workaround.
class ModelMappingSpecWarning(VOWarning, SyntaxWarning):
The input model mapping XML mapping block violates the spec.
class UnimplementedWarning(VOWarning, SyntaxWarning):
A feature of the VOTABLE_ spec is not implemented.
class IOWarning(VOWarning, RuntimeWarning):
A network or IO error occurred, but was recovered using the cache.
class VOTableSpecError(VOWarning, ValueError):
The input XML file violates the spec and there is no good workaround.
class W01(VOTableSpecWarning):
"""Array uses commas rather than whitespace.
The VOTable spec states:
If a cell contains an array or complex number, it should be
encoded as multiple numbers separated by whitespace.
Many VOTable files in the wild use commas as a separator instead,
and ``astropy.io.votable`` can support this convention depending on the
:ref:`astropy:verifying-votables` setting.
``astropy.io.votable`` always outputs files using only spaces, regardless of
how they were input.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Array uses commas rather than whitespace"
class W02(VOTableSpecWarning):
r"""Nonstandard XML id.
XML ids must match the following regular expression::
The VOTable 1.1 says the following:
According to the XML standard, the attribute ``ID`` is a
string beginning with a letter or underscore (``_``), followed
by a sequence of letters, digits, or any of the punctuation
characters ``.`` (dot), ``-`` (dash), ``_`` (underscore), or
``:`` (colon).
However, this is in conflict with the XML standard, which says
colons may not be used. VOTable 1.1's own schema does not allow a
colon here. Therefore, ``astropy.io.votable`` disallows the colon.
VOTable 1.2 corrects this error in the specification.
**References**: `1.1
`XML Names <https://www.w3.org/TR/xml-names/>`__
message_template = "{} attribute '{}' is invalid. Must be a standard XML id"
default_args = ("x", "y")
class W03(VOTableChangeWarning):
"""Implicitly generating an ID from a name.
The VOTable 1.1 spec says the following about ``name`` vs. ``ID``
on ``FIELD`` and ``VALUE`` elements:
``ID`` and ``name`` attributes have a different role in
VOTable: the ``ID`` is meant as a *unique identifier* of an
element seen as a VOTable component, while the ``name`` is
meant for presentation purposes, and need not to be unique
throughout the VOTable document. The ``ID`` attribute is
therefore required in the elements which have to be
referenced, but in principle any element may have an ``ID``
attribute. ... In summary, the ``ID`` is different from the
``name`` attribute in that (a) the ``ID`` attribute is made
from a restricted character set, and must be unique throughout
a VOTable document whereas names are standard XML attributes
and need not be unique; and (b) there should be support in the
parsing software to look up references and extract the
relevant element with matching ``ID``.
It is further recommended in the VOTable 1.2 spec:
While the ``ID`` attribute has to be unique in a VOTable
document, the ``name`` attribute need not. It is however
recommended, as a good practice, to assign unique names within
a ``TABLE`` element. This recommendation means that, between a
``TABLE`` and its corresponding closing ``TABLE`` tag,
``name`` attributes of ``FIELD``, ``PARAM`` and optional
``GROUP`` elements should be all different.
Since ``astropy.io.votable`` requires a unique identifier for each of its
columns, ``ID`` is used for the column name when present.
However, when ``ID`` is not present, (since it is not required by
the specification) ``name`` is used instead. However, ``name``
must be cleansed by replacing invalid characters (such as
whitespace) with underscores.
.. note::
This warning does not indicate that the input file is invalid
with respect to the VOTable specification, only that the
column names in the record array may not match exactly the
``name`` attributes specified in the file.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Implicitly generating an ID from a name '{}' -> '{}'"
default_args = ("x", "y")
class W04(VOTableSpecWarning):
The ``content-type`` attribute must use MIME content-type syntax as
defined in `RFC 2046 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2046>`__.
The current check for validity is somewhat over-permissive.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "content-type '{}' must be a valid MIME content type"
default_args = ("x",)
class W05(VOTableSpecWarning):
The attribute must be a valid URI as defined in `RFC 2396
message_template = "'{}' is not a valid URI"
default_args = ("x",)
class W06(VOTableSpecWarning):
This warning is emitted when a ``ucd`` attribute does not match
the syntax of a `unified content descriptor
If the VOTable version is 1.2 or later, the UCD will also be
checked to ensure it conforms to the controlled vocabulary defined
by UCD1+.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Invalid UCD '{}': {}"
default_args = ("x", "explanation")
class W07(VOTableSpecWarning):
"""Invalid astroYear.
As astro year field is a Besselian or Julian year matching the
regular expression::
Defined in this XML Schema snippet::
<xs:simpleType name="astroYear">
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:pattern value="[JB]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]*)?"/>
message_template = "Invalid astroYear in {}: '{}'"
default_args = ("x", "y")
class W08(VOTableSpecWarning):
To avoid local-dependent number parsing differences, ``astropy.io.votable``
may require a string or unicode string where a numeric type may
make more sense.
message_template = "'{}' must be a str or bytes object"
default_args = ("x",)
class W09(VOTableSpecWarning):
The VOTable specification uses the attribute name ``ID`` (with
uppercase letters) to specify unique identifiers. Some
VOTable-producing tools use the more standard lowercase ``id``
instead. ``astropy.io.votable`` accepts ``id`` and emits this warning if
``verify`` is ``'warn'``.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "ID attribute not capitalized"
class W10(VOTableSpecWarning):
The parser has encountered an element that does not exist in the
specification, or appears in an invalid context. Check the file
against the VOTable schema (with a tool such as `xmllint
<http://xmlsoft.org/xmllint.html>`__. If the file validates
against the schema, and you still receive this warning, this may
indicate a bug in ``astropy.io.votable``.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Unknown tag '{}'. Ignoring"
default_args = ("x",)
class W11(VOTableSpecWarning):
Earlier versions of the VOTable specification used a ``gref``
attribute on the ``LINK`` element to specify a `GLU reference
<http://aladin.unistra.fr/glu/>`__. New files should
specify a ``glu:`` protocol using the ``href`` attribute.
Since ``astropy.io.votable`` does not currently support GLU references, it
likewise does not automatically convert the ``gref`` attribute to
the new form.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "The gref attribute on LINK is deprecated in VOTable 1.1"
class W12(VOTableChangeWarning):
In order to name the columns of the Numpy record array, each
``FIELD`` element must have either an ``ID`` or ``name`` attribute
to derive a name from. Strictly speaking, according to the
VOTable schema, the ``name`` attribute is required. However, if
``name`` is not present by ``ID`` is, and ``verify`` is not ``'exception'``,
``astropy.io.votable`` will continue without a ``name`` defined.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = (
"'{}' element must have at least one of 'ID' or 'name' attributes"
default_args = ("x",)
class W13(VOTableSpecWarning):
"""Invalid VOTable datatype.
Some VOTable files in the wild use non-standard datatype names. These
are mapped to standard ones using the following mapping::
string -> char
unicodeString -> unicodeChar
int16 -> short
int32 -> int
int64 -> long
float32 -> float
float64 -> double
unsignedInt -> long
unsignedShort -> int
To add more datatype mappings during parsing, use the
``datatype_mapping`` keyword to `astropy.io.votable.parse`.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "'{}' is not a valid VOTable datatype, should be '{}'"
default_args = ("x", "y")
# W14: Deprecated
class W15(VOTableSpecWarning):
The ``name`` attribute is required on every ``FIELD`` element.
However, many VOTable files in the wild omit it and provide only
an ``ID`` instead. In this case, when ``verify`` is not ``'exception'``
``astropy.io.votable`` will copy the ``name`` attribute to a new ``ID``
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "{} element missing required 'name' attribute"
default_args = ("x",)
# W16: Deprecated
class W17(VOTableSpecWarning):
A ``DESCRIPTION`` element can only appear once within its parent
According to the schema, it may only occur once (`1.1
However, it is a `proposed extension
to VOTable 1.2.
message_template = "{} element contains more than one DESCRIPTION element"
default_args = ("x",)
class W18(VOTableSpecWarning):
The number of rows explicitly specified in the ``nrows`` attribute
does not match the actual number of rows (``TR`` elements) present
in the ``TABLE``. This may indicate truncation of the file, or an
internal error in the tool that produced it. If ``verify`` is not
``'exception'``, parsing will proceed, with the loss of some performance.
**References:** `1.1
message_template = "TABLE specified nrows={}, but table contains {} rows"
default_args = ("x", "y")
class W19(VOTableSpecWarning):
The column fields as defined using ``FIELD`` elements do not match
those in the headers of the embedded FITS file. If ``verify`` is not
``'exception'``, the embedded FITS file will take precedence.
message_template = (
"The fields defined in the VOTable do not match those in the "
"embedded FITS file"
class W20(VOTableSpecWarning):
If no version number is explicitly given in the VOTable file, the
parser assumes it is written to the VOTable 1.1 specification.
message_template = "No version number specified in file. Assuming {}"
default_args = ("1.1",)
class W21(UnimplementedWarning):
Unknown issues may arise using ``astropy.io.votable`` with VOTable files
from a version not in 1.1 through 1.5.
message_template = (
"astropy.io.votable is designed for VOTable versions 1.1 through 1.5,"
" but this file is {}"
default_args = ("x",)
class W22(VOTableSpecWarning):
Version 1.0 of the VOTable specification used the ``DEFINITIONS``
element to define coordinate systems. Version 1.1 now uses
``COOSYS`` elements throughout the document.
**References:** `1.1
message_template = "The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1. Ignoring"
class W23(IOWarning):
Raised when the VO service database can not be updated (possibly
due to a network outage). This is only a warning, since an older
and possible out-of-date VO service database was available
message_template = "Unable to update service information for '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class W24(VOWarning, FutureWarning):
The VO catalog database retrieved from the www is designed for a
newer version of ``astropy.io.votable``. This may cause problems or limited
features performing service queries. Consider upgrading ``astropy.io.votable``
to the latest version.
message_template = (
"The VO catalog database is for a later version of astropy.io.votable"
class W25(IOWarning):
A VO service query failed due to a network error or malformed
arguments. Another alternative service may be attempted. If all
services fail, an exception will be raised.
message_template = "'{}' failed with: {}"
default_args = ("service", "...")
class W26(VOTableSpecWarning):
The given element was not supported inside of the given element
until the specified VOTable version, however the version declared
in the file is for an earlier version. These attributes may not
be written out to the file.
message_template = "'{}' inside '{}' added in VOTable {}"
default_args = ("child", "parent", "X.X")
class W27(VOTableSpecWarning):
The ``COOSYS`` element was deprecated in VOTABLE version 1.2 in
favor of a reference to the Space-Time Coordinate (STC) data
model (see `utype
and the IVOA note `referencing STC in VOTable
message_template = "COOSYS deprecated in VOTable 1.2"
class W28(VOTableSpecWarning):
The given attribute was not supported on the given element until the
specified VOTable version, however the version declared in the file is
for an earlier version. These attributes may not be written out to
the file.
message_template = "'{}' on '{}' added in VOTable {}"
default_args = ("attribute", "element", "X.X")
class W29(VOTableSpecWarning):
Some VOTable files specify their version number in the form "v1.0",
when the only supported forms in the spec are "1.0".
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Version specified in non-standard form '{}'"
default_args = ("v1.0",)
class W30(VOTableSpecWarning):
Some VOTable files write missing floating-point values in non-standard ways,
such as "null" and "-". If ``verify`` is not ``'exception'``, any
non-standard floating-point literals are treated as missing values.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Invalid literal for float '{}'. Treating as empty."
default_args = ("x",)
class W31(VOTableSpecWarning):
Since NaN's can not be represented in integer fields directly, a null
value must be specified in the FIELD descriptor to support reading
NaN's from the tabledata.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "NaN given in an integral field without a specified null value"
class W32(VOTableSpecWarning):
Each field in a table must have a unique ID. If two or more fields
have the same ID, some will be renamed to ensure that all IDs are
From the VOTable 1.2 spec:
The ``ID`` and ``ref`` attributes are defined as XML types
``ID`` and ``IDREF`` respectively. This means that the
contents of ``ID`` is an identifier which must be unique
throughout a VOTable document, and that the contents of the
``ref`` attribute represents a reference to an identifier
which must exist in the VOTable document.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Duplicate ID '{}' renamed to '{}' to ensure uniqueness"
default_args = ("x", "x_2")
class W33(VOTableChangeWarning):
Each field in a table must have a unique name. If two or more
fields have the same name, some will be renamed to ensure that all
names are unique.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Column name '{}' renamed to '{}' to ensure uniqueness"
default_args = ("x", "x_2")
class W34(VOTableSpecWarning):
The attribute requires the value to be a valid XML token, as
defined by `XML 1.0
message_template = "'{}' is an invalid token for attribute '{}'"
default_args = ("x", "y")
class W35(VOTableSpecWarning):
The ``name`` and ``value`` attributes are required on all ``INFO``
**References:** `1.1
message_template = "'{}' attribute required for INFO elements"
default_args = ("x",)
class W36(VOTableSpecWarning):
If the field specifies a ``null`` value, that value must conform
to the given ``datatype``.
**References:** `1.1
message_template = "null value '{}' does not match field datatype, setting to 0"
default_args = ("x",)
class W37(UnimplementedWarning):
The 3 datatypes defined in the VOTable specification and supported by
``astropy.io.votable`` are ``TABLEDATA``, ``BINARY``, and ``FITS``.
In addition, ``astropy.io.votable`` also supports ``PARQUET`` serialization, which is
a candidate for addition to the VOTable specification.
**References:** `1.1
message_template = "Unsupported data format '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class W38(VOTableSpecWarning):
The only encoding for local binary data supported by the VOTable
specification is base64.
message_template = "Inline binary data must be base64 encoded, got '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class W39(VOTableSpecWarning):
Bit values do not support masking. This warning is raised upon
setting masked data in a bit column.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Bit values can not be masked"
class W40(VOTableSpecWarning):
This is a terrible hack to support Simple Image Access Protocol
results from `NOIRLab Astro Data Archive <https://astroarchive.noirlab.edu/>`__. It
creates a field for the coordinate projection type of type "double",
which actually contains character data. We have to hack the field
to store character data, or we can't read it in. A warning will be
raised when this happens.
message_template = "'cprojection' datatype repaired"
class W41(VOTableSpecWarning):
An XML namespace was specified on the ``VOTABLE`` element, but the
namespace does not match what is expected for a ``VOTABLE`` file.
The ``VOTABLE`` namespace is::
where "X.X" is the version number.
Some files in the wild set the namespace to the location of the
VOTable schema, which is not correct and will not pass some
validating parsers.
message_template = (
"An XML namespace is specified, but is incorrect. Expected '{}', got '{}'"
default_args = ("x", "y")
class W42(VOTableSpecWarning):
"""The root element should specify a namespace.
The ``VOTABLE`` namespace is::
where "X.X" is the version number.
message_template = "No XML namespace specified"
class W43(VOTableSpecWarning):
"""Referenced elements should be defined before referees.
From the VOTable 1.2 spec:
In VOTable1.2, it is further recommended to place the ID
attribute prior to referencing it whenever possible.
message_template = "{} ref='{}' which has not already been defined"
default_args = ("element", "x")
class W44(VOTableSpecWarning):
``VALUES`` elements that reference another element should not have
their own content.
From the VOTable 1.2 spec:
The ``ref`` attribute of a ``VALUES`` element can be used to
avoid a repetition of the domain definition, by referring to a
previously defined ``VALUES`` element having the referenced
``ID`` attribute. When specified, the ``ref`` attribute
defines completely the domain without any other element or
attribute, as e.g. ``<VALUES ref="RAdomain"/>``
message_template = "VALUES element with ref attribute has content ('{}')"
default_args = ("element",)
class W45(VOWarning, ValueError):
"""Invalid content-role attribute.
The ``content-role`` attribute on the ``LINK`` element must be one of
the following::
query, hints, doc, location
And in VOTable 1.3, additionally::
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "content-role attribute '{}' invalid"
default_args = ("x",)
class W46(VOTableSpecWarning):
The given char or unicode string is too long for the specified
field length.
message_template = "{} value is too long for specified length of {}"
default_args = ("char or unicode", "x")
class W47(VOTableSpecWarning):
If no arraysize is specified on a char field, the default of '1'
is implied, but this is rarely what is intended.
message_template = "Missing arraysize indicates length 1"
class W48(VOTableSpecWarning):
The attribute is not defined in the specification.
message_template = "Unknown attribute '{}' on {}"
default_args = ("attribute", "element")
class W49(VOTableSpecWarning):
Prior to VOTable 1.3, the empty cell was illegal for integer
If a \"null\" value was specified for the cell, it will be used
for the value, otherwise, 0 will be used.
message_template = "Empty cell illegal for integer fields."
class W50(VOTableSpecWarning):
Invalid unit string as defined in the `Units in the VO, Version 1.0
<https://www.ivoa.net/documents/VOUnits>`_ (VOTable version >= 1.4)
or `Standards for Astronomical Catalogues, Version 2.0
<https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/doc/catstd-3.2.htx>`_ (version < 1.4).
Consider passing an explicit ``unit_format`` parameter if the units
in this file conform to another specification.
message_template = "Invalid unit string '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class W51(VOTableSpecWarning):
The integer value is out of range for the size of the field.
message_template = "Value '{}' is out of range for a {} integer field"
default_args = ("x", "n-bit")
class W52(VOTableSpecWarning):
The BINARY2 format was introduced in VOTable 1.3. It should
not be present in files marked as an earlier version.
message_template = (
"The BINARY2 format was introduced in VOTable 1.3, but "
"this file is declared as version '{}'"
default_args = ("1.2",)
class W53(VOTableSpecWarning):
The VOTABLE element must contain at least one RESOURCE element.
message_template = "VOTABLE element must contain at least one RESOURCE element."
default_args = ()
class W54(VOTableSpecWarning):
The TIMESYS element was introduced in VOTable 1.4. It should
not be present in files marked as an earlier version.
message_template = (
"The TIMESYS element was introduced in VOTable 1.4, but "
"this file is declared as version '{}'"
default_args = ("1.3",)
class W55(VOTableSpecWarning):
When non-ASCII characters are detected when reading
a TABLEDATA value for a FIELD with ``datatype="char"``, we
can issue this warning.
message_template = (
'FIELD ({}) has datatype="char" but contains non-ASCII value ({})'
default_args = ("", "")
class W56(VOTableSpecWarning):
The column fields as defined using ``FIELD`` elements do not match
those in the headers of the embedded PARQUET file. If ``verify`` is not
``'exception'``, the embedded PARQUET file will take precedence.
message_template = (
"The fields defined in the VOTable do not match those in the "
"embedded PARQUET file"
class W57(VOTableSpecWarning):
The ``refposition`` attribute on the ``COOSYS`` element is only allowed on
VOTABLE versions 1.5 and greater.
favor of a reference to the Space-Time Coordinate (STC) data
model (see `utype
and the IVOA note `referencing STC in VOTable
message_template = "refposition only allowed on VOTABLE v1.5 and greater"
class E01(VOWarning, ValueError):
"""Invalid size specifier for a field.
The size specifier for a ``char`` or ``unicode`` field must be
only a number followed, optionally, by an asterisk.
Multi-dimensional size specifiers are not supported for these
Strings, which are defined as a set of characters, can be
represented in VOTable as a fixed- or variable-length array of
<FIELD name="unboundedString" datatype="char" arraysize="*"/>
A 1D array of strings can be represented as a 2D array of
characters, but given the logic above, it is possible to define a
variable-length array of fixed-length strings, but not a
fixed-length array of variable-length strings.
message_template = "Invalid size specifier '{}' for a {} field (in field '{}')"
default_args = ("x", "char/unicode", "y")
class E02(VOWarning, ValueError):
"""Incorrect number of elements in array.
The number of array elements in the data does not match that specified
in the FIELD specifier.
message_template = (
"Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of {}, got {}"
default_args = ("x", "y")
class E03(VOWarning, ValueError):
"""Complex numbers should be two values separated by whitespace.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "'{}' does not parse as a complex number"
default_args = ("x",)
class E04(VOWarning, ValueError):
"""A ``bit`` array should be a string of '0's and '1's.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Invalid bit value '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class E05(VOWarning, ValueError):
r"""Invalid boolean value.
A ``boolean`` value should be one of the following strings (case
insensitive) in the ``TABLEDATA`` format::
'TRUE', 'FALSE', '1', '0', 'T', 'F', '\0', ' ', '?'
and in ``BINARY`` format::
'T', 'F', '1', '0', '\0', ' ', '?'
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Invalid boolean value '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class E06(VOWarning, ValueError):
"""Unknown datatype on a field.
The supported datatypes are::
double, float, bit, boolean, unsignedByte, short, int, long,
floatComplex, doubleComplex, char, unicodeChar
The following non-standard aliases are also supported, but in
these case :ref:`W13 <W13>` will be raised::
string -> char
unicodeString -> unicodeChar
int16 -> short
int32 -> int
int64 -> long
float32 -> float
float64 -> double
unsignedInt -> long
unsignedShort -> int
To add more datatype mappings during parsing, use the
``datatype_mapping`` keyword to `astropy.io.votable.parse`.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Unknown datatype '{}' on field '{}'"
default_args = ("x", "y")
# E07: Deprecated
class E08(VOWarning, ValueError):
The ``type`` attribute on the ``VALUES`` element must be either
``legal`` or ``actual``.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "type must be 'legal' or 'actual', but is '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class E09(VOWarning, ValueError):
The ``MIN``, ``MAX`` and ``OPTION`` elements must always have a
``value`` attribute.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "'{}' must have a value attribute"
default_args = ("x",)
class E10(VOWarning, ValueError):
From VOTable 1.1 and later, ``FIELD`` and ``PARAM`` elements must have
a ``datatype`` field.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "'datatype' attribute required on all '{}' elements"
default_args = ("FIELD",)
class E11(VOWarning, ValueError):
The precision attribute is meant to express the number of significant
digits, either as a number of decimal places (e.g. ``precision="F2"`` or
equivalently ``precision="2"`` to express 2 significant figures
after the decimal point), or as a number of significant figures
(e.g. ``precision="E5"`` indicates a relative precision of 10-5).
It is validated using the following regular expression::
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "precision '{}' is invalid"
default_args = ("x",)
class E12(VOWarning, ValueError):
The width attribute is meant to indicate to the application the
number of characters to be used for input or output of the
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "width must be a positive integer, got '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class E13(VOWarning, ValueError):
r"""Invalid arraysize attribute.
From the VOTable 1.2 spec:
A table cell can contain an array of a given primitive type,
with a fixed or variable number of elements; the array may
even be multidimensional. For instance, the position of a
point in a 3D space can be defined by the following::
<FIELD ID="point_3D" datatype="double" arraysize="3"/>
and each cell corresponding to that definition must contain
exactly 3 numbers. An asterisk (\*) may be appended to
indicate a variable number of elements in the array, as in::
<FIELD ID="values" datatype="int" arraysize="100*"/>
where it is specified that each cell corresponding to that
definition contains 0 to 100 integer numbers. The number may
be omitted to specify an unbounded array (in practice up to
=~2×10⁹ elements).
A table cell can also contain a multidimensional array of a
given primitive type. This is specified by a sequence of
dimensions separated by the ``x`` character, with the first
dimension changing fastest; as in the case of a simple array,
the last dimension may be variable in length. As an example,
the following definition declares a table cell which may
contain a set of up to 10 images, each of 64×64 bytes::
<FIELD ID="thumbs" datatype="unsignedByte" arraysize="64×64×10*"/>
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Invalid arraysize attribute '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class E14(VOWarning, ValueError):
All ``PARAM`` elements must have a ``value`` attribute.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "value attribute is required for all PARAM elements"
class E15(VOWarning, ValueError):
"""All ``COOSYS`` elements must have an ``ID`` attribute.
Note that the VOTable 1.1 specification says this attribute is
optional, but its corresponding schema indicates it is required.
In VOTable 1.2, the ``COOSYS`` element is deprecated.
message_template = "ID attribute is required for all COOSYS elements"
class E16(VOTableSpecWarning):
"""Incorrect ``system`` attribute on COOSYS element.
The ``system`` attribute must be one of the following::
'eq_FK4', 'eq_FK5', 'ICRS', 'ecl_FK4', 'ecl_FK5', 'galactic',
'supergalactic', 'xy', 'barycentric', 'geo_app'
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "Invalid system attribute '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class E17(VOWarning, ValueError):
``extnum`` attribute must be a positive integer.
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "extnum must be a positive integer"
class E18(VOWarning, ValueError):
The ``type`` attribute of the ``RESOURCE`` element must be one of
"results" or "meta".
**References**: `1.1
message_template = "type must be 'results' or 'meta', not '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class E19(VOWarning, ValueError):
Raised either when the file doesn't appear to be XML, or the root
element is not VOTABLE.
message_template = "File does not appear to be a VOTABLE"
class E20(VOTableSpecError):
The table had only *x* fields defined, but the data itself has more
columns than that.
message_template = "Data has more columns than are defined in the header ({})"
default_args = ("x",)
class E21(VOWarning, ValueError):
The table had *x* fields defined, but the data itself has only *y*
message_template = "Data has fewer columns ({}) than are defined in the header ({})"
default_args = ("x", "y")
class E22(VOWarning, ValueError):
All ``TIMESYS`` elements must have an ``ID`` attribute.
message_template = "ID attribute is required for all TIMESYS elements"
class E23(VOTableSpecWarning):
The ``timeorigin`` attribute on the ``TIMESYS`` element must be
either a floating point literal specifying a valid Julian Date,
or, for convenience, the string "MJD-origin" (standing for 2400000.5)
or the string "JD-origin" (standing for 0).
**References**: `1.4
message_template = "Invalid timeorigin attribute '{}'"
default_args = ("x",)
class E24(VOWarning, ValueError):
Non-ASCII unicode values should not be written when the FIELD ``datatype="char"``,
and cannot be written in BINARY or BINARY2 serialization.
message_template = (
'Attempt to write non-ASCII value ({}) to FIELD ({}) which has datatype="char"'
default_args = ("", "")
class E25(VOTableSpecWarning):
A VOTable cannot have a DATA section without any defined FIELD; DATA will be ignored.
message_template = "No FIELDs are defined; DATA section will be ignored."
class E26(VOTableSpecError):
The mapping block can only be set in a type=meta RESOURCE.
message_template = "Mapping block can not be set in a RESOURCE with type=result"
def _get_warning_and_exception_classes(prefix):
classes = []
for key, val in globals().items():
if re.match(prefix + "[0-9]{2}", key):
classes.append((key, val))
return classes
def _build_doc_string():
def generate_set(prefix):
classes = _get_warning_and_exception_classes(prefix)
out = io.StringIO()
for name, cls in classes:
out.write(f".. _{name}:\n\n")
msg = f"{cls.__name__}: {cls.get_short_name()}"
if not isinstance(msg, str):
msg = msg.decode("utf-8")
out.write("~" * len(msg))
doc = cls.__doc__
if not isinstance(doc, str):
doc = doc.decode("utf-8")
return out.getvalue()
warnings = generate_set("W")
exceptions = generate_set("E")
return {"warnings": warnings, "exceptions": exceptions}
if __doc__ is not None:
__doc__ = __doc__.format(**_build_doc_string())
__all__ += [x[0] for x in _get_warning_and_exception_classes("W")]
__all__ += [x[0] for x in _get_warning_and_exception_classes("E")]