Source code for

This module contains low level helper functions for compressing and
decompressing buffer for the Tiled Table Compression algorithms as specified in
the FITS 4 standard.

import sys
from math import prod

import numpy as np

from import BITPIX2DTYPE

from ._codecs import PLIO1, Gzip1, Gzip2, HCompress1, NoCompress, Rice1
from ._quantization import DITHER_METHODS, QuantizationFailedException, Quantize
from .utils import _data_shape, _iter_array_tiles, _tile_shape

    "GZIP_1": Gzip1,
    "GZIP_2": Gzip2,
    "RICE_1": Rice1,
    "RICE_ONE": Rice1,
    "PLIO_1": PLIO1,
    "HCOMPRESS_1": HCompress1,
    "NOCOMPRESS": NoCompress,

DEFAULT_ZBLANK = -2147483648

__all__ = [

def _decompress_tile(buf, *, algorithm: str, **settings):
    Decompress the buffer of a tile using the given compression algorithm.

        The compressed buffer to be decompressed.
        A supported decompression algorithm.
        Any parameters for the given compression algorithm
    return ALGORITHMS[algorithm](**settings).decode(buf)

def _compress_tile(buf, *, algorithm: str, **settings):
    Compress the buffer of a tile using the given compression algorithm.

        The decompressed buffer to be compressed.
        A supported compression algorithm.
        Any parameters for the given compression algorithm
    return ALGORITHMS[algorithm](**settings).encode(buf)

def _header_to_settings(header):
    Extract the settings which are constant given a header
    settings = {}
    compression_type = header["ZCMPTYPE"]
    if compression_type == "GZIP_2":
        settings["itemsize"] = abs(header["ZBITPIX"]) // 8
    elif compression_type in ("RICE_1", "RICE_ONE"):
        settings["blocksize"] = _get_compression_setting(header, "BLOCKSIZE", 32)
        settings["bytepix"] = _get_compression_setting(header, "BYTEPIX", 4)
    elif compression_type == "HCOMPRESS_1":
        settings["bytepix"] = 8
        settings["scale"] = int(_get_compression_setting(header, "SCALE", 0))
        settings["smooth"] = _get_compression_setting(header, "SMOOTH", 0)

    return settings

def _update_tile_settings(settings, compression_type, actual_tile_shape):
    Update the settings with tile-specific settings
    if compression_type in ("PLIO_1", "RICE_1", "RICE_ONE"):
        # We have to calculate the tilesize from the shape of the tile not the
        # header, so that it's correct for edge tiles etc.
        settings["tilesize"] = prod(actual_tile_shape)
    elif compression_type == "HCOMPRESS_1":
        # HCOMPRESS requires 2D tiles, so to find the shape of the 2D tile we
        # need to ignore all length 1 tile dimensions
        # Also cfitsio expects the tile shape in C order
        shape_2d = tuple(nd for nd in actual_tile_shape if nd != 1)
        if len(shape_2d) != 2:
            raise ValueError(f"HCOMPRESS expects two dimensional tiles, got {shape_2d}")
        settings["nx"] = shape_2d[0]
        settings["ny"] = shape_2d[1]

    return settings

def _finalize_array(tile_buffer, *, bitpix, tile_shape, algorithm, lossless):
    Convert a buffer to an array.

    This is a helper function which takes a raw buffer (as output by .decode)
    and translates it into a numpy array with the correct dtype, endianness and
    tile_size = prod(tile_shape)

    if algorithm.startswith("GZIP") or algorithm == "NOCOMPRESS":
        # This algorithm is taken from fitsio
        tile_bytesize = len(tile_buffer)
        if tile_bytesize == tile_size * 2:
            dtype = ">i2"
        elif tile_bytesize == tile_size * 4:
            if bitpix < 0 and lossless:
                dtype = ">f4"
                dtype = ">i4"
        elif tile_bytesize == tile_size * 8:
            if bitpix < 0 and lossless:
                dtype = ">f8"
                dtype = ">i8"
            # Just return the raw bytes
            dtype = ">u1"
        tile_data = np.asarray(tile_buffer).view(dtype).reshape(tile_shape)
        # For RICE_1 compression the tiles that are on the edge can end up
        # being padded, so we truncate excess values
        if algorithm in ("RICE_1", "RICE_ONE", "PLIO_1") and tile_size < len(
            tile_buffer = tile_buffer[:tile_size]

        if == "b":
            # NOTE: this feels like a Numpy bug - need to investigate
            tile_data = np.asarray(tile_buffer, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(tile_shape)
            tile_data = np.asarray(tile_buffer).reshape(tile_shape)

    return tile_data

def _check_compressed_header(header):
    # NOTE: this could potentially be moved up into CompImageHDU, e.g. in a
    # _verify method.

    # Check for overflows which might cause issues when calling C code

    for kw in ["ZNAXIS", "ZVAL1", "ZVAL2", "ZBLANK", "BLANK"]:
        if kw in header:
            if header[kw] > 0 and header[kw] > np.iinfo(np.intc).max:
                raise OverflowError(f"{kw} value {header[kw]} is too large")

    for i in range(1, header["ZNAXIS"] + 1):
        for kw_name in ["ZNAXIS", "ZTILE"]:
            kw = f"{kw_name}{i}"
            if kw in header:
                if header[kw] > 0 and header[kw] > np.iinfo(np.int32).max:
                    raise OverflowError(f"{kw} value {header[kw]} is too large")

    for i in range(1, header["NAXIS"] + 1):
        kw = f"NAXIS{i}"
        if kw in header:
            if header[kw] > 0 and header[kw] > np.iinfo(np.int64).max:
                raise OverflowError(f"{kw} value {header[kw]} is too large")

    for kw in ["TNULL1", "PCOUNT", "THEAP"]:
        if kw in header:
            if header[kw] > 0 and header[kw] > np.iinfo(np.int64).max:
                raise OverflowError(f"{kw} value {header[kw]} is too large")

    for kw in ["ZVAL3"]:
        if kw in header:
            # float() below to avoid a NEP 50 warning about a cast to float32 inf.
            if header[kw] > float(np.finfo(np.float32).max):
                raise OverflowError(f"{kw} value {header[kw]} is too large")

    # Validate data types

    for kw in ["ZSCALE", "ZZERO", "TZERO1", "TSCAL1"]:
        if kw in header:
            if not np.isreal(header[kw]):
                raise TypeError(f"{kw} should be floating-point")

    for kw in ["TTYPE1", "TFORM1", "ZCMPTYPE", "ZNAME1", "ZQUANTIZ"]:
        if kw in header:
            if not isinstance(header[kw], str):
                raise TypeError(f"{kw} should be a string")

    for kw in ["ZDITHER0"]:
        if kw in header:
            if not np.isreal(header[kw]) or not float(header[kw]).is_integer():
                raise TypeError(f"{kw} should be an integer")

    for suffix in range(1, header["TFIELDS"] + 1):
        if header.get(f"TTYPE{suffix}", "").endswith("COMPRESSED_DATA"):
            for valid in ["PB", "PI", "PJ", "QB", "QI", "QJ"]:
                if header[f"TFORM{suffix}"].startswith((valid, f"1{valid}")):
                raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid TFORM{suffix}: {header[f'TFORM{suffix}']}")

    # Check values

    for kw in ["TFIELDS", "PCOUNT"] + [
        f"NAXIS{idx + 1}" for idx in range(header["NAXIS"])
        if kw in header:
            if header[kw] < 0:
                raise ValueError(f"{kw} should not be negative.")

    for kw in ["ZNAXIS", "TFIELDS"]:
        if kw in header:
            if header[kw] < 0 or header[kw] > 999:
                raise ValueError(f"{kw} should be in the range 0 to 999")

    if header["ZBITPIX"] not in [8, 16, 32, 64, -32, -64]:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for BITPIX: {header['ZBITPIX']}")

    if header["ZCMPTYPE"] not in ALGORITHMS:
        raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized compression type: {header['ZCMPTYPE']}")

    # Check that certain keys are present


def _get_compression_setting(header, name, default):
    # Settings for the various compression algorithms are stored in pairs of
    # keywords called ZNAME? and ZVAL? - a given compression setting could be
    # in any ZNAME? so we need to check through all the possible ZNAMEs which
    # one matches the required setting.

    for i in range(1, 1000):
        if f"ZNAME{i}" not in header:
        if header[f"ZNAME{i}"].lower() == name.lower():
            return header[f"ZVAL{i}"]

    return default

def _column_dtype(compressed_coldefs, column_name):
    tform = compressed_coldefs[column_name].format
    if tform.startswith("1"):
        tform = tform[1:]
    if tform[1] == "B":
        dtype = np.uint8
    elif tform[1] == "I":
        dtype = ">i2"
    elif tform[1] == "J":
        dtype = ">i4"
    return np.dtype(dtype)

def _get_data_from_heap(hdu, size, offset, dtype, heap_cache=None):
    if heap_cache is None:
        return hdu._get_raw_data(size, dtype, hdu._data_offset + hdu._theap + offset)
        itemsize = dtype.itemsize
        data = heap_cache[offset : offset + size * itemsize]
        if itemsize > 1:
            return data.view(dtype)
            return data

[docs] def decompress_image_data_section( compressed_data, compression_type, compressed_header, bintable, image_header, first_tile_index, last_tile_index, ): """ Decompress the data in a ``. Parameters ---------- compressed_data : `` The compressed data compression_type : str The compression algorithm compressed_header : `` The header of the compressed binary table bintable : `` The binary table HDU, used to access the raw heap data first_tile_index : iterable The indices of the first tile to decompress along each dimension last_tile_index : iterable The indices of the last tile to decompress along each dimension Returns ------- data : `numpy.ndarray` The decompressed data array. """ compressed_coldefs = compressed_data._coldefs _check_compressed_header(compressed_header) tile_shape = _tile_shape(compressed_header) data_shape = _data_shape(compressed_header) first_array_index = first_tile_index * tile_shape last_array_index = (last_tile_index + 1) * tile_shape last_array_index = np.minimum(data_shape, last_array_index) buffer_shape = tuple((last_array_index - first_array_index).astype(int)) image_data = np.empty( buffer_shape, dtype=BITPIX2DTYPE[compressed_header["ZBITPIX"]] ) quantized = "ZSCALE" in compressed_data.dtype.names if image_data.size == 0: return image_data settings = _header_to_settings(compressed_header) zbitpix = compressed_header["ZBITPIX"] dither_method = DITHER_METHODS[compressed_header.get("ZQUANTIZ", "NO_DITHER")] dither_seed = compressed_header.get("ZDITHER0", 0) # NOTE: in the following and below we convert the column to a Numpy array # for performance reasons, as accessing rows from a FITS_rec column is # otherwise slow. compressed_data_column = np.array(compressed_data["COMPRESSED_DATA"]) compressed_data_dtype = _column_dtype(compressed_coldefs, "COMPRESSED_DATA") if "ZBLANK" in compressed_coldefs.dtype.names: zblank_column = np.array(compressed_data["ZBLANK"]) else: zblank_column = None if "ZSCALE" in compressed_coldefs.dtype.names: zscale_column = np.array(compressed_data["ZSCALE"]) else: zscale_column = None if "ZZERO" in compressed_coldefs.dtype.names: zzero_column = np.array(compressed_data["ZZERO"]) else: zzero_column = None zblank_header = compressed_header.get("ZBLANK", image_header.get("BLANK", None)) gzip_compressed_data_column = None gzip_compressed_data_dtype = None # If all the data is requested, read in all the heap. if tuple(buffer_shape) == tuple(data_shape): heap_cache = bintable._get_raw_data( compressed_header["PCOUNT"], np.uint8, bintable._data_offset + bintable._theap, ) else: heap_cache = None for row_index, tile_slices in _iter_array_tiles( data_shape, tile_shape, first_tile_index, last_tile_index ): # For tiles near the edge, the tile shape from the header might not be # correct so we have to pass the shape manually. actual_tile_shape = image_data[tile_slices].shape settings = _update_tile_settings(settings, compression_type, actual_tile_shape) if compressed_data_column[row_index][0] == 0: if gzip_compressed_data_column is None: gzip_compressed_data_column = np.array( compressed_data["GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA"] ) gzip_compressed_data_dtype = _column_dtype( compressed_coldefs, "GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA" ) # When quantizing floating point data, sometimes the data will not # quantize efficiently. In these cases the raw floating point data can # be losslessly GZIP compressed and stored in the `GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA` # column. cdata = _get_data_from_heap( bintable, *gzip_compressed_data_column[row_index], gzip_compressed_data_dtype, heap_cache=heap_cache, ) tile_buffer = _decompress_tile(cdata, algorithm="GZIP_1") tile_data = _finalize_array( tile_buffer, bitpix=zbitpix, tile_shape=actual_tile_shape, algorithm="GZIP_1", lossless=True, ) else: cdata = _get_data_from_heap( bintable, *compressed_data_column[row_index], compressed_data_dtype, heap_cache=heap_cache, ) if compression_type == "GZIP_2": # Decompress with GZIP_1 just to find the total number of # elements in the uncompressed data. # TODO: find a way to avoid doing this for all tiles tile_data = np.asarray(_decompress_tile(cdata, algorithm="GZIP_1")) settings["itemsize"] = tile_data.size // int(prod(actual_tile_shape)) tile_buffer = _decompress_tile( cdata, algorithm=compression_type, **settings ) tile_data = _finalize_array( tile_buffer, bitpix=zbitpix, tile_shape=actual_tile_shape, algorithm=compression_type, lossless=not quantized, ) if zblank_column is None: zblank = zblank_header else: zblank = zblank_column[row_index] if zblank is not None: blank_mask = tile_data == zblank if quantized: q = Quantize( row=(row_index + dither_seed) if dither_method != -1 else 0, dither_method=dither_method, quantize_level=None, bitpix=zbitpix, ) tile_data = np.asarray( q.decode_quantized( tile_data, zscale_column[row_index], zzero_column[row_index] ) ).reshape(actual_tile_shape) if zblank is not None: if not tile_data.flags.writeable: tile_data = tile_data.copy() tile_data[blank_mask] = zblank_header if zbitpix > 0 else np.nan image_data[tile_slices] = tile_data return image_data
[docs] def compress_image_data( image_data, compression_type, compressed_header, compressed_coldefs, ): """ Compress the data in a ``. The input HDU is expected to have a uncompressed numpy array as it's ``.data`` attribute. Parameters ---------- image_data : `~numpy.ndarray` The image data to compress compression_type : str The compression algorithm compressed_header : `` The header of the compressed binary table compressed_coldefs : `` The ColDefs object for the compressed binary table Returns ------- nbytes : `int` The number of bytes of the heap. heap : `bytes` The bytes of the FITS table heap. """ if not isinstance(image_data, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("Image data must be a numpy.ndarray") _check_compressed_header(compressed_header) # TODO: This implementation is memory inefficient as it generates all the # compressed bytes before forming them into the heap, leading to 2x the # potential memory usage. Directly storing the compressed bytes into an # expanding heap would fix this. tile_shape = _tile_shape(compressed_header) data_shape = _data_shape(compressed_header) compressed_bytes = [] gzip_fallback = [] scales = [] zeros = [] zblank = None noisebit = _get_compression_setting(compressed_header, "noisebit", 0) settings = _header_to_settings(compressed_header) for irow, tile_slices in _iter_array_tiles(data_shape, tile_shape): tile_data = image_data[tile_slices] if tile_data.dtype.kind == "u": if tile_data.dtype.itemsize == 4: tile_data = (tile_data.astype(np.int64) - 2**31).astype(np.int32) elif tile_data.dtype.itemsize == 2: tile_data = (tile_data.astype(np.int32) - 2**15).astype(np.int16) settings = _update_tile_settings(settings, compression_type, tile_data.shape) quantize = "ZSCALE" in compressed_coldefs.dtype.names if tile_data.dtype.kind == "f" and quantize: dither_method = DITHER_METHODS[ compressed_header.get("ZQUANTIZ", "NO_DITHER") ] dither_seed = compressed_header.get("ZDITHER0", 0) q = Quantize( row=(irow + dither_seed) if dither_method != -1 else 0, dither_method=dither_method, quantize_level=noisebit, bitpix=compressed_header["ZBITPIX"], ) original_shape = tile_data.shape # If there are any NaN values in the data, we should reset them to # a value that will not affect the quantization (an already existing # data value in the array) and we can then reset this after quantization # to ZBLANK and set the appropriate header keyword nan_mask = np.isnan(tile_data) any_nan = np.any(nan_mask) if any_nan: # Note that we need to copy here to avoid modifying the input array. tile_data = tile_data.copy() if np.all(nan_mask): tile_data[nan_mask] = 0 else: tile_data[nan_mask] = np.nanmin(tile_data) try: tile_data, scale, zero = q.encode_quantized(tile_data) except QuantizationFailedException: if any_nan: # reset NaN values since we will losslessly compress. tile_data[nan_mask] = np.nan scales.append(0) zeros.append(0) gzip_fallback.append(True) else: tile_data = np.asarray(tile_data).reshape(original_shape) if any_nan: if not tile_data.flags.writeable: tile_data = tile_data.copy() # For now, we just use the default ZBLANK value and assume # this is the same for all tiles. We could generalize this # to allow different ZBLANK values (for example if the data # includes this value by chance) and to allow different values # per tile, which is allowed by the FITS standard. tile_data[nan_mask] = DEFAULT_ZBLANK zblank = DEFAULT_ZBLANK scales.append(scale) zeros.append(zero) gzip_fallback.append(False) else: scales.append(0) zeros.append(0) gzip_fallback.append(False) if gzip_fallback[-1]: cbytes = _compress_tile(tile_data, algorithm="GZIP_1") else: cbytes = _compress_tile(tile_data, algorithm=compression_type, **settings) compressed_bytes.append(cbytes) if zblank is not None: compressed_header["ZBLANK"] = zblank table = np.zeros( len(compressed_bytes), dtype=compressed_coldefs.dtype.newbyteorder(">") ) if "ZSCALE" in table.dtype.names: table["ZSCALE"] = np.array(scales) table["ZZERO"] = np.array(zeros) for irow, cbytes in enumerate(compressed_bytes): table["COMPRESSED_DATA"][irow, 0] = len(cbytes) table["COMPRESSED_DATA"][:1, 1] = 0 table["COMPRESSED_DATA"][1:, 1] = np.cumsum(table["COMPRESSED_DATA"][:-1, 0]) for irow in range(len(compressed_bytes)): if gzip_fallback[irow]: table["GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA"][irow] = table["COMPRESSED_DATA"][irow] table["COMPRESSED_DATA"][irow] = 0 # For PLIO_1, the size of each heap element is a factor of two lower than # the real size - not clear if this is deliberate or bug somewhere. if compression_type == "PLIO_1": table["COMPRESSED_DATA"][:, 0] //= 2 # For PLIO_1, it looks like the compressed data is always stored big endian if compression_type == "PLIO_1": for irow in range(len(compressed_bytes)): if not gzip_fallback[irow]: array = np.frombuffer(compressed_bytes[irow], dtype="i2") if array.dtype.byteorder == "<" or ( array.dtype.byteorder == "=" and sys.byteorder == "little" ): compressed_bytes[irow] = array.astype(">i2", copy=False).tobytes() compressed_bytes = b"".join(compressed_bytes) table_bytes = table.tobytes() heap = table.tobytes() + compressed_bytes return heap