# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""An extensible ASCII table reader and writer.
Classes to read and write LaTeX tables
:Copyright: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (2011)
:Author: Tom Aldcroft (aldcroft@head.cfa.harvard.edu)
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from . import core
from collections.abc import Generator
from re import Pattern
from typing import ClassVar, Final
latexdicts = {
"AA": {
"tabletype": "table",
"header_start": r"\hline \hline",
"header_end": r"\hline",
"data_end": r"\hline",
"doublelines": {
"tabletype": "table",
"header_start": r"\hline \hline",
"header_end": r"\hline\hline",
"data_end": r"\hline\hline",
"template": {
"tabletype": "tabletype",
"caption": "caption",
"tablealign": "tablealign",
"col_align": "col_align",
"preamble": "preamble",
"header_start": "header_start",
"header_end": "header_end",
"data_start": "data_start",
"data_end": "data_end",
"tablefoot": "tablefoot",
"units": {"col1": "unit of col1", "col2": "unit of col2"},
RE_COMMENT: Final[Pattern[str]] = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)%") # % character but not \%
def add_dictval_to_list(adict, key, alist):
Add a value from a dictionary to a list.
adict : dictionary
key : hashable
alist : list
List where value should be added
if key in adict:
if isinstance(adict[key], str):
def find_latex_line(lines: list[str], latex: str) -> int | None:
Find the first line which matches a pattern.
lines : list
List of strings
latex : str
Search pattern
line_num : int, None
Line number. Returns None, if no match was found
re_string = re.compile(r"\s*" + latex.replace("\\", "\\\\"))
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if re_string.match(line):
return i
return None
class LatexInputter(core.BaseInputter):
def process_lines(self, lines: list[str]) -> list[str]:
return [lin.strip() for lin in lines]
class LatexSplitter(core.BaseSplitter):
"""Split LaTeX table data. Default delimiter is `&`."""
delimiter = "&"
def __call__(self, lines: list[str]) -> Generator[list[str], None, None]:
last_line = RE_COMMENT.split(lines[-1])[0].strip()
if not last_line.endswith(r"\\"):
lines[-1] = last_line + r"\\"
return super().__call__(lines)
def process_line(self, line: str) -> str:
"""Remove whitespace at the beginning or end of line. Also remove
\\ at end of line.
line = RE_COMMENT.split(line)[0].strip()
if not line.endswith(r"\\"):
raise core.InconsistentTableError(
r"Lines in LaTeX table have to end with \\"
return line.removesuffix(r"\\")
def process_val(self, val: str) -> str:
"""Remove whitespace and {} at the beginning or end of value."""
val = val.strip()
if val and (val[0] == "{") and (val[-1] == "}"):
val = val[1:-1]
return val
def join(self, vals: list[str]) -> str:
"""Join values together and add a few extra spaces for readability."""
delimiter = " " + self.delimiter + " "
return delimiter.join(x.strip() for x in vals) + r" \\"
class LatexHeader(core.BaseHeader):
"""Class to read the header of Latex Tables."""
header_start = r"\begin{tabular}"
splitter_class = LatexSplitter
def start_line(self, lines):
line = find_latex_line(lines, self.header_start)
if line is not None:
return line + 1
return None
def _get_units(self) -> dict[str, str]:
units = {}
col_units = [col.info.unit for col in self.cols]
for name, unit in zip(self.colnames, col_units):
if unit:
units[name] = unit.to_string(format="latex_inline")
except AttributeError:
units[name] = unit
return units
def write(self, lines):
if "col_align" not in self.latex:
self.latex["col_align"] = len(self.cols) * "c"
if "tablealign" in self.latex:
align = "[" + self.latex["tablealign"] + "]"
align = ""
if self.latex["tabletype"] is not None:
lines.append(r"\begin{" + self.latex["tabletype"] + r"}" + align)
add_dictval_to_list(self.latex, "preamble", lines)
if "caption" in self.latex:
lines.append(r"\caption{" + self.latex["caption"] + "}")
lines.append(self.header_start + r"{" + self.latex["col_align"] + r"}")
add_dictval_to_list(self.latex, "header_start", lines)
units = self._get_units()
if "units" in self.latex:
if units:
self.splitter.join([units.get(name, " ") for name in self.colnames])
add_dictval_to_list(self.latex, "header_end", lines)
class LatexData(core.BaseData):
"""Class to read the data in LaTeX tables."""
data_start: ClassVar[str | None] = None
data_end = r"\end{tabular}"
splitter_class = LatexSplitter
def start_line(self, lines):
if self.data_start:
return find_latex_line(lines, self.data_start)
start = self.header.start_line(lines)
if start is None:
raise core.InconsistentTableError(r"Could not find table start")
return start + 1
def end_line(self, lines):
if self.data_end:
return find_latex_line(lines, self.data_end)
return None
def write(self, lines):
add_dictval_to_list(self.latex, "data_start", lines)
core.BaseData.write(self, lines)
add_dictval_to_list(self.latex, "data_end", lines)
add_dictval_to_list(self.latex, "tablefoot", lines)
if self.latex["tabletype"] is not None:
lines.append(r"\end{" + self.latex["tabletype"] + "}")
class Latex(core.BaseReader):
r"""LaTeX format table.
This class implements some LaTeX specific commands. Its main
purpose is to write out a table in a form that LaTeX can compile. It
is beyond the scope of this class to implement every possible LaTeX
command, instead the focus is to generate a syntactically valid
LaTeX tables.
This class can also read simple LaTeX tables (one line per table
row, no ``\multicolumn`` or similar constructs), specifically, it
can read the tables that it writes.
When reading, it will look for the Latex commands to start and end tabular
data (``\begin{tabular}`` and ``\end{tabular}``). That means that
those lines have to be present in the input file; the benefit is that this
reader can be used on a LaTeX file with text, tables, and figures and it
will read the first valid table.
.. note:: **Units in LaTeX tables**
The LaTeX writer will output units in the table if they are present in the
column info::
>>> import io
>>> out = io.StringIO()
>>> import sys
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from astropy.table import Table
>>> t = Table({'v': [1, 2] * u.km/u.s, 'class': ['star', 'jet']})
>>> t.write(out, format='ascii.latex')
>>> print(out.getvalue())
v & class \\
$\mathrm{km\,s^{-1}}$ & \\
1.0 & star \\
2.0 & jet \\
However, it will fail to read a table with units. There are so
many ways to write units in LaTeX (enclosed in parenthesis or square brackets,
as a separate row are as part of the column headers, using plain text, LaTeX
symbols etc. ) that it is not feasible to implement a
general reader for this. If you need to read a table with units, you can
skip reading the lines with units to just read the numerical values using the
``data_start`` parameter to set the first line where numerical data values appear::
>>> Table.read(out.getvalue(), format='ascii.latex', data_start=4)
<Table length=2>
v class
float64 str4
------- -----
1.0 star
2.0 jet
Alternatively, you can write a custom reader using your knowledge of the exact
format of the units in that case, by extending this class.
Reading a LaTeX table, the following keywords are accepted:
**ignore_latex_commands** :
Lines starting with these LaTeX commands will be treated as comments (i.e. ignored).
When writing a LaTeX table, the some keywords can customize the
format. Care has to be taken here, because python interprets ``\\``
in a string as an escape character. In order to pass this to the
output either format your strings as raw strings with the ``r``
specifier or use a double ``\\\\``.
caption = r'My table \label{mytable}'
caption = 'My table \\\\label{mytable}'
**latexdict** : Dictionary of extra parameters for the LaTeX output
* tabletype : used for first and last line of table.
The default is ``\\begin{table}``. The following would generate a table,
which spans the whole page in a two-column document::
ascii.write(data, sys.stdout, format="latex",
latexdict={'tabletype': 'table*'})
If ``None``, the table environment will be dropped, keeping only
the ``tabular`` environment.
* tablealign : positioning of table in text.
The default is not to specify a position preference in the text.
If, e.g. the alignment is ``ht``, then the LaTeX will be ``\\begin{table}[ht]``.
* col_align : Alignment of columns
If not present all columns will be centered.
* caption : Table caption (string or list of strings)
This will appear above the table as it is the standard in
many scientific publications. If you prefer a caption below
the table, just write the full LaTeX command as
``latexdict['tablefoot'] = r'\caption{My table}'``
* preamble, header_start, header_end, data_start, data_end, tablefoot: Pure LaTeX
Each one can be a string or a list of strings. These strings
will be inserted into the table without any further
processing. See the examples below.
* units : dictionary of strings
Keys in this dictionary should be names of columns. If
present, a line in the LaTeX table directly below the column
names is added, which contains the values of the
dictionary. Example::
from astropy.io import ascii
data = {'name': ['bike', 'car'], 'mass': [75,1200], 'speed': [10, 130]}
ascii.write(data, format="latex",
latexdict={'units': {'mass': 'kg', 'speed': 'km/h'}})
If the column has no entry in the ``units`` dictionary, it defaults
to the **unit** attribute of the column. If this attribute is not
specified (i.e. it is None), the unit will be written as ``' '``.
Run the following code to see where each element of the
dictionary is inserted in the LaTeX table::
from astropy.io import ascii
data = {'cola': [1,2], 'colb': [3,4]}
ascii.write(data, format="latex", latexdict=ascii.latex.latexdicts['template'])
Some table styles are predefined in the dictionary
``ascii.latex.latexdicts``. The following generates in table in
style preferred by A&A and some other journals::
ascii.write(data, format="latex", latexdict=ascii.latex.latexdicts['AA'])
As an example, this generates a table, which spans all columns
and is centered on the page::
ascii.write(data, format="latex", col_align='|lr|',
latexdict={'preamble': r'\begin{center}',
'tablefoot': r'\end{center}',
'tabletype': 'table*'})
**caption** : Set table caption
Shorthand for::
latexdict['caption'] = caption
**col_align** : Set the column alignment.
If not present this will be auto-generated for centered
columns. Shorthand for::
latexdict['col_align'] = col_align
_format_name = "latex"
_io_registry_format_aliases = ["latex"]
_io_registry_suffix = ".tex"
_description = "LaTeX table"
header_class = LatexHeader
data_class = LatexData
inputter_class = LatexInputter
# Strictly speaking latex only supports 1-d columns so this should inherit
# the base max_ndim = 1. But as reported in #11695 this causes a strange
# problem with Jupyter notebook, which displays a table by first calling
# _repr_latex_. For a multidimensional table this issues a stack traceback
# before moving on to _repr_html_. Here we prioritize fixing the issue with
# Jupyter displaying a Table with multidimensional columns.
max_ndim = None
def __init__(
self.latex = {}
# The latex dict drives the format of the table and needs to be shared
# with data and header
self.header.latex = self.latex
self.data.latex = self.latex
self.latex["tabletype"] = "table"
if caption:
self.latex["caption"] = caption
if col_align:
self.latex["col_align"] = col_align
self.ignore_latex_commands = ignore_latex_commands
self.header.comment = "%|" + "|".join(
[r"\\" + command for command in self.ignore_latex_commands]
self.data.comment = self.header.comment
def write(self, table=None):
self.header.start_line = None
self.data.start_line = None
return core.BaseReader.write(self, table=table)
class AASTexHeaderSplitter(LatexSplitter):
r"""Extract column names from a `deluxetable`_.
This splitter expects the following LaTeX code **in a single line**:
\tablehead{\colhead{col1} & ... & \colhead{coln}}
def __call__(self, lines: list[str]) -> Generator[list[str], None, None]:
return super(LatexSplitter, self).__call__(lines)
def process_line(self, line: str) -> str:
"""extract column names from tablehead."""
line = line.split("%")[0]
line = line.replace(r"\tablehead", "")
line = line.strip()
if (line[0] == "{") and (line[-1] == "}"):
line = line[1:-1]
raise core.InconsistentTableError(r"\tablehead is missing {}")
return line.replace(r"\colhead", "")
def join(self, vals: list[str]) -> str:
return " & ".join([r"\colhead{" + str(x) + "}" for x in vals])
class AASTexHeader(LatexHeader):
r"""In a `deluxetable
<http://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/standard30/deluxetable.sty>`_ some header
keywords differ from standard LaTeX.
This header is modified to take that into account.
header_start = r"\tablehead"
splitter_class = AASTexHeaderSplitter
def start_line(self, lines):
return find_latex_line(lines, r"\tablehead")
def write(self, lines):
if "col_align" not in self.latex:
self.latex["col_align"] = len(self.cols) * "c"
if "tablealign" in self.latex:
align = "[" + self.latex["tablealign"] + "]"
align = ""
+ self.latex["tabletype"]
+ r"}{"
+ self.latex["col_align"]
+ r"}"
+ align
add_dictval_to_list(self.latex, "preamble", lines)
if "caption" in self.latex:
lines.append(r"\tablecaption{" + self.latex["caption"] + "}")
tablehead = " & ".join([r"\colhead{" + name + "}" for name in self.colnames])
units = self._get_units()
if "units" in self.latex:
if units:
tablehead += r"\\ " + self.splitter.join(
[units.get(name, " ") for name in self.colnames]
lines.append(r"\tablehead{" + tablehead + "}")
class AASTexData(LatexData):
r"""In a `deluxetable`_ the data is enclosed in `\startdata` and `\enddata`."""
data_start = r"\startdata"
data_end = r"\enddata"
def start_line(self, lines):
return find_latex_line(lines, self.data_start) + 1
def write(self, lines):
lines_length_initial = len(lines)
core.BaseData.write(self, lines)
# To remove extra space(s) and // appended which creates an extra new line
# in the end.
if len(lines) > lines_length_initial:
lines[-1] = re.sub(r"\s* \\ \\ \s* $", "", lines[-1], flags=re.VERBOSE)
add_dictval_to_list(self.latex, "tablefoot", lines)
lines.append(r"\end{" + self.latex["tabletype"] + r"}")
class AASTex(Latex):
"""AASTeX format table.
This class implements some AASTeX specific commands.
AASTeX is used for the AAS (American Astronomical Society)
publications like ApJ, ApJL and AJ.
It derives from the ``Latex`` reader and accepts the same
keywords. However, the keywords ``header_start``, ``header_end``,
``data_start`` and ``data_end`` in ``latexdict`` have no effect.
_format_name = "aastex"
_io_registry_format_aliases = ["aastex"]
_io_registry_suffix = "" # AASTex inherits from Latex, so override this class attr
_description = "AASTeX deluxetable used for AAS journals"
header_class = AASTexHeader
data_class = AASTexData
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# check if tabletype was explicitly set by the user
if not (("latexdict" in kwargs) and ("tabletype" in kwargs["latexdict"])):
self.latex["tabletype"] = "deluxetable"