# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module contains convenience functions for coordinate-related functionality.
This is generally just wrapping around the object-oriented coordinates
framework, but it is useful for some users who are used to more functional
import warnings
from collections.abc import Sequence
import erfa
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.constants import c
from astropy.io import ascii
from astropy.utils import data, isiterable
from .builtin_frames import GCRS, PrecessedGeocentric
from .builtin_frames.utils import get_jd12
from .representation import CartesianRepresentation, SphericalRepresentation
from .sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
__all__ = [
def cartesian_to_spherical(x, y, z):
Converts 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates to spherical polar
Note that the resulting angles are latitude/longitude or
elevation/azimuthal form. I.e., the origin is along the equator
rather than at the north pole.
.. note::
This function simply wraps functionality provided by the
`~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation` and
`~astropy.coordinates.SphericalRepresentation` classes. In general,
for both performance and readability, we suggest using these classes
directly. But for situations where a quick one-off conversion makes
sense, this function is provided.
x : scalar, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The first Cartesian coordinate.
y : scalar, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The second Cartesian coordinate.
z : scalar, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The third Cartesian coordinate.
r : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The radial coordinate (in the same units as the inputs).
lat : `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['angle']
The latitude in radians
lon : `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['angle']
The longitude in radians
if not hasattr(x, "unit"):
x = x * u.dimensionless_unscaled
if not hasattr(y, "unit"):
y = y * u.dimensionless_unscaled
if not hasattr(z, "unit"):
z = z * u.dimensionless_unscaled
cart = CartesianRepresentation(x, y, z)
sph = cart.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation)
return sph.distance, sph.lat, sph.lon
def spherical_to_cartesian(r, lat, lon):
Converts spherical polar coordinates to rectangular cartesian
Note that the input angles should be in latitude/longitude or
elevation/azimuthal form. I.e., the origin is along the equator
rather than at the north pole.
.. note::
This is a low-level function used internally in
`astropy.coordinates`. It is provided for users if they really
want to use it, but it is recommended that you use the
`astropy.coordinates` coordinate systems.
r : scalar, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The radial coordinate (in the same units as the inputs).
lat : scalar, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['angle']
The latitude (in radians if array or scalar)
lon : scalar, array-like, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` ['angle']
The longitude (in radians if array or scalar)
x : float or array
The first cartesian coordinate.
y : float or array
The second cartesian coordinate.
z : float or array
The third cartesian coordinate.
if not hasattr(r, "unit"):
r = r * u.dimensionless_unscaled
if not hasattr(lat, "unit"):
lat = lat * u.radian
if not hasattr(lon, "unit"):
lon = lon * u.radian
sph = SphericalRepresentation(distance=r, lat=lat, lon=lon)
cart = sph.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation)
return cart.x, cart.y, cart.z
def get_sun(time):
Determines the location of the sun at a given time (or times, if the input
is an array `~astropy.time.Time` object), in geocentric coordinates.
time : `~astropy.time.Time`
The time(s) at which to compute the location of the sun.
newsc : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
The location of the sun as a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` in the
`~astropy.coordinates.GCRS` frame.
The algorithm for determining the sun/earth relative position is based
on the simplified version of VSOP2000 that is part of ERFA. Compared to
JPL's ephemeris, it should be good to about 4 km (in the Sun-Earth
vector) from 1900-2100 C.E., 8 km for the 1800-2200 span, and perhaps
250 km over the 1000-3000.
earth_pv_helio, earth_pv_bary = erfa.epv00(*get_jd12(time, "tdb"))
# We have to manually do aberration because we're outputting directly into
earth_p = earth_pv_helio["p"]
earth_v = earth_pv_bary["v"]
# convert barycentric velocity to units of c, but keep as array for passing in to erfa
earth_v /= c.to_value(u.au / u.d)
dsun = np.sqrt(np.sum(earth_p**2, axis=-1))
invlorentz = (1 - np.sum(earth_v**2, axis=-1)) ** 0.5
properdir = erfa.ab(
earth_p / dsun.reshape(dsun.shape + (1,)), -earth_v, dsun, invlorentz
cartrep = CartesianRepresentation(
x=-dsun * properdir[..., 0] * u.AU,
y=-dsun * properdir[..., 1] * u.AU,
z=-dsun * properdir[..., 2] * u.AU,
return SkyCoord(cartrep, frame=GCRS(obstime=time))
# global dictionary that caches repeatedly-needed info for get_constellation
_constellation_data = {}
def get_constellation(coord, short_name=False, constellation_list="iau"):
Determines the constellation(s) a given coordinate object contains.
coord : coordinate-like
The object to determine the constellation of.
short_name : bool
If True, the returned names are the IAU-sanctioned abbreviated
names. Otherwise, full names for the constellations are used.
constellation_list : str
The set of constellations to use. Currently only ``'iau'`` is
supported, meaning the 88 "modern" constellations endorsed by the IAU.
constellation : str or string array
If ``coords`` contains a scalar coordinate, returns the name of the
constellation. If it is an array coordinate object, it returns an array
of names.
To determine which constellation a point on the sky is in, this precesses
to B1875, and then uses the Delporte boundaries of the 88 modern
constellations, as tabulated by
`Roman 1987 <https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/VI/42>`_.
if constellation_list != "iau":
raise ValueError("only 'iau' us currently supported for constellation_list")
# read the data files and cache them if they haven't been already
if not _constellation_data:
cdata = data.get_pkg_data_contents("data/constellation_data_roman87.dat")
ctable = ascii.read(cdata, names=["ral", "rau", "decl", "name"])
cnames = data.get_pkg_data_contents(
"data/constellation_names.dat", encoding="UTF8"
cnames_short_to_long = {
l[:3]: l[4:] for l in cnames.split("\n") if not l.startswith("#")
cnames_long = np.array([cnames_short_to_long[nm] for nm in ctable["name"]])
_constellation_data["ctable"] = ctable
_constellation_data["cnames_long"] = cnames_long
ctable = _constellation_data["ctable"]
cnames_long = _constellation_data["cnames_long"]
isscalar = coord.isscalar
# if it is geocentric, we reproduce the frame but with the 1875 equinox,
# which is where the constellations are defined
# this yields a "dubious year" warning because ERFA considers the year 1875
# "dubious", probably because UTC isn't well-defined then and precession
# models aren't precisely calibrated back to then. But it's plenty
# sufficient for constellations
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", erfa.ErfaWarning)
constel_coord = coord.transform_to(PrecessedGeocentric(equinox="B1875"))
if isscalar:
rah = constel_coord.ra.ravel().hour
decd = constel_coord.dec.ravel().deg
rah = constel_coord.ra.hour
decd = constel_coord.dec.deg
constellidx = -np.ones(len(rah), dtype=int)
notided = constellidx == -1 # should be all
for i, row in enumerate(ctable):
msk = (row["ral"] < rah) & (rah < row["rau"]) & (decd > row["decl"])
constellidx[notided & msk] = i
notided = constellidx == -1
if np.sum(notided) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Could not find constellation for coordinates {constel_coord[notided]}"
if short_name:
names = ctable["name"][constellidx]
names = cnames_long[constellidx]
if isscalar:
return names[0]
return names
def _concatenate_components(reps_difs, names):
"""Helper function for the concatenate function below. Gets and
concatenates all of the individual components for an iterable of
representations or differentials.
return [
np.concatenate(np.atleast_1d(*[getattr(x, name) for x in reps_difs]))
for name in names
def concatenate_representations(reps):
Combine multiple representation objects into a single instance by
concatenating the data in each component.
Currently, all of the input representations have to be the same type. This
properly handles differential or velocity data, but all input objects must
have the same differential object type as well.
reps : sequence of `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation`
The objects to concatenate
rep : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` subclass instance
A single representation object with its data set to the concatenation of
all the elements of the input sequence of representations.
if not isinstance(reps, (Sequence, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError("Input must be a list or iterable of representation objects.")
# First, validate that the representations are the same, and
# concatenate all of the positional data:
rep_type = type(reps[0])
if any(type(r) != rep_type for r in reps):
raise TypeError("Input representations must all have the same type.")
# Construct the new representation with the concatenated data from the
# representations passed in
values = _concatenate_components(reps, rep_type.attr_classes.keys())
new_rep = rep_type(*values)
has_diff = any("s" in rep.differentials for rep in reps)
if has_diff and any("s" not in rep.differentials for rep in reps):
raise ValueError(
"Input representations must either all contain "
"differentials, or not contain differentials."
if has_diff:
dif_type = type(reps[0].differentials["s"])
if any(
"s" not in r.differentials or type(r.differentials["s"]) != dif_type
for r in reps
raise TypeError(
"All input representations must have the same differential type."
values = _concatenate_components(
[r.differentials["s"] for r in reps], dif_type.attr_classes.keys()
new_dif = dif_type(*values)
new_rep = new_rep.with_differentials({"s": new_dif})
return new_rep
def concatenate(coords):
Combine multiple coordinate objects into a single
"Coordinate objects" here mean frame objects with data,
`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, or representation objects. Currently,
they must all be in the same frame, but in a future version this may be
relaxed to allow inhomogeneous sequences of objects.
coords : sequence of coordinate-like
The objects to concatenate
cskycoord : SkyCoord
A single sky coordinate with its data set to the concatenation of all
the elements in ``coords``
if getattr(coords, "isscalar", False) or not isiterable(coords):
raise TypeError("The argument to concatenate must be iterable")
scs = [SkyCoord(coord, copy=False) for coord in coords]
# Check that all frames are equivalent
for sc in scs[1:]:
if not sc.is_equivalent_frame(scs[0]):
raise ValueError(
f"All inputs must have equivalent frames: {sc} != {scs[0]}"
# TODO: this can be changed to SkyCoord.from_representation() for a speed
# boost when we switch to using classmethods
return SkyCoord(
concatenate_representations([c.data for c in coords]), frame=scs[0].frame