Source code for astropy.coordinates.attributes
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# Dependencies
import numpy as np
# Project
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.utils import ShapedLikeNDArray
from astropy.utils.compat import COPY_IF_NEEDED
from .earth import EarthLocation
from .representation import BaseDifferential, CartesianRepresentation
__all__ = [
class Attribute:
"""A non-mutable data descriptor to hold a frame attribute.
This class must be used to define frame attributes (e.g. ``equinox`` or
``obstime``) that are included in a frame class definition.
The `~astropy.coordinates.FK4` class uses the following class attributes::
class FK4(BaseCoordinateFrame):
equinox = TimeAttribute(default=_EQUINOX_B1950)
obstime = TimeAttribute(default=None,
This means that ``equinox`` and ``obstime`` are available to be set as
keyword arguments when creating an ``FK4`` class instance and are then
accessible as instance attributes. The instance value for the attribute
must be stored in ``'_' + <attribute_name>`` by the frame ``__init__``
Note in this example that ``equinox`` and ``obstime`` are time attributes
and use the ``TimeAttributeFrame`` class. This subclass overrides the
``convert_input`` method to validate and convert inputs into a ``Time``
default : object
Default value for the attribute if not provided
secondary_attribute : str
Name of a secondary instance attribute which supplies the value if
``default is None`` and no value was supplied during initialization.
doc : str
Description of the frame attribute for help and documentation.
Information on the default value will be appended to this description.
name = "<unbound>"
def __init__(
self, default=None, secondary_attribute="", *, doc="A frame attribute"
self.default = default
self.secondary_attribute = secondary_attribute
# Replace the class docstring with the custom docstring
self.__doc__ = doc
# Add information on the default value
if self.default is not None:
self.__doc__ += f"\n\nDefault: {self.default}"
elif self.secondary_attribute != "":
self.__doc__ += (
f"\n\nDefault: taken from `{self.secondary_attribute}` frame attribute"
self.__doc__ += "\n\nNo default value"
def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name
def convert_input(self, value):
Validate the input ``value`` and convert to expected attribute class.
The base method here does nothing, but subclasses can implement this
as needed. The method should catch any internal exceptions and raise
ValueError with an informative message.
The method returns the validated input along with a boolean that
indicates whether the input value was actually converted. If the input
value was already the correct type then the ``converted`` return value
should be ``False``.
value : object
Input value to be converted.
output_value : object
The ``value`` converted to the correct type (or just ``value`` if
``converted`` is False)
converted : bool
True if the conversion was actually performed, False otherwise.
If the input is not valid for this attribute.
return value, False
def __get__(self, instance, frame_cls=None):
if instance is None:
# Return the descriptor instance to enable the retrieval of the docstring
return self
out = getattr(instance, "_" +, self.default)
if out is None:
out = getattr(instance, self.secondary_attribute, self.default)
out, converted = self.convert_input(out)
if instance is not None:
# None if instance (frame) has no data!
instance_shape = getattr(instance, "shape", None)
if instance_shape is not None and (
getattr(out, "shape", ()) and out.shape != instance_shape
# If the shapes do not match, try broadcasting.
if isinstance(out, ShapedLikeNDArray):
out = out._apply(
np.broadcast_to, shape=instance_shape, subok=True
out = np.broadcast_to(out, instance_shape, subok=True)
except ValueError:
# raise more informative exception.
raise ValueError(
f"attribute {} should be scalar or have shape"
f" {instance_shape}, but it has shape {out.shape} and could not"
" be broadcast."
converted = True
if converted:
setattr(instance, "_" +, out)
return out
def __set__(self, instance, val):
raise AttributeError("Cannot set frame attribute")
class TimeAttribute(Attribute):
Frame attribute descriptor for quantities that are Time objects.
See the `~astropy.coordinates.Attribute` API doc for further
default : object
Default value for the attribute if not provided
secondary_attribute : str
Name of a secondary instance attribute which supplies the value if
``default is None`` and no value was supplied during initialization.
doc : str
Description of the frame attribute for help and documentation
def convert_input(self, value):
Convert input value to a Time object and validate by running through
the Time constructor. Also check that the input was a scalar.
value : object
Input value to be converted.
out, converted : correctly-typed object, boolean
Tuple consisting of the correctly-typed object and a boolean which
indicates if conversion was actually performed.
If the input is not valid for this attribute.
from astropy.time import Time
if value is None:
return None, False
if isinstance(value, Time):
out = value
converted = False
out = Time(value)
except Exception as err:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid time input {}={value!r}.") from err
converted = True
# Set attribute as read-only for arrays (not allowed by numpy
# for array scalars)
if out.shape:
out.writeable = False
return out, converted
class CartesianRepresentationAttribute(Attribute):
A frame attribute that is a CartesianRepresentation with specified units.
default : object
Default value for the attribute if not provided
secondary_attribute : str
Name of a secondary instance attribute which supplies the value if
``default is None`` and no value was supplied during initialization.
unit : unit-like or None
Name of a unit that the input will be converted into. If None, no
unit-checking or conversion is performed
doc : str
Description of the frame attribute for help and documentation
def __init__(self, default=None, secondary_attribute="", unit=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(default, secondary_attribute, **kwargs)
self.unit = unit
def convert_input(self, value):
Checks that the input is a CartesianRepresentation with the correct
unit, or the special value ``[0, 0, 0]``.
value : object
Input value to be converted.
out : object
The correctly-typed object.
converted : boolean
A boolean which indicates if conversion was actually performed.
If the input is not valid for this attribute.
if (
isinstance(value, list)
and len(value) == 3
and all(v == 0 for v in value)
and self.unit is not None
return CartesianRepresentation(np.zeros(3) * self.unit), True
# is it a CartesianRepresentation with correct unit?
if hasattr(value, "xyz") and == self.unit:
return value, False
converted = True
# if it's a CartesianRepresentation, get the xyz Quantity
value = getattr(value, "xyz", value)
if not hasattr(value, "unit"):
raise TypeError(
f"tried to set a {self.__class__.__name__} with something that does"
" not have a unit."
value =
# now try and make a CartesianRepresentation.
cartrep = CartesianRepresentation(value, copy=False)
return cartrep, converted
class QuantityAttribute(Attribute):
A frame attribute that is a quantity with specified units and shape
Can be `None`, which should be used for special cases in associated
frame transformations like "this quantity should be ignored" or similar.
default : number or `~astropy.units.Quantity` or None, optional
Default value for the attribute if the user does not supply one. If a
Quantity, it must be consistent with ``unit``, or if a value, ``unit``
cannot be None.
secondary_attribute : str, optional
Name of a secondary instance attribute which supplies the value if
``default is None`` and no value was supplied during initialization.
unit : unit-like or None, optional
Name of a unit that the input will be converted into. If None, no
unit-checking or conversion is performed
shape : tuple or None, optional
If given, specifies the shape the attribute must be
doc : str
Description of the frame attribute for help and documentation
def __init__(
self, default=None, secondary_attribute="", unit=None, shape=None, **kwargs
if default is None and unit is None:
raise ValueError(
"Either a default quantity value must be provided, or a unit must "
"be provided to define a QuantityAttribute."
if default is not None and unit is None:
unit = default.unit
self.unit = unit
self.shape = shape
default = self.convert_input(default)[0]
super().__init__(default, secondary_attribute, **kwargs)
def convert_input(self, value):
Checks that the input is a Quantity with the necessary units (or the
special value ``0``).
value : object
Input value to be converted.
out, converted : correctly-typed object, boolean
Tuple consisting of the correctly-typed object and a boolean which
indicates if conversion was actually performed.
If the input is not valid for this attribute.
if value is None:
return None, False
if (
not hasattr(value, "unit")
and self.unit != u.dimensionless_unscaled
and np.any(value != 0)
raise TypeError(
"Tried to set a QuantityAttribute with "
"something that does not have a unit."
oldvalue = value
value = u.Quantity(oldvalue, self.unit, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED)
if self.shape is not None and value.shape != self.shape:
if value.shape == () and oldvalue == 0:
# Allow a single 0 to fill whatever shape is needed.
value = np.broadcast_to(value, self.shape, subok=True)
raise ValueError(
f'The provided value has shape "{value.shape}", but '
f'should have shape "{self.shape}"'
converted = oldvalue is not value
return value, converted
class EarthLocationAttribute(Attribute):
A frame attribute that can act as a `~astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`.
It can be created as anything that can be transformed to the
`~astropy.coordinates.ITRS` frame, but always presents as an `EarthLocation`
when accessed after creation.
default : object
Default value for the attribute if not provided
secondary_attribute : str
Name of a secondary instance attribute which supplies the value if
``default is None`` and no value was supplied during initialization.
doc : str
Description of the frame attribute for help and documentation
def convert_input(self, value):
Checks that the input is a Quantity with the necessary units (or the
special value ``0``).
value : object
Input value to be converted.
out, converted : correctly-typed object, boolean
Tuple consisting of the correctly-typed object and a boolean which
indicates if conversion was actually performed.
If the input is not valid for this attribute.
if value is None:
return None, False
elif isinstance(value, EarthLocation):
return value, False
# we have to do the import here because of some tricky circular deps
from .builtin_frames import ITRS
if not hasattr(value, "transform_to"):
raise ValueError(
f'"{value}" was passed into an EarthLocationAttribute, but it does'
' not have "transform_to" method'
itrsobj = value.transform_to(ITRS())
return itrsobj.earth_location, True
class CoordinateAttribute(Attribute):
A frame attribute which is a coordinate object. It can be given as a
`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` or a low-level frame instance. If a
low-level frame instance is provided, it will always be upgraded to be a
`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` to ensure consistent transformation
behavior. The coordinate object will always be returned as a low-level
frame instance when accessed.
frame : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` class
The type of frame this attribute can be
default : object
Default value for the attribute if not provided
secondary_attribute : str
Name of a secondary instance attribute which supplies the value if
``default is None`` and no value was supplied during initialization.
doc : str
Description of the frame attribute for help and documentation
def __init__(self, frame, default=None, secondary_attribute="", **kwargs):
self._frame = frame
super().__init__(default, secondary_attribute, **kwargs)
def convert_input(self, value):
Checks that the input is a SkyCoord with the necessary units (or the
special value ``None``).
value : object
Input value to be converted.
out, converted : correctly-typed object, boolean
Tuple consisting of the correctly-typed object and a boolean which
indicates if conversion was actually performed.
If the input is not valid for this attribute.
from .sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
if value is None:
return None, False
elif isinstance(value, SkyCoord) and isinstance(value.frame, self._frame):
return value.frame, True
elif isinstance(value, self._frame):
return value, False
value = SkyCoord(value) # always make the value a SkyCoord
transformedobj = value.transform_to(self._frame)
return transformedobj.frame, True
class DifferentialAttribute(Attribute):
"""A frame attribute which is a differential instance.
The optional ``allowed_classes`` argument allows specifying a restricted
set of valid differential classes to check the input against. Otherwise,
any `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential` subclass instance is valid.
default : object
Default value for the attribute if not provided
allowed_classes : tuple, optional
A list of allowed differential classes for this attribute to have.
secondary_attribute : str
Name of a secondary instance attribute which supplies the value if
``default is None`` and no value was supplied during initialization.
doc : str
Description of the frame attribute for help and documentation
def __init__(
self, default=None, allowed_classes=None, secondary_attribute="", **kwargs
if allowed_classes is not None:
self.allowed_classes = tuple(allowed_classes)
self.allowed_classes = BaseDifferential
super().__init__(default, secondary_attribute, **kwargs)
def convert_input(self, value):
Checks that the input is a differential object and is one of the
allowed class types.
value : object
Input value.
out, converted : correctly-typed object, boolean
Tuple consisting of the correctly-typed object and a boolean which
indicates if conversion was actually performed.
If the input is not valid for this attribute.
if value is None:
return None, False
if not isinstance(value, self.allowed_classes):
if len(self.allowed_classes) == 1:
value = self.allowed_classes[0](value)
raise TypeError(
"Tried to set a DifferentialAttribute with an unsupported"
f" Differential type {value.__class__}. Allowed classes are:"
f" {self.allowed_classes}"
return value, True