# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import functools
import types
import warnings
import numpy as np
from astropy.units.core import Unit
from astropy.units.errors import UnitsError
from astropy.units.quantity import Quantity
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
__all__ = ["Constant", "EMConstant"]
class ConstantMeta(type):
"""Metaclass for `~astropy.constants.Constant`. The primary purpose of this
is to wrap the double-underscore methods of `~astropy.units.Quantity`
which is the superclass of `~astropy.constants.Constant`.
In particular this wraps the operator overloads such as `__add__` to
prevent their use with constants such as ``e`` from being used in
expressions without specifying a system. The wrapper checks to see if the
constant is listed (by name) in ``Constant._has_incompatible_units``, a set
of those constants that are defined in different systems of units are
physically incompatible. It also performs this check on each `Constant` if
it hasn't already been performed (the check is deferred until the
`Constant` is actually used in an expression to speed up import times,
among other reasons).
def __new__(cls, name, bases, d):
def wrap(meth):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
name_lower = self.name.lower()
instances = self._registry[name_lower]
if not self._checked_units:
for inst in instances.values():
except UnitsError:
self._checked_units = True
if not self.system and name_lower in self._has_incompatible_units:
systems = sorted(x for x in instances if x)
raise TypeError(
f"Constant {self.abbrev!r} does not have physically compatible "
"units across all systems of units and cannot be "
"combined with other values without specifying a "
f"system (eg. {self.abbrev}.{systems[0]})"
return meth(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
# The wrapper applies to so many of the __ methods that it's easier to
# just exclude the ones it doesn't apply to
exclude = {
for attr, value in vars(Quantity).items():
if (
isinstance(value, types.FunctionType)
and attr.startswith("__")
and attr.endswith("__")
and attr not in exclude
d[attr] = wrap(value)
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, d)
class Constant(Quantity, metaclass=ConstantMeta):
"""A physical or astronomical constant.
These objects are quantities that are meant to represent physical
abbrev : str
A typical ASCII text abbreviation of the constant, generally
the same as the Python variable used for this constant.
name : str
Full constant name.
value : numbers.Real
Constant value. Note that this should be a bare number, not a
unit : str
String representation of the constant units.
uncertainty : numbers.Real
Absolute uncertainty in constant value. Note that this should be
a bare number, not a |Quantity|.
reference : str, optional
Reference where the value is taken from.
system : str
System of units in which the constant is defined. This can be
`None` when the constant's units can be directly converted
between systems.
_registry = {}
_has_incompatible_units = set()
def __new__(
cls, abbrev, name, value, unit, uncertainty, reference=None, system=None
if reference is None:
reference = getattr(cls, "default_reference", None)
if reference is None:
raise TypeError(f"{cls} requires a reference.")
name_lower = name.lower()
instances = cls._registry.setdefault(name_lower, {})
# By-pass Quantity initialization, since units may not yet be
# initialized here, and we store the unit in string form.
inst = np.array(value).view(cls)
if system in instances:
f"Constant {name!r} already has a definition in "
f"the {system!r} system from {reference!r} reference",
for c in instances.values():
if system is not None and not hasattr(c.__class__, system):
setattr(c, system, inst)
if c.system is not None and not hasattr(inst.__class__, c.system):
setattr(inst, c.system, c)
instances[system] = inst
inst._abbrev = abbrev
inst._name = name
inst._value = value
inst._unit_string = unit
inst._uncertainty = uncertainty
inst._reference = reference
inst._system = system
inst._checked_units = False
return inst
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"<{self.__class__} "
f"name={self.name!r} "
f"value={self.value} "
f"uncertainty={self.uncertainty} "
f"unit={str(self.unit)!r} "
def __str__(self):
return (
f" Name = {self.name}\n"
f" Value = {self.value}\n"
f" Uncertainty = {self.uncertainty}\n"
f" Unit = {self.unit}\n"
f" Reference = {self.reference}"
def __quantity_subclass__(self, unit):
return super().__quantity_subclass__(unit)[0], False
def copy(self):
Return a copy of this `Constant` instance. Since they are by
definition immutable, this merely returns another reference to
return self
__deepcopy__ = __copy__ = copy
def abbrev(self):
"""A typical ASCII text abbreviation of the constant, also generally
the same as the Python variable used for this constant.
return self._abbrev
def name(self):
"""The full name of the constant."""
return self._name
def _unit(self):
"""The unit(s) in which this constant is defined."""
return Unit(self._unit_string)
def uncertainty(self):
"""The known absolute uncertainty in this constant's value."""
return self._uncertainty
def reference(self):
"""The source used for the value of this constant."""
return self._reference
def system(self):
"""The system of units in which this constant is defined (typically
`None` so long as the constant's units can be directly converted
between systems).
return self._system
def _instance_or_super(self, key):
instances = self._registry[self.name.lower()]
inst = instances.get(key)
if inst is not None:
return inst
return getattr(super(), key)
def si(self):
"""If the Constant is defined in the SI system return that instance of
the constant, else convert to a Quantity in the appropriate SI units.
return self._instance_or_super("si")
def cgs(self):
"""If the Constant is defined in the CGS system return that instance of
the constant, else convert to a Quantity in the appropriate CGS units.
return self._instance_or_super("cgs")
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
for attr in (
setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr, None))
self._checked_units = getattr(obj, "_checked_units", False)
class EMConstant(Constant):
"""An electromagnetic constant."""
def cgs(self):
"""Overridden for EMConstant to raise a `TypeError`
emphasizing that there are multiple EM extensions to CGS.
raise TypeError(
"Cannot convert EM constants to cgs because there "
"are different systems for E.M constants within the "
"c.g.s system (ESU, Gaussian, etc.). Instead, "
"directly use the constant with the appropriate "
"suffix (e.g. e.esu, e.gauss, etc.)."