# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module defines base classes for all models. The base class of all
models is `~astropy.modeling.Model`. `~astropy.modeling.FittableModel` is
the base class for all fittable models. Fittable models can be linear or
nonlinear in a regression analysis sense.
All models provide a `__call__` method which performs the transformation in
a purely mathematical way, i.e. the models are unitless. Model instances can
represent either a single model, or a "model set" representing multiple copies
of the same type of model, but with potentially different values of the
parameters in each model making up the set.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, protected-access, redefined-outer-name
import abc
import copy
import functools
import inspect
import operator
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from inspect import signature
from textwrap import indent
import numpy as np
from astropy.nddata.utils import add_array, extract_array
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.units import Quantity, UnitsError, dimensionless_unscaled
from astropy.units.utils import quantity_asanyarray
from astropy.utils import (
from astropy.utils.codegen import make_function_with_signature
from astropy.utils.compat import COPY_IF_NEEDED
from .bounding_box import CompoundBoundingBox, ModelBoundingBox
from .parameters import InputParameterError, Parameter, _tofloat, param_repr_oneline
from .utils import (
__all__ = [
def _model_oper(oper, **kwargs):
Returns a function that evaluates a given Python arithmetic operator
between two models. The operator should be given as a string, like ``'+'``
or ``'**'``.
return lambda left, right: CompoundModel(oper, left, right, **kwargs)
class ModelDefinitionError(TypeError):
"""Used for incorrect models definitions."""
class _ModelMeta(abc.ABCMeta):
Metaclass for Model.
Currently just handles auto-generating the param_names list based on
Parameter descriptors declared at the class-level of Model subclasses.
_is_dynamic = False
This flag signifies whether this class was created in the "normal" way,
with a class statement in the body of a module, as opposed to a call to
`type` or some other metaclass constructor, such that the resulting class
does not belong to a specific module. This is important for pickling of
dynamic classes.
This flag is always forced to False for new classes, so code that creates
dynamic classes should manually set it to True on those classes when
creating them.
# Default empty dict for _parameters_, which will be empty on model
# classes that don't have any Parameters
def __new__(mcls, name, bases, members, **kwds):
# See the docstring for _is_dynamic above
if "_is_dynamic" not in members:
members["_is_dynamic"] = mcls._is_dynamic
opermethods = [
("__add__", _model_oper("+")),
("__sub__", _model_oper("-")),
("__mul__", _model_oper("*")),
("__truediv__", _model_oper("/")),
("__pow__", _model_oper("**")),
("__or__", _model_oper("|")),
("__and__", _model_oper("&")),
("_fix_inputs", _model_oper("fix_inputs")),
members["_parameters_"] = {
k: v for k, v in members.items() if isinstance(v, Parameter)
for opermethod, opercall in opermethods:
members[opermethod] = opercall
cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, members, **kwds)
param_names = list(members["_parameters_"])
# Need to walk each base MRO to collect all parameter names
for base in bases:
for tbase in base.__mro__:
if issubclass(tbase, Model):
# Preserve order of definitions
param_names = list(tbase._parameters_) + param_names
# Remove duplicates (arising from redefinition in subclass).
param_names = list(dict.fromkeys(param_names))
if cls._parameters_:
if hasattr(cls, "_param_names"):
# Slight kludge to support compound models, where
# cls.param_names is a property; could be improved with a
# little refactoring but fine for now
cls._param_names = tuple(param_names)
cls.param_names = tuple(param_names)
return cls
def __init__(cls, name, bases, members, **kwds):
super().__init__(name, bases, members, **kwds)
pdict = {}
for base in bases:
for tbase in base.__mro__:
if not issubclass(tbase, Model):
pdict |= cls._parameters_
cls._handle_special_methods(members, pdict)
def __repr__(cls):
Custom repr for Model subclasses.
return cls._format_cls_repr()
def _repr_pretty_(cls, p, cycle):
Repr for IPython's pretty printer.
By default IPython "pretty prints" classes, so we need to implement
this so that IPython displays the custom repr for Models.
def __reduce__(cls):
if not cls._is_dynamic:
# Just return a string specifying where the class can be imported
# from
return cls.__name__
members = dict(cls.__dict__)
# Delete any ABC-related attributes--these will be restored when
# the class is reconstructed:
for key in list(members):
if key.startswith("_abc_"):
del members[key]
# Delete custom __init__ and __call__ if they exist:
for key in ("__init__", "__call__"):
if key in members:
del members[key]
return (type(cls), (cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, members))
def name(cls):
The name of this model class--equivalent to ``cls.__name__``.
This attribute is provided for symmetry with the
`~astropy.modeling.Model.name` attribute of model instances.
return cls.__name__
def _is_concrete(cls):
A class-level property that determines whether the class is a concrete
implementation of a Model--i.e. it is not some abstract base class or
internal implementation detail (i.e. begins with '_').
return not (cls.__name__.startswith("_") or inspect.isabstract(cls))
def rename(cls, name=None, inputs=None, outputs=None):
Creates a copy of this model class with a new name, inputs or outputs.
The new class is technically a subclass of the original class, so that
instance and type checks will still work. For example::
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import Rotation2D
>>> SkyRotation = Rotation2D.rename('SkyRotation')
>>> SkyRotation
<class 'astropy.modeling.core.SkyRotation'>
Name: SkyRotation (Rotation2D)
N_inputs: 2
N_outputs: 2
Fittable parameters: ('angle',)
>>> issubclass(SkyRotation, Rotation2D)
>>> r = SkyRotation(90)
>>> isinstance(r, Rotation2D)
mod = find_current_module(2)
if mod:
modname = mod.__name__
modname = "__main__"
if name is None:
name = cls.name
if inputs is None:
inputs = cls.inputs
if not isinstance(inputs, tuple):
raise TypeError("Expected 'inputs' to be a tuple of strings.")
elif len(inputs) != len(cls.inputs):
raise ValueError(f"{cls.name} expects {len(cls.inputs)} inputs")
if outputs is None:
outputs = cls.outputs
if not isinstance(outputs, tuple):
raise TypeError("Expected 'outputs' to be a tuple of strings.")
elif len(outputs) != len(cls.outputs):
raise ValueError(f"{cls.name} expects {len(cls.outputs)} outputs")
new_cls = type(name, (cls,), {"inputs": inputs, "outputs": outputs})
new_cls.__module__ = modname
new_cls.__qualname__ = name
return new_cls
def _create_inverse_property(cls, members):
inverse = members.get("inverse")
if inverse is None or cls.__bases__[0] is object:
# The latter clause is the prevent the below code from running on
# the Model base class, which implements the default getter and
# setter for .inverse
if isinstance(inverse, property):
# We allow the @property decorator to be omitted entirely from
# the class definition, though its use should be encouraged for
# clarity
inverse = inverse.fget
# Store the inverse getter internally, then delete the given .inverse
# attribute so that cls.inverse resolves to Model.inverse instead
cls._inverse = inverse
del cls.inverse
def _create_bounding_box_property(cls, members):
Takes any bounding_box defined on a concrete Model subclass (either
as a fixed tuple or a property or method) and wraps it in the generic
getter/setter interface for the bounding_box attribute.
# TODO: Much of this is verbatim from _create_inverse_property--I feel
# like there could be a way to generify properties that work this way,
# but for the time being that would probably only confuse things more.
bounding_box = members.get("bounding_box")
if bounding_box is None or cls.__bases__[0] is object:
if isinstance(bounding_box, property):
bounding_box = bounding_box.fget
if not callable(bounding_box):
# See if it's a hard-coded bounding_box (as a sequence) and
# normalize it
bounding_box = ModelBoundingBox.validate(
cls, bounding_box, _preserve_ignore=True
except ValueError as exc:
raise ModelDefinitionError(exc.args[0])
sig = signature(bounding_box)
# May be a method that only takes 'self' as an argument (like a
# property, but the @property decorator was forgotten)
# However, if the method takes additional arguments then this is a
# parameterized bounding box and should be callable
if len(sig.parameters) > 1:
bounding_box = cls._create_bounding_box_subclass(bounding_box, sig)
# See the Model.bounding_box getter definition for how this attribute
# is used
cls._bounding_box = bounding_box
del cls.bounding_box
def _create_bounding_box_subclass(cls, func, sig):
For Models that take optional arguments for defining their bounding
box, we create a subclass of ModelBoundingBox with a ``__call__`` method
that supports those additional arguments.
Takes the function's Signature as an argument since that is already
computed in _create_bounding_box_property, so no need to duplicate that
# TODO: Might be convenient if calling the bounding box also
# automatically sets the _user_bounding_box. So that
# >>> model.bounding_box(arg=1)
# in addition to returning the computed bbox, also sets it, so that
# it's a shortcut for
# >>> model.bounding_box = model.bounding_box(arg=1)
# Not sure if that would be non-obvious / confusing though...
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
return func(self._model, **kwargs)
kwargs = []
for idx, param in enumerate(sig.parameters.values()):
if idx == 0:
# Presumed to be a 'self' argument
if param.default is param.empty:
raise ModelDefinitionError(
f"The bounding_box method for {cls.name} is not correctly "
"defined: If defined as a method all arguments to that "
"method (besides self) must be keyword arguments with "
"default values that can be used to compute a default "
"bounding box."
kwargs.append((param.name, param.default))
__call__.__signature__ = sig
return type(
f"{cls.name}ModelBoundingBox", (ModelBoundingBox,), {"__call__": __call__}
def _handle_special_methods(cls, members, pdict):
# Handle init creation from inputs
def update_wrapper(wrapper, cls):
# Set up the new __call__'s metadata attributes as though it were
# manually defined in the class definition
# A bit like functools.update_wrapper but uses the class instead of
# the wrapped function
wrapper.__module__ = cls.__module__
wrapper.__doc__ = getattr(cls, wrapper.__name__).__doc__
if hasattr(cls, "__qualname__"):
wrapper.__qualname__ = f"{cls.__qualname__}.{wrapper.__name__}"
if (
"__call__" not in members
and "n_inputs" in members
and isinstance(members["n_inputs"], int)
and members["n_inputs"] > 0
# Don't create a custom __call__ for classes that already have one
# explicitly defined (this includes the Model base class, and any
# other classes that manually override __call__
def __call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs):
"""Evaluate this model on the supplied inputs."""
return super(cls, self).__call__(*inputs, **kwargs)
# When called, models can take two optional keyword arguments:
# * model_set_axis, which indicates (for multi-dimensional input)
# which axis is used to indicate different models
# * equivalencies, a dictionary of equivalencies to be applied to
# the input values, where each key should correspond to one of
# the inputs.
# The following code creates the __call__ function with these
# two keyword arguments.
args = ("self",)
kwargs = {
"model_set_axis": None,
"with_bounding_box": False,
"fill_value": np.nan,
"equivalencies": None,
"inputs_map": None,
new_call = make_function_with_signature(
__call__, args, kwargs, varargs="inputs", varkwargs="new_inputs"
# The following makes it look like __call__
# was defined in the class
update_wrapper(new_call, cls)
cls.__call__ = new_call
if (
"__init__" not in members
and not inspect.isabstract(cls)
and cls._parameters_
# Build list of all parameters including inherited ones
# If *all* the parameters have default values we can make them
# keyword arguments; otherwise they must all be positional
# arguments
if all(p.default is not None for p in pdict.values()):
args = ("self",)
kwargs = []
for param_name, param_val in pdict.items():
default = param_val.default
unit = param_val.unit
# If the unit was specified in the parameter but the
# default is not a Quantity, attach the unit to the
# default.
if unit is not None:
default = Quantity(
default, unit, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED, subok=True
kwargs.append((param_name, default))
args = ("self",) + tuple(pdict.keys())
kwargs = {}
def __init__(self, *params, **kwargs):
return super(cls, self).__init__(*params, **kwargs)
new_init = make_function_with_signature(
__init__, args, kwargs, varkwargs="kwargs"
update_wrapper(new_init, cls)
cls.__init__ = new_init
# *** Arithmetic operators for creating compound models ***
__add__ = _model_oper("+")
__sub__ = _model_oper("-")
__mul__ = _model_oper("*")
__truediv__ = _model_oper("/")
__pow__ = _model_oper("**")
__or__ = _model_oper("|")
__and__ = _model_oper("&")
_fix_inputs = _model_oper("fix_inputs")
# *** Other utilities ***
def _format_cls_repr(cls, keywords=[]):
Internal implementation of ``__repr__``.
This is separated out for ease of use by subclasses that wish to
override the default ``__repr__`` while keeping the same basic
# For the sake of familiarity start the output with the standard class
# __repr__
parts = [super().__repr__()]
if not cls._is_concrete:
return parts[0]
def format_inheritance(cls):
bases = []
for base in cls.mro()[1:]:
if not issubclass(base, Model):
elif inspect.isabstract(base) or base.__name__.startswith("_"):
if bases:
return f"{cls.name} ({' -> '.join(bases)})"
return cls.name
default_keywords = [
("Name", format_inheritance(cls)),
("N_inputs", cls.n_inputs),
("N_outputs", cls.n_outputs),
if cls.param_names:
default_keywords.append(("Fittable parameters", cls.param_names))
for keyword, value in default_keywords + keywords:
if value is not None:
parts.append(f"{keyword}: {value}")
return "\n".join(parts)
except Exception:
# If any of the above formatting fails fall back on the basic repr
# (this is particularly useful in debugging)
return parts[0]
class Model(metaclass=_ModelMeta):
Base class for all models.
This is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly.
The following initialization arguments apply to the majority of Model
subclasses by default (exceptions include specialized utility models
like `~astropy.modeling.mappings.Mapping`). Parametric models take all
their parameters as arguments, followed by any of the following optional
keyword arguments:
name : str, optional
A human-friendly name associated with this model instance
(particularly useful for identifying the individual components of a
compound model).
meta : dict, optional
An optional dict of user-defined metadata to attach to this model.
How this is used and interpreted is up to the user or individual use
n_models : int, optional
If given an integer greater than 1, a *model set* is instantiated
instead of a single model. This affects how the parameter arguments
are interpreted. In this case each parameter must be given as a list
or array--elements of this array are taken along the first axis (or
``model_set_axis`` if specified), such that the Nth element is the
value of that parameter for the Nth model in the set.
See the section on model sets in the documentation for more details.
model_set_axis : int, optional
This argument only applies when creating a model set (i.e. ``n_models >
1``). It changes how parameter values are interpreted. Normally the
first axis of each input parameter array (properly the 0th axis) is
taken as the axis corresponding to the model sets. However, any axis
of an input array may be taken as this "model set axis". This accepts
negative integers as well--for example use ``model_set_axis=-1`` if the
last (most rapidly changing) axis should be associated with the model
sets. Also, ``model_set_axis=False`` can be used to tell that a given
input should be used to evaluate all the models in the model set.
fixed : dict, optional
Dictionary ``{parameter_name: bool}`` setting the fixed constraint
for one or more parameters. `True` means the parameter is held fixed
during fitting and is prevented from updates once an instance of the
model has been created.
Alternatively the `~astropy.modeling.Parameter.fixed` property of a
parameter may be used to lock or unlock individual parameters.
tied : dict, optional
Dictionary ``{parameter_name: callable}`` of parameters which are
linked to some other parameter. The dictionary values are callables
providing the linking relationship.
Alternatively the `~astropy.modeling.Parameter.tied` property of a
parameter may be used to set the ``tied`` constraint on individual
bounds : dict, optional
A dictionary ``{parameter_name: value}`` of lower and upper bounds of
parameters. Keys are parameter names. Values are a list or a tuple
of length 2 giving the desired range for the parameter.
Alternatively the `~astropy.modeling.Parameter.min` and
`~astropy.modeling.Parameter.max` or
~astropy.modeling.Parameter.bounds` properties of a parameter may be
used to set bounds on individual parameters.
eqcons : list, optional
List of functions of length n such that ``eqcons[j](x0, *args) == 0.0``
in a successfully optimized problem.
ineqcons : list, optional
List of functions of length n such that ``ieqcons[j](x0, *args) >=
0.0`` is a successfully optimized problem.
>>> from astropy.modeling import models
>>> def tie_center(model):
... mean = 50 * model.stddev
... return mean
>>> tied_parameters = {'mean': tie_center}
Specify that ``'mean'`` is a tied parameter in one of two ways:
>>> g1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10, mean=5, stddev=.3,
... tied=tied_parameters)
>>> g1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10, mean=5, stddev=.3)
>>> g1.mean.tied
>>> g1.mean.tied = tie_center
>>> g1.mean.tied
<function tie_center at 0x...>
Fixed parameters:
>>> g1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10, mean=5, stddev=.3,
... fixed={'stddev': True})
>>> g1.stddev.fixed
>>> g1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=10, mean=5, stddev=.3)
>>> g1.stddev.fixed
>>> g1.stddev.fixed = True
>>> g1.stddev.fixed
parameter_constraints = Parameter.constraints
Primarily for informational purposes, these are the types of constraints
that can be set on a model's parameters.
model_constraints = ("eqcons", "ineqcons")
Primarily for informational purposes, these are the types of constraints
that constrain model evaluation.
param_names = ()
Names of the parameters that describe models of this type.
The parameters in this tuple are in the same order they should be passed in
when initializing a model of a specific type. Some types of models, such
as polynomial models, have a different number of parameters depending on
some other property of the model, such as the degree.
When defining a custom model class the value of this attribute is
automatically set by the `~astropy.modeling.Parameter` attributes defined
in the class body.
standard_broadcasting = True
fittable = False
linear = True
_separable = None
""" A boolean flag to indicate whether a model is separable."""
meta = metadata.MetaData()
"""A dict-like object to store optional information."""
# By default models either use their own inverse property or have no
# inverse at all, but users may also assign a custom inverse to a model,
# optionally; in that case it is of course up to the user to determine
# whether their inverse is *actually* an inverse to the model they assign
# it to.
_inverse = None
_user_inverse = None
_bounding_box = None
_user_bounding_box = None
_has_inverse_bounding_box = False
# Default n_models attribute, so that __len__ is still defined even when a
# model hasn't completed initialization yet
_n_models = 1
# New classes can set this as a boolean value.
# It is converted to a dictionary mapping input name to a boolean value.
_input_units_strict = False
# Allow dimensionless input (and corresponding output). If this is True,
# input values to evaluate will gain the units specified in input_units. If
# this is a dictionary then it should map input name to a bool to allow
# dimensionless numbers for that input.
# Only has an effect if input_units is defined.
_input_units_allow_dimensionless = False
# Default equivalencies to apply to input values. If set, this should be a
# dictionary where each key is a string that corresponds to one of the
# model inputs. Only has an effect if input_units is defined.
input_units_equivalencies = None
# Covariance matrix can be set by fitter if available.
# If cov_matrix is available, then std will set as well
_cov_matrix = None
_stds = None
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, *args, meta=None, name=None, **kwargs):
if meta is not None:
self.meta = meta
self._name = name
# add parameters to instance level by walking MRO list
mro = self.__class__.__mro__
for cls in mro:
if issubclass(cls, Model):
for parname, val in cls._parameters_.items():
newpar = copy.deepcopy(val)
newpar.model = self
if parname not in self.__dict__:
self.__dict__[parname] = newpar
kwargs = self._initialize_setters(kwargs)
# Remaining keyword args are either parameter values or invalid
# Parameter values must be passed in as keyword arguments in order to
# distinguish them
self._initialize_parameters(args, kwargs)
# Initialize the cache for the constraints (used primarily when
# sync_constraints is False)
self._constraints_cache = {}
def _default_inputs_outputs(self):
if self.n_inputs == 1 and self.n_outputs == 1:
self._inputs = ("x",)
self._outputs = ("y",)
elif self.n_inputs == 2 and self.n_outputs == 1:
self._inputs = ("x", "y")
self._outputs = ("z",)
self._inputs = tuple("x" + str(idx) for idx in range(self.n_inputs))
self._outputs = tuple("x" + str(idx) for idx in range(self.n_outputs))
except TypeError:
# self.n_inputs and self.n_outputs are properties
# This is the case when subclasses of Model do not define
# ``n_inputs``, ``n_outputs``, ``inputs`` or ``outputs``.
self._inputs = ()
self._outputs = ()
def _initialize_setters(self, kwargs):
This exists to inject defaults for settable properties for models
originating from `~astropy.modeling.custom_model`.
if hasattr(self, "_settable_properties"):
setters = {
name: kwargs.pop(name, default)
for name, default in self._settable_properties.items()
for name, value in setters.items():
setattr(self, name, value)
return kwargs
def inputs(self):
return self._inputs
def inputs(self, val):
if len(val) != self.n_inputs:
raise ValueError(
f"Expected {self.n_inputs} number of inputs, got {len(val)}."
self._inputs = val
def outputs(self):
return self._outputs
def outputs(self, val):
if len(val) != self.n_outputs:
raise ValueError(
f"Expected {self.n_outputs} number of outputs, got {len(val)}."
self._outputs = val
def n_inputs(self) -> int:
"""The number of inputs."""
return len(getattr(self, "inputs", ()))
def n_outputs(self) -> int:
"""The number of outputs."""
return len(getattr(self, "outputs", ()))
def _calculate_separability_matrix(self):
This is a hook which customises the behavior of modeling.separable.
This allows complex subclasses to customise the separability matrix.
If it returns `NotImplemented` the default behavior is used.
return NotImplemented
def _initialize_unit_support(self):
Convert self._input_units_strict and
self.input_units_allow_dimensionless to dictionaries
mapping input name to a boolean value.
if isinstance(self._input_units_strict, bool):
self._input_units_strict = {
key: self._input_units_strict for key in self.inputs
if isinstance(self._input_units_allow_dimensionless, bool):
self._input_units_allow_dimensionless = {
key: self._input_units_allow_dimensionless for key in self.inputs
def input_units_strict(self):
Enforce strict units on inputs to evaluate. If this is set to True,
input values to evaluate will be in the exact units specified by
input_units. If the input quantities are convertible to input_units,
they are converted. If this is a dictionary then it should map input
name to a bool to set strict input units for that parameter.
val = self._input_units_strict
if isinstance(val, bool):
return {key: val for key in self.inputs}
return dict(zip(self.inputs, val.values()))
def input_units_allow_dimensionless(self):
Allow dimensionless input (and corresponding output). If this is True,
input values to evaluate will gain the units specified in input_units. If
this is a dictionary then it should map input name to a bool to allow
dimensionless numbers for that input.
Only has an effect if input_units is defined.
val = self._input_units_allow_dimensionless
if isinstance(val, bool):
return {key: val for key in self.inputs}
return dict(zip(self.inputs, val.values()))
def uses_quantity(self):
True if this model has been created with `~astropy.units.Quantity`
objects or if there are no parameters.
This can be used to determine if this model should be evaluated with
`~astropy.units.Quantity` or regular floats.
pisq = [isinstance(p, Quantity) for p in self._param_sets(units=True)]
return (len(pisq) == 0) or any(pisq)
def __repr__(self):
return self._format_repr()
def __str__(self):
return self._format_str()
def __len__(self):
return self._n_models
def _strip_ones(intup):
return tuple(item for item in intup if item != 1)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if isinstance(self, CompoundModel):
param_names = self._param_names
param_names = self.param_names
if param_names is not None and attr in self.param_names:
param = self.__dict__[attr]
value = _tofloat(value)
if param._validator is not None:
param._validator(self, value)
# check consistency with previous shape and size
eshape = self._param_metrics[attr]["shape"]
if eshape == ():
eshape = (1,)
vshape = np.array(value).shape
if vshape == ():
vshape = (1,)
esize = self._param_metrics[attr]["size"]
if np.size(value) != esize or self._strip_ones(vshape) != self._strip_ones(
raise InputParameterError(
f"Value for parameter {attr} does not match shape or size\nexpected"
f" by model ({vshape}, {np.size(value)}) vs ({eshape}, {esize})"
if param.unit is None:
if isinstance(value, Quantity):
param._unit = value.unit
param.value = value.value
param.value = value
if not isinstance(value, Quantity):
raise UnitsError(
f"The '{param.name}' parameter should be given as a"
" Quantity because it was originally "
"initialized as a Quantity"
param._unit = value.unit
param.value = value.value
if attr in ["fittable", "linear"]:
self.__dict__[attr] = value
super().__setattr__(attr, value)
def _pre_evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs):
Model specific input setup that needs to occur prior to model evaluation.
# Broadcast inputs into common size
inputs, broadcasted_shapes = self.prepare_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
# Setup actual model evaluation method
parameters = self._param_sets(raw=True, units=self._has_units)
def evaluate(_inputs):
return self.evaluate(*_inputs, *parameters)
return evaluate, inputs, broadcasted_shapes, kwargs
def get_bounding_box(self, with_bbox=True):
Return the ``bounding_box`` of a model if it exists or ``None``
with_bbox :
The value of the ``with_bounding_box`` keyword argument
when calling the model. Default is `True` for usage when
looking up the model's ``bounding_box`` without risk of error.
bbox = None
if not isinstance(with_bbox, bool) or with_bbox:
bbox = self.bounding_box
except NotImplementedError:
if isinstance(bbox, CompoundBoundingBox) and not isinstance(
with_bbox, bool
bbox = bbox[with_bbox]
return bbox
def _argnames(self):
"""The inputs used to determine input_shape for bounding_box evaluation."""
return self.inputs
def _validate_input_shape(
self, _input, idx, argnames, model_set_axis, check_model_set_axis
"""Perform basic validation of a single model input's shape.
The shape has the minimum dimensions for the given model_set_axis.
Returns the shape of the input if validation succeeds.
input_shape = np.shape(_input)
# Ensure that the input's model_set_axis matches the model's
# n_models
if input_shape and check_model_set_axis:
# Note: Scalar inputs *only* get a pass on this
if len(input_shape) < model_set_axis + 1:
raise ValueError(
f"For model_set_axis={model_set_axis}, all inputs must be at "
f"least {model_set_axis + 1}-dimensional."
if input_shape[model_set_axis] != self._n_models:
argname = argnames[idx]
except IndexError:
# the case of model.inputs = ()
argname = str(idx)
raise ValueError(
f"Input argument '{argname}' does not have the correct dimensions"
f" in model_set_axis={model_set_axis} for a model set with"
f" n_models={self._n_models}."
return input_shape
def _validate_input_shapes(self, inputs, argnames, model_set_axis):
Perform basic validation of model inputs
--that they are mutually broadcastable and that they have
the minimum dimensions for the given model_set_axis.
If validation succeeds, returns the total shape that will result from
broadcasting the input arrays with each other.
check_model_set_axis = self._n_models > 1 and model_set_axis is not False
all_shapes = []
for idx, _input in enumerate(inputs):
_input, idx, argnames, model_set_axis, check_model_set_axis
# If we only have one input we don't need to broadcast it
if len(all_shapes) == 1:
return all_shapes[0]
return np.broadcast_shapes(*all_shapes)
except ValueError as exc:
exc.add_note("All inputs must have identical shapes or must be scalars.")
raise exc
def _generic_evaluate(self, evaluate, _inputs, fill_value, with_bbox):
"""Generic model evaluation routine.
Selects and evaluates model with or without bounding_box enforcement.
# Evaluate the model using the prepared evaluation method either
# enforcing the bounding_box or not.
bbox = self.get_bounding_box(with_bbox)
if (not isinstance(with_bbox, bool) or with_bbox) and bbox is not None:
outputs = bbox.evaluate(evaluate, _inputs, fill_value)
outputs = evaluate(_inputs)
return outputs
def _post_evaluate(self, inputs, outputs, broadcasted_shapes, with_bbox, **kwargs):
Model specific post evaluation processing of outputs.
if self.get_bounding_box(with_bbox) is None and self.n_outputs == 1:
outputs = (outputs,)
outputs = self.prepare_outputs(broadcasted_shapes, *outputs, **kwargs)
outputs = self._process_output_units(inputs, outputs)
if self.n_outputs == 1:
return outputs[0]
return outputs
def bbox_with_units(self):
return not isinstance(self, CompoundModel)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values
that were specified when the model was instantiated.
# Turn any keyword arguments into positional arguments.
args, kwargs = self._get_renamed_inputs_as_positional(*args, **kwargs)
# Read model evaluation related parameters
with_bbox = kwargs.pop("with_bounding_box", False)
fill_value = kwargs.pop("fill_value", np.nan)
# prepare for model evaluation (overridden in CompoundModel)
evaluate, inputs, broadcasted_shapes, kwargs = self._pre_evaluate(
*args, **kwargs
outputs = self._generic_evaluate(evaluate, inputs, fill_value, with_bbox)
# post-process evaluation results (overridden in CompoundModel)
return self._post_evaluate(
inputs, outputs, broadcasted_shapes, with_bbox, **kwargs
def _get_renamed_inputs_as_positional(self, *args, **kwargs):
def _keyword2positional(kwargs):
# Inputs were passed as keyword (not positional) arguments.
# Because the signature of the ``__call__`` is defined at
# the class level, the name of the inputs cannot be changed at
# the instance level and the old names are always present in the
# signature of the method. In order to use the new names of the
# inputs, the old names are taken out of ``kwargs``, the input
# values are sorted in the order of self.inputs and passed as
# positional arguments to ``__call__``.
# These are the keys that are always present as keyword arguments.
keys = [
new_inputs = {}
# kwargs contain the names of the new inputs + ``keys``
allkeys = list(kwargs.keys())
# Remove the names of the new inputs from kwargs and save them
# to a dict ``new_inputs``.
for key in allkeys:
if key not in keys:
new_inputs[key] = kwargs[key]
del kwargs[key]
return new_inputs, kwargs
n_args = len(args)
new_inputs, kwargs = _keyword2positional(kwargs)
n_all_args = n_args + len(new_inputs)
if n_all_args < self.n_inputs:
raise ValueError(
f"Missing input arguments - expected {self.n_inputs}, got {n_all_args}"
elif n_all_args > self.n_inputs:
raise ValueError(
f"Too many input arguments - expected {self.n_inputs}, got {n_all_args}"
if n_args == 0:
# Create positional arguments from the keyword arguments in ``new_inputs``.
new_args = []
for k in self.inputs:
elif n_args != self.n_inputs:
# Some inputs are passed as positional, others as keyword arguments.
args = list(args)
# Create positional arguments from the keyword arguments in ``new_inputs``.
new_args = []
for k in self.inputs:
if k in new_inputs:
del args[0]
new_args = args
return new_args, kwargs
# *** Properties ***
def name(self):
"""User-provided name for this model instance."""
return self._name
def name(self, val):
"""Assign a (new) name to this model."""
self._name = val
def model_set_axis(self):
The index of the model set axis--that is the axis of a parameter array
that pertains to which model a parameter value pertains to--as
specified when the model was initialized.
See the documentation on :ref:`astropy:modeling-model-sets`
for more details.
return self._model_set_axis
def param_sets(self):
Return parameters as a pset.
This is a list with one item per parameter set, which is an array of
that parameter's values across all parameter sets, with the last axis
associated with the parameter set.
return self._param_sets()
def parameters(self):
A flattened array of all parameter values in all parameter sets.
Fittable parameters maintain this list and fitters modify it.
# Currently the sequence of a model's parameters must be contiguous
# within the _parameters array (which may be a view of a larger array,
# for example when taking a sub-expression of a compound model), so
# the assumption here is reliable:
if not self.param_names:
# Trivial, but not unheard of
return self._parameters
start = self._param_metrics[self.param_names[0]]["slice"].start
stop = self._param_metrics[self.param_names[-1]]["slice"].stop
return self._parameters[start:stop]
def parameters(self, value):
Assigning to this attribute updates the parameters array rather than
replacing it.
if not self.param_names:
start = self._param_metrics[self.param_names[0]]["slice"].start
stop = self._param_metrics[self.param_names[-1]]["slice"].stop
value = np.asanyarray(value).ravel()
self._parameters[start:stop] = value
except ValueError as e:
raise InputParameterError(
"Input parameter values not compatible with the model "
f"parameters array: {e!r}"
def sync_constraints(self):
This is a boolean property that indicates whether or not accessing constraints
automatically check the constituent models current values. It defaults to True
on creation of a model, but for fitting purposes it should be set to False
for performance reasons.
if not hasattr(self, "_sync_constraints"):
self._sync_constraints = True
return self._sync_constraints
def sync_constraints(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise ValueError("sync_constraints only accepts True or False as values")
self._sync_constraints = value
# We need to invalidate the cache whenever sync_constraints is changed.
# If we are setting sync_constraints to True, then this will ensure
# that we recompute the properties next time they are called, and if
# setting to False, it will allow us to make sure the cache is up-to-date
# below before disabling syncing.
# If setting to False, cache all the values with the present state
# to make sure we don't ever update the cache once the syncing is
# disabled. Note that these will automatically then cause 'fixed',
# 'bounds' and 'tied' to be called.
if not value:
_ = self.has_fixed
_ = self.has_bounds
_ = self.has_tied
def fixed(self):
A ``dict`` mapping parameter names to their fixed constraint.
if "fixed" not in self._constraints_cache or self.sync_constraints:
self._constraints_cache["fixed"] = _ConstraintsDict(self, "fixed")
return self._constraints_cache["fixed"]
def bounds(self):
A ``dict`` mapping parameter names to their upper and lower bounds as
``(min, max)`` tuples or ``[min, max]`` lists.
if "bounds" not in self._constraints_cache or self.sync_constraints:
self._constraints_cache["bounds"] = _ConstraintsDict(self, "bounds")
return self._constraints_cache["bounds"]
def tied(self):
A ``dict`` mapping parameter names to their tied constraint.
if "tied" not in self._constraints_cache or self.sync_constraints:
self._constraints_cache["tied"] = _ConstraintsDict(self, "tied")
return self._constraints_cache["tied"]
def has_fixed(self):
Whether the model has any fixed constraints.
if "has_fixed" not in self._constraints_cache or self.sync_constraints:
self._constraints_cache["has_fixed"] = any(self.fixed.values())
return self._constraints_cache["has_fixed"]
def has_bounds(self):
Whether the model has any bounds constraints.
if "has_bounds" not in self._constraints_cache or self.sync_constraints:
self._constraints_cache["has_bounds"] = any(
b != (None, None) for b in self.bounds.values()
return self._constraints_cache["has_bounds"]
def has_tied(self):
Whether the model has any tied constraints.
if "has_tied" not in self._constraints_cache or self.sync_constraints:
self._constraints_cache["has_tied"] = any(self.tied.values())
return self._constraints_cache["has_tied"]
def eqcons(self):
"""List of parameter equality constraints."""
return self._mconstraints["eqcons"]
def ineqcons(self):
"""List of parameter inequality constraints."""
return self._mconstraints["ineqcons"]
def has_inverse(self):
Returns True if the model has an analytic or user
inverse defined.
self.inverse # noqa: B018
except NotImplementedError:
return False
return True
def inverse(self):
Returns a new `~astropy.modeling.Model` instance which performs the
inverse transform, if an analytic inverse is defined for this model.
Even on models that don't have an inverse defined, this property can be
set with a manually-defined inverse, such a pre-computed or
experimentally determined inverse (often given as a
`~astropy.modeling.polynomial.PolynomialModel`, but not by
A custom inverse can be deleted with ``del model.inverse``. In this
case the model's inverse is reset to its default, if a default exists
(otherwise the default is to raise `NotImplementedError`).
Note to authors of `~astropy.modeling.Model` subclasses: To define an
inverse for a model simply override this property to return the
appropriate model representing the inverse. The machinery that will
make the inverse manually-overridable is added automatically by the
base class.
if self._user_inverse is not None:
return self._user_inverse
elif self._inverse is not None:
result = self._inverse()
if result is not NotImplemented:
if not self._has_inverse_bounding_box:
result.bounding_box = None
return result
raise NotImplementedError(
"No analytical or user-supplied inverse transform "
"has been implemented for this model."
def inverse(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, (Model, type(None))):
raise ValueError(
"The inverse attribute may be assigned a Model instance "
"or None (where None explicitly forces the model to have "
"no inverse."
self._user_inverse = value
def inverse(self):
Resets the model's inverse to its default (if one exists, otherwise
the model will have no inverse).
del self._user_inverse
except AttributeError:
def has_user_inverse(self):
A flag indicating whether or not a custom inverse model has been
assigned to this model by a user, via assignment to ``model.inverse``.
return self._user_inverse is not None
def bounding_box(self):
A `tuple` of length `n_inputs` defining the bounding box limits, or
raise `NotImplementedError` for no bounding_box.
The default limits are given by a ``bounding_box`` property or method
defined in the class body of a specific model. If not defined then
this property just raises `NotImplementedError` by default (but may be
assigned a custom value by a user). ``bounding_box`` can be set
manually to an array-like object of shape ``(model.n_inputs, 2)``. For
further usage, see :ref:`astropy:bounding-boxes`
The limits are ordered according to the `numpy` ``'C'`` indexing
convention, and are the reverse of the model input order,
e.g. for inputs ``('x', 'y', 'z')``, ``bounding_box`` is defined:
* for 1D: ``(x_low, x_high)``
* for 2D: ``((y_low, y_high), (x_low, x_high))``
* for 3D: ``((z_low, z_high), (y_low, y_high), (x_low, x_high))``
Setting the ``bounding_box`` limits for a 1D and 2D model:
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian1D, Gaussian2D
>>> model_1d = Gaussian1D()
>>> model_2d = Gaussian2D(x_stddev=1, y_stddev=1)
>>> model_1d.bounding_box = (-5, 5)
>>> model_2d.bounding_box = ((-6, 6), (-5, 5))
Setting the bounding_box limits for a user-defined 3D
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import custom_model
>>> def const3d(x, y, z, amp=1):
... return amp
>>> Const3D = custom_model(const3d)
>>> model_3d = Const3D()
>>> model_3d.bounding_box = ((-6, 6), (-5, 5), (-4, 4))
To reset ``bounding_box`` to its default limits just delete the
user-defined value--this will reset it back to the default defined
on the class:
>>> del model_1d.bounding_box
To disable the bounding box entirely (including the default),
set ``bounding_box`` to `None`:
>>> model_1d.bounding_box = None
>>> model_1d.bounding_box # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: No bounding box is defined for this model
(note: the bounding box was explicitly disabled for this model;
use `del model.bounding_box` to restore the default bounding box,
if one is defined for this model).
if self._user_bounding_box is not None:
if self._user_bounding_box is NotImplemented:
raise NotImplementedError(
"No bounding box is defined for this model (note: the "
"bounding box was explicitly disabled for this model; "
"use `del model.bounding_box` to restore the default "
"bounding box, if one is defined for this model)."
return self._user_bounding_box
elif self._bounding_box is None:
raise NotImplementedError("No bounding box is defined for this model.")
elif isinstance(self._bounding_box, ModelBoundingBox):
# This typically implies a hard-coded bounding box. This will
# probably be rare, but it is an option
return self._bounding_box
elif inspect.ismethod(self._bounding_box):
return ModelBoundingBox.validate(self, self._bounding_box())
# The only other allowed possibility is that it's a ModelBoundingBox
# subclass, so we call it with its default arguments and return an
# instance of it (that can be called to recompute the bounding box
# with any optional parameters)
# (In other words, in this case self._bounding_box is a *class*)
bounding_box = self._bounding_box((), model=self)()
return self._bounding_box(bounding_box, model=self)
def bounding_box(self, bounding_box):
Assigns the bounding box limits.
if bounding_box is None:
cls = None
# We use this to explicitly set an unimplemented bounding box (as
# opposed to no user bounding box defined)
bounding_box = NotImplemented
elif isinstance(bounding_box, (CompoundBoundingBox, dict)):
cls = CompoundBoundingBox
elif isinstance(self._bounding_box, type) and issubclass(
self._bounding_box, ModelBoundingBox
cls = self._bounding_box
cls = ModelBoundingBox
if cls is not None:
bounding_box = cls.validate(self, bounding_box, _preserve_ignore=True)
except ValueError as exc:
raise ValueError(exc.args[0])
self._user_bounding_box = bounding_box
def set_slice_args(self, *args):
if isinstance(self._user_bounding_box, CompoundBoundingBox):
self._user_bounding_box.slice_args = args
raise RuntimeError("The bounding_box for this model is not compound")
def bounding_box(self):
self._user_bounding_box = None
def has_user_bounding_box(self):
A flag indicating whether or not a custom bounding_box has been
assigned to this model by a user, via assignment to
return self._user_bounding_box is not None
def cov_matrix(self):
Fitter should set covariance matrix, if available.
return self._cov_matrix
def cov_matrix(self, cov):
self._cov_matrix = cov
unfix_untied_params = [
for p in self.param_names
if (self.fixed[p] is False) and (self.tied[p] is False)
if type(cov) == list: # model set
param_stds = []
for c in cov:
[np.sqrt(x) if x > 0 else None for x in np.diag(c.cov_matrix)]
for p, param_name in enumerate(unfix_untied_params):
par = getattr(self, param_name)
par.std = [item[p] for item in param_stds]
setattr(self, param_name, par)
param_stds = [
np.sqrt(x) if x > 0 else None for x in np.diag(cov.cov_matrix)
for param_name in unfix_untied_params:
par = getattr(self, param_name)
par.std = param_stds.pop(0)
setattr(self, param_name, par)
def stds(self):
Standard deviation of parameters, if covariance matrix is available.
return self._stds
def stds(self, stds):
self._stds = stds
def separable(self):
"""A flag indicating whether a model is separable."""
if self._separable is not None:
return self._separable
raise NotImplementedError(
'The "separable" property is not defined for '
f"model {self.__class__.__name__}"
# *** Public methods ***
def without_units_for_data(self, **kwargs):
Return an instance of the model for which the parameter values have
been converted to the right units for the data, then the units have
been stripped away.
The input and output Quantity objects should be given as keyword
This method is needed in order to be able to fit models with units in
the parameters, since we need to temporarily strip away the units from
the model during the fitting (which might be done by e.g. scipy
The units that the parameters should be converted to are not
necessarily the units of the input data, but are derived from them.
Model subclasses that want fitting to work in the presence of
quantities need to define a ``_parameter_units_for_data_units`` method
that takes the input and output units (as two dictionaries) and
returns a dictionary giving the target units for each parameter.
model = self.copy()
inputs_unit = {
inp: getattr(kwargs[inp], "unit", dimensionless_unscaled)
for inp in self.inputs
if kwargs[inp] is not None
outputs_unit = {
out: getattr(kwargs[out], "unit", dimensionless_unscaled)
for out in self.outputs
if kwargs[out] is not None
parameter_units = self._parameter_units_for_data_units(
inputs_unit, outputs_unit
for name, unit in parameter_units.items():
parameter = getattr(model, name)
if parameter.unit is not None:
parameter.value = parameter.quantity.to(unit).value
parameter._set_unit(None, force=True)
if isinstance(model, CompoundModel):
return model
def output_units(self, **kwargs):
Return a dictionary of output units for this model given a dictionary
of fitting inputs and outputs.
The input and output Quantity objects should be given as keyword
This method is needed in order to be able to fit models with units in
the parameters, since we need to temporarily strip away the units from
the model during the fitting (which might be done by e.g. scipy
This method will force extra model evaluations, which maybe computationally
expensive. To avoid this, one can add a return_units property to the model,
see :ref:`astropy:models_return_units`.
units = self.return_units
if units is None or units == {}:
inputs = {inp: kwargs[inp] for inp in self.inputs}
values = self(**inputs)
if self.n_outputs == 1:
values = (values,)
units = {
out: getattr(values[index], "unit", dimensionless_unscaled)
for index, out in enumerate(self.outputs)
return units
def strip_units_from_tree(self):
for item in self._leaflist:
for parname in item.param_names:
par = getattr(item, parname)
par._set_unit(None, force=True)
def with_units_from_data(self, **kwargs):
Return an instance of the model which has units for which the parameter
values are compatible with the data units specified.
The input and output Quantity objects should be given as keyword
This method is needed in order to be able to fit models with units in
the parameters, since we need to temporarily strip away the units from
the model during the fitting (which might be done by e.g. scipy
The units that the parameters will gain are not necessarily the units
of the input data, but are derived from them. Model subclasses that
want fitting to work in the presence of quantities need to define a
``_parameter_units_for_data_units`` method that takes the input and output
units (as two dictionaries) and returns a dictionary giving the target
units for each parameter.
model = self.copy()
inputs_unit = {
inp: getattr(kwargs[inp], "unit", dimensionless_unscaled)
for inp in self.inputs
if kwargs[inp] is not None
outputs_unit = {
out: getattr(kwargs[out], "unit", dimensionless_unscaled)
for out in self.outputs
if kwargs[out] is not None
parameter_units = self._parameter_units_for_data_units(
inputs_unit, outputs_unit
# We are adding units to parameters that already have a value, but we
# don't want to convert the parameter, just add the unit directly,
# hence the call to ``_set_unit``.
for name, unit in parameter_units.items():
parameter = getattr(model, name)
parameter._set_unit(unit, force=True)
return model
def _has_units(self):
# Returns True if any of the parameters have units
return any(getattr(self, param).unit is not None for param in self.param_names)
def _supports_unit_fitting(self):
# If the model has a ``_parameter_units_for_data_units`` method, this
# indicates that we have enough information to strip the units away
# and add them back after fitting, when fitting quantities
return hasattr(self, "_parameter_units_for_data_units")
def evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Evaluate the model on some input variables."""
def sum_of_implicit_terms(self, *args, **kwargs):
Evaluate the sum of any implicit model terms on some input variables.
This includes any fixed terms used in evaluating a linear model that
do not have corresponding parameters exposed to the user. The
prototypical case is `astropy.modeling.functional_models.Shift`, which
corresponds to a function y = a + bx, where b=1 is intrinsically fixed
by the type of model, such that sum_of_implicit_terms(x) == x. This
method is needed by linear fitters to correct the dependent variable
for the implicit term(s) when solving for the remaining terms
(ie. a = y - bx).
def render(self, out=None, coords=None):
Evaluate a model at fixed positions, respecting the ``bounding_box``.
The key difference relative to evaluating the model directly is that
this method is limited to a bounding box if the
`~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` attribute is set.
out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional
An array that the evaluated model will be added to. If this is not
given (or given as ``None``), a new array will be created.
coords : array-like, optional
An array to be used to translate from the model's input coordinates
to the ``out`` array. It should have the property that
``self(coords)`` yields the same shape as ``out``. If ``out`` is
not specified, ``coords`` will be used to determine the shape of
the returned array. If this is not provided (or None), the model
will be evaluated on a grid determined by
out : `numpy.ndarray`
The model added to ``out`` if ``out`` is not ``None``,
or else a new array from evaluating the model
over ``coords``. If ``out`` and ``coords`` are
both `None`, the returned array is limited to the
`~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` limits. If
`~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` is `None`, ``arr`` or
``coords`` must be passed.
If ``coords`` are not given and the
`~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` of this model is not
bbox = self.bounding_box
except NotImplementedError:
bbox = None
if isinstance(bbox, ModelBoundingBox):
bbox = bbox.bounding_box()
ndim = self.n_inputs
if (coords is None) and (out is None) and (bbox is None):
raise ValueError("If no bounding_box is set, coords or out must be input.")
# for consistent indexing
if ndim == 1:
if coords is not None:
coords = [coords]
if bbox is not None:
bbox = [bbox]
if coords is not None:
coords = np.asanyarray(coords, dtype=float)
# Check dimensions match out and model
assert len(coords) == ndim
if out is not None:
if coords[0].shape != out.shape:
raise ValueError("inconsistent shape of the output.")
out = np.zeros(coords[0].shape)
if out is not None:
out = np.asanyarray(out)
if out.ndim != ndim:
raise ValueError(
"the array and model must have the same number of dimensions."
if bbox is not None:
# Assures position is at center pixel,
# important when using add_array.
pd = (
np.array([(np.mean(bb), np.ceil((bb[1] - bb[0]) / 2)) for bb in bbox])
pos, delta = pd
if coords is not None:
sub_shape = tuple(delta * 2 + 1)
sub_coords = np.array(
[extract_array(c, sub_shape, pos) for c in coords]
limits = [slice(p - d, p + d + 1, 1) for p, d in pd.T]
sub_coords = np.mgrid[limits]
sub_coords = sub_coords[::-1]
if out is None:
out = self(*sub_coords)
out = add_array(out, self(*sub_coords), pos)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"The `bounding_box` is larger than the input out in "
"one or more dimensions. Set "
"`model.bounding_box = None`."
if coords is None:
im_shape = out.shape
limits = [slice(i) for i in im_shape]
coords = np.mgrid[limits]
coords = coords[::-1]
out += self(*coords)
return out
def input_units(self):
This property is used to indicate what units or sets of units the
evaluate method expects, and returns a dictionary mapping inputs to
units (or `None` if any units are accepted).
Model sub-classes can also use function annotations in evaluate to
indicate valid input units, in which case this property should
not be overridden since it will return the input units based on the
if hasattr(self, "_input_units"):
return self._input_units
elif hasattr(self.evaluate, "__annotations__"):
annotations = self.evaluate.__annotations__.copy()
annotations.pop("return", None)
if annotations:
# If there are not annotations for all inputs this will error.
return {name: annotations[name] for name in self.inputs}
# None means any unit is accepted
return None
def return_units(self):
This property is used to indicate what units or sets of units the
output of evaluate should be in, and returns a dictionary mapping
outputs to units (or `None` if any units are accepted).
Model sub-classes can also use function annotations in evaluate to
indicate valid output units, in which case this property should not be
overridden since it will return the return units based on the
if hasattr(self, "_return_units"):
return self._return_units
elif hasattr(self.evaluate, "__annotations__"):
return self.evaluate.__annotations__.get("return", None)
# None means any unit is accepted
return None
def _prepare_inputs_single_model(self, params, inputs, **kwargs):
broadcasts = []
for idx, _input in enumerate(inputs):
input_shape = _input.shape
# Ensure that array scalars are always upgrade to 1-D arrays for the
# sake of consistency with how parameters work. They will be cast back
# to scalars at the end
if not input_shape:
inputs[idx] = _input.reshape((1,))
if not params:
max_broadcast = input_shape
max_broadcast = ()
for param in params:
# bypass the broadcast_shapes call for performance reasons
# if parameter is a scalar
if self.standard_broadcasting and param.shape:
broadcast = np.broadcast_shapes(input_shape, param.shape)
broadcast = input_shape
except ValueError as exc:
f"self input argument {self.inputs[idx]!r} of shape"
f" {input_shape!r} cannot be broadcast with parameter"
f" {param.name!r} of shape {param.shape!r}.",
raise exc
if len(broadcast) > len(max_broadcast):
max_broadcast = broadcast
elif len(broadcast) == len(max_broadcast):
max_broadcast = max(max_broadcast, broadcast)
if self.n_outputs > self.n_inputs:
extra_outputs = self.n_outputs - self.n_inputs
if not broadcasts:
# If there were no inputs then the broadcasts list is empty
# just add a None since there is no broadcasting of outputs and
# inputs necessary (see _prepare_outputs_single_self)
broadcasts.extend([broadcasts[0]] * extra_outputs)
return inputs, (broadcasts,)
def _remove_axes_from_shape(shape, axis):
Given a shape tuple as the first input, construct a new one by removing
that particular axis from the shape and all preceding axes. Negative axis
numbers are permittted, where the axis is relative to the last axis.
if len(shape) == 0:
return shape
if axis < 0:
axis = len(shape) + axis
return shape[:axis] + shape[axis + 1 :]
if axis >= len(shape):
axis = len(shape) - 1
shape = shape[axis + 1 :]
return shape
def _prepare_inputs_model_set(self, params, inputs, model_set_axis_input, **kwargs):
reshaped = []
pivots = []
model_set_axis_param = self.model_set_axis # needed to reshape param
for idx, _input in enumerate(inputs):
max_param_shape = ()
if self._n_models > 1 and model_set_axis_input is not False:
# Use the shape of the input *excluding* the model axis
input_shape = (
+ _input.shape[model_set_axis_input + 1 :]
input_shape = _input.shape
for param in params:
self._remove_axes_from_shape(param.shape, model_set_axis_param),
except ValueError as exc:
f"Model input argument {self.inputs[idx]!r} of shape"
f" {input_shape!r} "
f"cannot be broadcast with parameter {param.name!r} of shape "
f"{self._remove_axes_from_shape(param.shape, model_set_axis_param)!r}.",
raise exc
if len(param.shape) - 1 > len(max_param_shape):
max_param_shape = self._remove_axes_from_shape(
param.shape, model_set_axis_param
# We've now determined that, excluding the model_set_axis, the
# input can broadcast with all the parameters
input_ndim = len(input_shape)
if model_set_axis_input is False:
if len(max_param_shape) > input_ndim:
# Just needs to prepend new axes to the input
n_new_axes = 1 + len(max_param_shape) - input_ndim
new_axes = (1,) * n_new_axes
new_shape = new_axes + _input.shape
pivot = model_set_axis_param
pivot = input_ndim - len(max_param_shape)
new_shape = _input.shape[:pivot] + (1,) + _input.shape[pivot:]
new_input = _input.reshape(new_shape)
if len(max_param_shape) >= input_ndim:
n_new_axes = len(max_param_shape) - input_ndim
pivot = self.model_set_axis
new_axes = (1,) * n_new_axes
new_shape = (
_input.shape[: pivot + 1] + new_axes + _input.shape[pivot + 1 :]
new_input = _input.reshape(new_shape)
pivot = _input.ndim - len(max_param_shape) - 1
new_input = np.rollaxis(_input, model_set_axis_input, pivot + 1)
if self.n_inputs < self.n_outputs:
pivots.extend([model_set_axis_input] * (self.n_outputs - self.n_inputs))
return reshaped, (pivots,)
def _validate_input_units(self, inputs, equivalencies=None, inputs_map=None):
inputs = list(inputs)
name = self.name or self.__class__.__name__
# Check that the units are correct, if applicable
if self.input_units is not None:
# If a leaflist is provided that means this is in the context of
# a compound model and it is necessary to create the appropriate
# alias for the input coordinate name for the equivalencies dict
if inputs_map:
edict = {}
for mod, mapping in inputs_map:
if self is mod:
edict[mapping[0]] = equivalencies[mapping[1]]
edict = equivalencies
# We combine any instance-level input equivalencies with user
# specified ones at call-time.
input_units_equivalencies = _combine_equivalency_dict(
self.inputs, edict, self.input_units_equivalencies
# We now iterate over the different inputs and make sure that their
# units are consistent with those specified in input_units.
for i in range(len(inputs)):
input_name = self.inputs[i]
input_unit = self.input_units.get(input_name, None)
if input_unit is None:
if isinstance(inputs[i], Quantity):
# We check for consistency of the units with input_units,
# taking into account any equivalencies
if inputs[i].unit.is_equivalent(
input_unit, equivalencies=input_units_equivalencies[input_name]
# If equivalencies have been specified, we need to
# convert the input to the input units - this is
# because some equivalencies are non-linear, and
# we need to be sure that we evaluate the model in
# its own frame of reference. If input_units_strict
# is set, we also need to convert to the input units.
if (
len(input_units_equivalencies) > 0
or self.input_units_strict[input_name]
inputs[i] = inputs[i].to(
# We consider the following two cases separately so as
# to be able to raise more appropriate/nicer exceptions
if input_unit is dimensionless_unscaled:
raise UnitsError(
f"{name}: Units of input '{self.inputs[i]}', "
f"{inputs[i].unit} ({inputs[i].unit.physical_type}),"
"could not be converted to "
"required dimensionless "
raise UnitsError(
f"{name}: Units of input '{self.inputs[i]}', "
f"{inputs[i].unit} ({inputs[i].unit.physical_type}),"
" could not be "
"converted to required input"
f" units of {input_unit} ({input_unit.physical_type})"
# If we allow dimensionless input, we add the units to the
# input values without conversion, otherwise we raise an
# exception.
if (
not self.input_units_allow_dimensionless[input_name]
and input_unit is not dimensionless_unscaled
and input_unit is not None
if np.any(inputs[i] != 0):
raise UnitsError(
f"{name}: Units of input '{self.inputs[i]}',"
" (dimensionless), could not be converted to required "
f"input units of {input_unit} "
return inputs
def _process_output_units(self, inputs, outputs):
inputs_are_quantity = any(isinstance(i, Quantity) for i in inputs)
if self.return_units and inputs_are_quantity:
# We allow a non-iterable unit only if there is one output
if self.n_outputs == 1 and not isiterable(self.return_units):
return_units = {self.outputs[0]: self.return_units}
return_units = self.return_units
outputs = tuple(
Quantity(out, return_units.get(out_name, None), subok=True)
for out, out_name in zip(outputs, self.outputs)
return outputs
def _prepare_output_single_model(output, broadcast_shape):
if broadcast_shape is not None:
if not broadcast_shape:
return output.item()
return output.reshape(broadcast_shape)
except ValueError:
return output.item()
except ValueError:
return output
return output
def _prepare_outputs_single_model(self, outputs, broadcasted_shapes):
outputs = list(outputs)
shapes = broadcasted_shapes[0]
for idx, output in enumerate(outputs):
if None in shapes:
# Previously, we used our own function (check_broadcast) instead
# of np.broadcast_shapes in the following try block
# - check_broadcast raised an exception when passed a None.
# - as of numpy 1.26, np.broadcast raises a deprecation warning
# when passed a `None` value, but returns an empty tuple.
# Since () and None have different effects downstream of this function,
# and to preserve backward-compatibility, we handle this special here
broadcast_shape = shapes[idx]
broadcast_shape = np.broadcast_shapes(*shapes)
except Exception:
broadcast_shape = shapes[idx]
outputs[idx] = self._prepare_output_single_model(output, broadcast_shape)
return tuple(outputs)
def _prepare_outputs_model_set(self, outputs, broadcasted_shapes, model_set_axis):
pivots = broadcasted_shapes[0]
# If model_set_axis = False was passed then use
# self._model_set_axis to format the output.
if model_set_axis is None or model_set_axis is False:
model_set_axis = self.model_set_axis
outputs = list(outputs)
for idx, output in enumerate(outputs):
pivot = pivots[idx]
if pivot < output.ndim and pivot != model_set_axis:
outputs[idx] = np.rollaxis(output, pivot, model_set_axis)
return tuple(outputs)
def prepare_outputs(self, broadcasted_shapes, *outputs, **kwargs):
model_set_axis = kwargs.get("model_set_axis")
if len(self) == 1:
return self._prepare_outputs_single_model(outputs, broadcasted_shapes)
return self._prepare_outputs_model_set(
outputs, broadcasted_shapes, model_set_axis
def copy(self):
Return a copy of this model.
Uses a deep copy so that all model attributes, including parameter
values, are copied as well.
return copy.deepcopy(self)
def deepcopy(self):
Return a deep copy of this model.
return self.copy()
def rename(self, name):
Return a copy of this model with a new name.
new_model = self.copy()
new_model._name = name
return new_model
def coerce_units(
Attach units to this (unitless) model.
input_units : dict or tuple, optional
Input units to attach. If dict, each key is the name of a model input,
and the value is the unit to attach. If tuple, the elements are units
to attach in order corresponding to `~astropy.modeling.Model.inputs`.
return_units : dict or tuple, optional
Output units to attach. If dict, each key is the name of a model output,
and the value is the unit to attach. If tuple, the elements are units
to attach in order corresponding to `~astropy.modeling.Model.outputs`.
input_units_equivalencies : dict, optional
Default equivalencies to apply to input values. If set, this should be a
dictionary where each key is a string that corresponds to one of the
model inputs.
input_units_allow_dimensionless : bool or dict, optional
Allow dimensionless input. If this is True, input values to evaluate will
gain the units specified in input_units. If this is a dictionary then it
should map input name to a bool to allow dimensionless numbers for that
A `~astropy.modeling.CompoundModel` composed of the current
model plus `~astropy.modeling.mappings.UnitsMapping`
model(s) that attach the units.
If the current model already has units.
Wrapping a unitless model to require and convert units:
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial1D
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> poly = Polynomial1D(1, c0=1, c1=2)
>>> model = poly.coerce_units((u.m,), (u.s,))
>>> model(u.Quantity(10, u.m)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 21. s>
>>> model(u.Quantity(1000, u.cm)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 21. s>
>>> model(u.Quantity(10, u.cm)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 1.2 s>
Wrapping a unitless model but still permitting unitless input:
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import Polynomial1D
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> poly = Polynomial1D(1, c0=1, c1=2)
>>> model = poly.coerce_units((u.m,), (u.s,), input_units_allow_dimensionless=True)
>>> model(u.Quantity(10, u.m)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 21. s>
>>> model(10) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
<Quantity 21. s>
from .mappings import UnitsMapping
result = self
if input_units is not None:
if self.input_units is not None:
model_units = self.input_units
model_units = {}
for unit in [model_units.get(i) for i in self.inputs]:
if unit is not None and unit != dimensionless_unscaled:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot specify input_units for model with existing input units"
if isinstance(input_units, dict):
if input_units.keys() != set(self.inputs):
message = (
f"""input_units keys ({", ".join(input_units.keys())}) """
f"""do not match model inputs ({", ".join(self.inputs)})"""
raise ValueError(message)
input_units = [input_units[i] for i in self.inputs]
if len(input_units) != self.n_inputs:
message = (
"input_units length does not match n_inputs: "
f"expected {self.n_inputs}, received {len(input_units)}"
raise ValueError(message)
mapping = tuple(
(unit, model_units.get(i)) for i, unit in zip(self.inputs, input_units)
input_mapping = UnitsMapping(
input_mapping.inputs = self.inputs
input_mapping.outputs = self.inputs
result = input_mapping | result
if return_units is not None:
if self.return_units is not None:
model_units = self.return_units
model_units = {}
for unit in [model_units.get(i) for i in self.outputs]:
if unit is not None and unit != dimensionless_unscaled:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot specify return_units for model "
"with existing output units"
if isinstance(return_units, dict):
if return_units.keys() != set(self.outputs):
message = (
f"""return_units keys ({", ".join(return_units.keys())}) """
f"""do not match model outputs ({", ".join(self.outputs)})"""
raise ValueError(message)
return_units = [return_units[i] for i in self.outputs]
if len(return_units) != self.n_outputs:
message = (
"return_units length does not match n_outputs: "
f"expected {self.n_outputs}, received {len(return_units)}"
raise ValueError(message)
mapping = tuple(
(model_units.get(i), unit)
for i, unit in zip(self.outputs, return_units)
return_mapping = UnitsMapping(mapping)
return_mapping.inputs = self.outputs
return_mapping.outputs = self.outputs
result = result | return_mapping
return result
def n_submodels(self):
Return the number of components in a single model, which is
obviously 1.
return 1
def _initialize_constraints(self, kwargs):
Pop parameter constraint values off the keyword arguments passed
to `~astropy.modeling.Model.__init__` and store them in private
instance attributes.
# Pop any constraints off the keyword arguments
for constraint in self.parameter_constraints:
values = kwargs.pop(constraint, {})
for ckey, cvalue in values.items():
param = getattr(self, ckey)
setattr(param, constraint, cvalue)
self._mconstraints = {}
for constraint in self.model_constraints:
values = kwargs.pop(constraint, [])
self._mconstraints[constraint] = values
def _reset_parameters(self, *args, **kwargs):
Reset parameters on the models to those specified.
Parameters can be specified either as positional arguments or keyword
arguments, as in the model initializer. Any parameters not specified
will be reset to their default values.
self._initialize_parameters(args, kwargs)
def _initialize_parameters(self, args, kwargs):
Initialize the _parameters array that stores raw parameter values for
all parameter sets for use with vectorized fitting algorithms; on
FittableModels the _param_name attributes actually just reference
slices of this array.
n_models = kwargs.pop("n_models", None)
if not (
n_models is None
or (isinstance(n_models, (int, np.integer)) and n_models >= 1)
raise ValueError(
"n_models must be either None (in which case it is "
"determined from the model_set_axis of the parameter initial "
"values) or it must be a positive integer "
f"(got {n_models!r})"
model_set_axis = kwargs.pop("model_set_axis", None)
if model_set_axis is None:
if n_models is not None and n_models > 1:
# Default to zero
model_set_axis = 0
# Otherwise disable
model_set_axis = False
if not (
model_set_axis is False
or np.issubdtype(type(model_set_axis), np.integer)
raise ValueError(
"model_set_axis must be either False or an integer "
"specifying the parameter array axis to map to each "
f"model in a set of models (got {model_set_axis!r})."
# Process positional arguments by matching them up with the
# corresponding parameters in self.param_names--if any also appear as
# keyword arguments this presents a conflict
params = set()
if len(args) > len(self.param_names):
raise TypeError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.__init__() takes at most "
f"{len(self.param_names)} positional arguments ({len(args)} given)"
self._model_set_axis = model_set_axis
self._param_metrics = defaultdict(dict)
for idx, arg in enumerate(args):
if arg is None:
# A value of None implies using the default value, if exists
# We use quantity_asanyarray here instead of np.asanyarray because
# if any of the arguments are quantities, we need to return a
# Quantity object not a plain Numpy array.
param_name = self.param_names[idx]
if not isinstance(arg, Parameter):
value = quantity_asanyarray(arg, dtype=float)
value = arg
self._initialize_parameter_value(param_name, value)
# At this point the only remaining keyword arguments should be
# parameter names; any others are in error.
for param_name in self.param_names:
if param_name in kwargs:
if param_name in params:
raise TypeError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.__init__() got multiple values for"
f" parameter {param_name!r}"
value = kwargs.pop(param_name)
if value is None:
# We use quantity_asanyarray here instead of np.asanyarray
# because if any of the arguments are quantities, we need
# to return a Quantity object not a plain Numpy array.
value = quantity_asanyarray(value, dtype=float)
self._initialize_parameter_value(param_name, value)
# Now deal with case where param_name is not supplied by args or kwargs
for param_name in self.param_names:
if param_name not in params:
self._initialize_parameter_value(param_name, None)
if kwargs:
# If any keyword arguments were left over at this point they are
# invalid--the base class should only be passed the parameter
# values, constraints, and param_dim
for kwarg in kwargs:
# Just raise an error on the first unrecognized argument
raise TypeError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.__init__() got an unrecognized"
f" parameter {kwarg!r}"
# Determine the number of model sets: If the model_set_axis is
# None then there is just one parameter set; otherwise it is determined
# by the size of that axis on the first parameter--if the other
# parameters don't have the right number of axes or the sizes of their
# model_set_axis don't match an error is raised
if model_set_axis is not False and n_models != 1 and params:
max_ndim = 0
if model_set_axis < 0:
min_ndim = abs(model_set_axis)
min_ndim = model_set_axis + 1
for name in self.param_names:
value = getattr(self, name)
param_ndim = np.ndim(value)
if param_ndim < min_ndim:
raise InputParameterError(
"All parameter values must be arrays of dimension at least"
f" {min_ndim} for model_set_axis={model_set_axis} (the value"
f" given for {name!r} is only {param_ndim}-dimensional)"
max_ndim = max(max_ndim, param_ndim)
if n_models is None:
# Use the dimensions of the first parameter to determine
# the number of model sets
n_models = value.shape[model_set_axis]
elif value.shape[model_set_axis] != n_models:
raise InputParameterError(
f"Inconsistent dimensions for parameter {name!r} for"
f" {n_models} model sets. The length of axis"
f" {model_set_axis} must be the same for all input parameter"
" values"
if n_models is None:
n_models = 1
self._n_models = n_models
# now validate parameters
for name in params:
param = getattr(self, name)
if param._validator is not None:
param._validator(self, param.value)
def _initialize_parameter_value(self, param_name, value):
"""Mostly deals with consistency checks and determining unit issues."""
if isinstance(value, Parameter):
self.__dict__[param_name] = value
param = getattr(self, param_name)
# Use default if value is not provided
if value is None:
default = param.default
if default is None:
# No value was supplied for the parameter and the
# parameter does not have a default, therefore the model
# is underspecified
raise TypeError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.__init__() requires a value for "
f"parameter {param_name!r}"
value = default
unit = param.unit
if isinstance(value, Quantity):
unit = value.unit
value = value.value
unit = None
if unit is None and param.unit is not None:
raise InputParameterError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}.__init__() requires a Quantity for"
f" parameter {param_name!r}"
param._unit = unit
param._set_unit(unit, force=True)
param.internal_unit = None
if param._setter is not None:
if unit is not None:
_val = param._setter(value * unit)
_val = param._setter(value)
if isinstance(_val, Quantity):
param.internal_unit = _val.unit
param._internal_value = np.array(_val.value)
param.internal_unit = None
param._internal_value = np.array(_val)
param._value = np.array(value)
def _initialize_slices(self):
param_metrics = self._param_metrics
total_size = 0
for name in self.param_names:
param = getattr(self, name)
value = param.value
param_size = np.size(value)
param_shape = np.shape(value)
param_slice = slice(total_size, total_size + param_size)
param_metrics[name]["slice"] = param_slice
param_metrics[name]["shape"] = param_shape
param_metrics[name]["size"] = param_size
total_size += param_size
self._parameters = np.empty(total_size, dtype=np.float64)
def _parameters_to_array(self):
# Now set the parameter values (this will also fill
# self._parameters)
param_metrics = self._param_metrics
for name in self.param_names:
param = getattr(self, name)
value = param.value
if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
value = np.array([value])
self._parameters[param_metrics[name]["slice"]] = value.ravel()
# Finally validate all the parameters; we do this last so that
# validators that depend on one of the other parameters' values will
# work
def _array_to_parameters(self):
param_metrics = self._param_metrics
for name in self.param_names:
param = getattr(self, name)
value = self._parameters[param_metrics[name]["slice"]]
value.shape = param_metrics[name]["shape"]
param.value = value
def _check_param_broadcast(self, max_ndim):
This subroutine checks that all parameter arrays can be broadcast
against each other, and determines the shapes parameters must have in
order to broadcast correctly.
If model_set_axis is None this merely checks that the parameters
broadcast and returns an empty dict if so. This mode is only used for
single model sets.
all_shapes = []
model_set_axis = self._model_set_axis
for name in self.param_names:
param = getattr(self, name)
value = param.value
param_shape = np.shape(value)
param_ndim = len(param_shape)
if max_ndim is not None and param_ndim < max_ndim:
# All arrays have the same number of dimensions up to the
# model_set_axis dimension, but after that they may have a
# different number of trailing axes. The number of trailing
# axes must be extended for mutual compatibility. For example
# if max_ndim = 3 and model_set_axis = 0, an array with the
# shape (2, 2) must be extended to (2, 1, 2). However, an
# array with shape (2,) is extended to (2, 1).
new_axes = (1,) * (max_ndim - param_ndim)
if model_set_axis < 0:
# Just need to prepend axes to make up the difference
broadcast_shape = new_axes + param_shape
broadcast_shape = (
param_shape[: model_set_axis + 1]
+ new_axes
+ param_shape[model_set_axis + 1 :]
self._param_metrics[name]["broadcast_shape"] = broadcast_shape
# Now check mutual broadcastability of all shapes
except ValueError as exc:
base_message = (
"All parameter arrays "
"must have shapes that are mutually compatible according "
"to the broadcasting rules."
raise InputParameterError(f"{base_message} {repr(exc)}") from None
def _param_sets(self, raw=False, units=False):
Implementation of the Model.param_sets property.
This internal implementation has a ``raw`` argument which controls
whether or not to return the raw parameter values (i.e. the values that
are actually stored in the ._parameters array, as opposed to the values
displayed to users. In most cases these are one in the same but there
are currently a few exceptions.
Note: This is notably an overcomplicated device and may be removed
entirely in the near future.
values = []
shapes = []
for name in self.param_names:
param = getattr(self, name)
if raw and param._setter:
value = param._internal_value
value = param.value
broadcast_shape = self._param_metrics[name].get("broadcast_shape")
if broadcast_shape is not None:
value = value.reshape(broadcast_shape)
if len(self) == 1:
# Add a single param set axis to the parameter's value (thus
# converting scalars to shape (1,) array values) for
# consistency
value = np.array([value])
if units:
if raw and param.internal_unit is not None:
unit = param.internal_unit
unit = param.unit
if unit is not None:
value = Quantity(value, unit, subok=True)
if len(set(shapes)) != 1 or units:
# If the parameters are not all the same shape, converting to an
# array is going to produce an object array
# However the way Numpy creates object arrays is tricky in that it
# will recurse into array objects in the list and break them up
# into separate objects. Doing things this way ensures a 1-D
# object array the elements of which are the individual parameter
# arrays. There's not much reason to do this over returning a list
# except for consistency
psets = np.empty(len(values), dtype=object)
psets[:] = values
return psets
return np.array(values)
def _format_repr(self, args=[], kwargs={}, defaults={}):
Internal implementation of ``__repr__``.
This is separated out for ease of use by subclasses that wish to
override the default ``__repr__`` while keeping the same basic
parts = [repr(a) for a in args]
f"{name}={param_repr_oneline(getattr(self, name))}"
for name in self.param_names
if self.name is not None:
for kwarg, value in kwargs.items():
if kwarg in defaults and defaults[kwarg] == value:
if len(self) > 1:
return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}({', '.join(parts)})>"
def _format_str(self, keywords=[], defaults={}):
Internal implementation of ``__str__``.
This is separated out for ease of use by subclasses that wish to
override the default ``__str__`` while keeping the same basic
default_keywords = [
("Model", self.__class__.__name__),
("Name", self.name),
("Inputs", self.inputs),
("Outputs", self.outputs),
("Model set size", len(self)),
parts = [
f"{keyword}: {value}"
for keyword, value in default_keywords
if value is not None
for keyword, value in keywords:
if keyword.lower() in defaults and defaults[keyword.lower()] == value:
parts.append(f"{keyword}: {value}")
if len(self) == 1:
columns = [[getattr(self, name).value] for name in self.param_names]
columns = [getattr(self, name).value for name in self.param_names]
if columns:
param_table = Table(columns, names=self.param_names)
# Set units on the columns
for name in self.param_names:
param_table[name].unit = getattr(self, name).unit
parts.append(indent(str(param_table), 4 * " "))
return "\n".join(parts)
class FittableModel(Model):
Base class for models that can be fitted using the built-in fitting
linear = False
# derivative with respect to parameters
fit_deriv = None
Function (similar to the model's `~astropy.modeling.Model.evaluate`)
to compute the derivatives of the model with respect to its
parameters, for use by fitting algorithms. In other words, this
computes the Jacobian matrix with respect to the model's parameters.
# Flag that indicates if the model derivatives with respect to parameters
# are given in columns or rows
col_fit_deriv = True
fittable = True
class Fittable1DModel(FittableModel):
Base class for one-dimensional fittable models.
This class provides an easier interface to defining new models.
Examples can be found in `astropy.modeling.functional_models`.
n_inputs = 1
n_outputs = 1
_separable = True
class Fittable2DModel(FittableModel):
Base class for two-dimensional fittable models.
This class provides an easier interface to defining new models.
Examples can be found in `astropy.modeling.functional_models`.
n_inputs = 2
n_outputs = 1
def _make_arithmetic_operator(oper):
# We don't bother with tuple unpacking here for efficiency's sake, but for
# documentation purposes:
# f_eval, f_n_inputs, f_n_outputs = f
# and similarly for g
def op(f, g):
return (make_binary_operator_eval(oper, f[0], g[0]), f[1], f[2])
return op
def _composition_operator(f, g):
# We don't bother with tuple unpacking here for efficiency's sake, but for
# documentation purposes:
# f_eval, f_n_inputs, f_n_outputs = f
# and similarly for g
return (lambda inputs, params: g[0](f[0](inputs, params), params), f[1], g[2])
def _join_operator(f, g):
# We don't bother with tuple unpacking here for efficiency's sake, but for
# documentation purposes:
# f_eval, f_n_inputs, f_n_outputs = f
# and similarly for g
return (
lambda inputs, params: (
f[0](inputs[: f[1]], params) + g[0](inputs[f[1] :], params)
f[1] + g[1],
f[2] + g[2],
"+": _make_arithmetic_operator(operator.add),
"-": _make_arithmetic_operator(operator.sub),
"*": _make_arithmetic_operator(operator.mul),
"/": _make_arithmetic_operator(operator.truediv),
"**": _make_arithmetic_operator(operator.pow),
"|": _composition_operator,
"&": _join_operator,
SPECIAL_OPERATORS = _SpecialOperatorsDict()
def _add_special_operator(sop_name, sop):
return SPECIAL_OPERATORS.add(sop_name, sop)
class CompoundModel(Model):
Base class for compound models.
While it can be used directly, the recommended way
to combine models is through the model operators.
def __init__(self, op, left, right, name=None):
self.__dict__["_param_names"] = None
self._n_submodels = None
self.op = op
self.left = left
self.right = right
self._bounding_box = None
self._user_bounding_box = None
self._leaflist = None
self._tdict = None
self._parameters = None
self._parameters_ = None
self._param_metrics = None
if op != "fix_inputs" and len(left) != len(right):
raise ValueError("Both operands must have equal values for n_models")
self._n_models = len(left)
if op != "fix_inputs" and (
(left.model_set_axis != right.model_set_axis) or left.model_set_axis
): # not False and not 0
raise ValueError(
"model_set_axis must be False or 0 and consistent for operands"
self._model_set_axis = left.model_set_axis
if op in ["+", "-", "*", "/", "**"] or op in SPECIAL_OPERATORS:
if left.n_inputs != right.n_inputs or left.n_outputs != right.n_outputs:
raise ModelDefinitionError(
"Both operands must match numbers of inputs and outputs"
self.n_inputs = left.n_inputs
self.n_outputs = left.n_outputs
self.inputs = left.inputs
self.outputs = left.outputs
elif op == "&":
self.n_inputs = left.n_inputs + right.n_inputs
self.n_outputs = left.n_outputs + right.n_outputs
self.inputs = combine_labels(left.inputs, right.inputs)
self.outputs = combine_labels(left.outputs, right.outputs)
elif op == "|":
if left.n_outputs != right.n_inputs:
raise ModelDefinitionError(
"Unsupported operands for |:"
f" {left.name} (n_inputs={left.n_inputs},"
f" n_outputs={left.n_outputs}) and"
f" {right.name} (n_inputs={right.n_inputs},"
f" n_outputs={right.n_outputs}); n_outputs for the left-hand model"
" must match n_inputs for the right-hand model."
self.n_inputs = left.n_inputs
self.n_outputs = right.n_outputs
self.inputs = left.inputs
self.outputs = right.outputs
elif op == "fix_inputs":
if not isinstance(left, Model):
raise ValueError(
'First argument to "fix_inputs" must be an instance of '
"an astropy Model."
if not isinstance(right, dict):
raise ValueError(
'Expected a dictionary for second argument of "fix_inputs".'
# Dict keys must match either possible indices
# for model on left side, or names for inputs.
self.n_inputs = left.n_inputs - len(right)
# Assign directly to the private attribute (instead of using the setter)
# to avoid asserting the new number of outputs matches the old one.
self._outputs = left.outputs
self.n_outputs = left.n_outputs
newinputs = list(left.inputs)
keys = right.keys()
input_ind = []
for key in keys:
if np.issubdtype(type(key), np.integer):
if key >= left.n_inputs or key < 0:
raise ValueError(
"Substitution key integer value "
"not among possible input choices."
if key in input_ind:
raise ValueError(
"Duplicate specification of same input (index/name)."
elif isinstance(key, str):
if key not in left.inputs:
raise ValueError(
"Substitution key string not among possible input choices."
# Check to see it doesn't match positional
# specification.
ind = left.inputs.index(key)
if ind in input_ind:
raise ValueError(
"Duplicate specification of same input (index/name)."
# Remove substituted inputs
for ind in input_ind:
del newinputs[ind]
self.inputs = tuple(newinputs)
# Now check to see if the input model has bounding_box defined.
# If so, remove the appropriate dimensions and set it for this
# instance.
self.bounding_box = self.left.bounding_box.fix_inputs(self, right)
except NotImplementedError:
raise ModelDefinitionError("Illegal operator: ", self.op)
self.name = name
self._fittable = None
if op in ("|", "+", "-"):
self.linear = left.linear and right.linear
self.linear = False
self.eqcons = []
self.ineqcons = []
self.n_left_params = len(self.left.parameters)
# Initialize the cache for the constraints (used primarily when
# sync_constraints is False)
self._constraints_cache = {}
def _get_left_inputs_from_args(self, args):
return args[: self.left.n_inputs]
def _get_right_inputs_from_args(self, args):
op = self.op
if op == "&":
# Args expected to look like (*left inputs, *right inputs, *left params, *right params)
return args[self.left.n_inputs : self.left.n_inputs + self.right.n_inputs]
elif op == "|" or op == "fix_inputs":
return None
return args[: self.left.n_inputs]
def _get_left_params_from_args(self, args):
op = self.op
if op == "&":
# Args expected to look like (*left inputs, *right inputs, *left params, *right params)
n_inputs = self.left.n_inputs + self.right.n_inputs
return args[n_inputs : n_inputs + self.n_left_params]
return args[self.left.n_inputs : self.left.n_inputs + self.n_left_params]
def _get_right_params_from_args(self, args):
op = self.op
if op == "fix_inputs":
return None
if op == "&":
# Args expected to look like (*left inputs, *right inputs, *left params, *right params)
return args[self.left.n_inputs + self.right.n_inputs + self.n_left_params :]
return args[self.left.n_inputs + self.n_left_params :]
def _get_kwarg_model_parameters_as_positional(self, args, kwargs):
# could do it with inserts but rebuilding seems like simpilist way
# TODO: Check if any param names are in kwargs maybe as an intersection of sets?
if self.op == "&":
new_args = list(args[: self.left.n_inputs + self.right.n_inputs])
args_pos = self.left.n_inputs + self.right.n_inputs
new_args = list(args[: self.left.n_inputs])
args_pos = self.left.n_inputs
for param_name in self.param_names:
kw_value = kwargs.pop(param_name, None)
if kw_value is not None:
value = kw_value
value = args[args_pos]
except IndexError:
raise IndexError("Missing parameter or input")
args_pos += 1
return new_args, kwargs
def _apply_operators_to_value_lists(self, leftval, rightval, **kw):
op = self.op
if op == "+":
return binary_operation(operator.add, leftval, rightval)
elif op == "-":
return binary_operation(operator.sub, leftval, rightval)
elif op == "*":
return binary_operation(operator.mul, leftval, rightval)
elif op == "/":
return binary_operation(operator.truediv, leftval, rightval)
elif op == "**":
return binary_operation(operator.pow, leftval, rightval)
elif op == "&":
if not isinstance(leftval, tuple):
leftval = (leftval,)
if not isinstance(rightval, tuple):
rightval = (rightval,)
return leftval + rightval
return binary_operation(SPECIAL_OPERATORS[op], leftval, rightval)
raise ModelDefinitionError("Unrecognized operator {op}")
def evaluate(self, *args, **kw):
op = self.op
args, kw = self._get_kwarg_model_parameters_as_positional(args, kw)
left_inputs = self._get_left_inputs_from_args(args)
left_params = self._get_left_params_from_args(args)
if op == "fix_inputs":
pos_index = dict(zip(self.left.inputs, range(self.left.n_inputs)))
fixed_inputs = {
key if np.issubdtype(type(key), np.integer) else pos_index[key]: value
for key, value in self.right.items()
left_inputs = [
fixed_inputs[ind] if ind in fixed_inputs.keys() else inp
for ind, inp in enumerate(left_inputs)
leftval = self.left.evaluate(*left_inputs, *left_params)
if op == "fix_inputs":
return leftval
right_inputs = self._get_right_inputs_from_args(args)
right_params = self._get_right_params_from_args(args)
if op == "|":
if isinstance(leftval, tuple):
return self.right.evaluate(*leftval, *right_params)
return self.right.evaluate(leftval, *right_params)
rightval = self.right.evaluate(*right_inputs, *right_params)
return self._apply_operators_to_value_lists(leftval, rightval, **kw)
def fit_deriv(self):
# If either side of the model is missing analytical derivative then we can't compute one
if self.left.fit_deriv is None or self.right.fit_deriv is None:
return None
# Only the following operators are supported
op = self.op
if op not in ["-", "+", "*", "/"]:
return None
def _calc_compound_deriv(*args, **kwargs):
args, kw = self._get_kwarg_model_parameters_as_positional(args, kwargs)
left_inputs = self._get_left_inputs_from_args(args)
left_params = self._get_left_params_from_args(args)
right_inputs = self._get_right_inputs_from_args(args)
right_params = self._get_right_params_from_args(args)
left_deriv = self.left.fit_deriv(*left_inputs, *left_params)
if not self.left.col_fit_deriv:
left_deriv = (np.asanyarray(left_deriv).T).tolist()
right_deriv = self.right.fit_deriv(*right_inputs, *right_params)
if not self.right.col_fit_deriv:
right_deriv = (np.asanyarray(right_deriv).T).tolist()
# We now have to use various differentiation rules to apply the
# arithmetic operators to the derivatives.
# If we consider an example of a compound model
# h(x, a, b, c) made up of two models g(x, a)
# and h(x, b, c), one with one parameter and
# the other with two parameters, the derivatives
# are evaluated as follows:
# Addition
# h(x, a, b, c) = f(x, a) + g(x, b, c)
# fit_deriv = [df/da, dg/db, dg/dc]
# Subtraction
# h(x, a, b, c) = f(x, a) - g(x, b, c)
# fit_deriv = [df/da, -dg/db, -dg/dc]
# Multiplication
# h(x, a, b, c) = f(x, a) * g(x, b, c)
# fit_deriv = [g(x, b, c) * df/da,
# f(x, a) * dg/db,
# f(x, a) * dg/dc]
# Division - Quotient rule
# h(x, a, b, c) = f(x, a) / g(x, b, c)
# fit_deriv = [df/da / g(x, b, c),
# -f(x, a) * dg/db / g(x, b, c)**2,
# -f(x, a) * dg/dc / g(x, b, c)**2]
if op in ["+", "-"]:
if op == "-":
right_deriv = [-x for x in right_deriv]
return left_deriv + right_deriv
leftval = self.left.evaluate(*left_inputs, *left_params)
rightval = self.right.evaluate(*right_inputs, *right_params)
if op == "*":
return (
[rightval * dparam for dparam in left_deriv] +
[leftval * dparam for dparam in right_deriv]
) # fmt: skip
if op == "/":
return (
[dparam / rightval for dparam in left_deriv] +
[-leftval * (dparam / rightval**2) for dparam in right_deriv]
) # fmt: skip
return _calc_compound_deriv
def col_fit_deriv(self):
return True
def n_submodels(self):
if self._leaflist is None:
return len(self._leaflist)
def submodel_names(self):
"""Return the names of submodels in a ``CompoundModel``."""
if self._leaflist is None:
names = [item.name for item in self._leaflist]
nonecount = 0
newnames = []
for item in names:
if item is None:
nonecount += 1
return tuple(newnames)
def _pre_evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs):
CompoundModel specific input setup that needs to occur prior to
model evaluation.
All of the _pre_evaluate for each component model will be
performed at the time that the individual model is evaluated.
# If equivalencies are provided, necessary to map parameters and pass
# the leaflist as a keyword input for use by model evaluation so that
# the compound model input names can be matched to the model input
# names.
if "equivalencies" in kwargs:
# Restructure to be useful for the individual model lookup
kwargs["inputs_map"] = [
(value[0], (value[1], key)) for key, value in self.inputs_map().items()
# Setup actual model evaluation method
def evaluate(_inputs):
return self._evaluate(*_inputs, **kwargs)
return evaluate, args, None, kwargs
def _argnames(self):
No inputs should be used to determine input_shape when handling compound models.
return ()
def _post_evaluate(self, inputs, outputs, broadcasted_shapes, with_bbox, **kwargs):
CompoundModel specific post evaluation processing of outputs.
All of the _post_evaluate for each component model will be
performed at the time that the individual model is evaluated.
if self.get_bounding_box(with_bbox) is not None and self.n_outputs == 1:
return outputs[0]
return outputs
def _evaluate(self, *args, **kw):
op = self.op
if op != "fix_inputs":
if op != "&":
leftval = self.left(*args, **kw)
if op != "|":
rightval = self.right(*args, **kw)
rightval = None
leftval = self.left(*(args[: self.left.n_inputs]), **kw)
rightval = self.right(*(args[self.left.n_inputs :]), **kw)
if op != "|":
return self._apply_operators_to_value_lists(leftval, rightval, **kw)
elif op == "|":
if isinstance(leftval, tuple):
return self.right(*leftval, **kw)
return self.right(leftval, **kw)
subs = self.right
newargs = list(args)
subinds = []
subvals = []
for key in subs.keys():
if np.issubdtype(type(key), np.integer):
elif isinstance(key, str):
ind = self.left.inputs.index(key)
# Turn inputs specified in kw into positional indices.
# Names for compound inputs do not propagate to sub models.
kwind = []
kwval = []
for kwkey in list(kw.keys()):
if kwkey in self.inputs:
ind = self.inputs.index(kwkey)
if ind < len(args):
raise ValueError(
"Keyword argument duplicates positional value supplied."
del kw[kwkey]
# Build new argument list
# Append keyword specified args first
if kwind:
kwargs = list(zip(kwind, kwval))
kwindsorted, kwvalsorted = list(zip(*kwargs))
newargs = newargs + list(kwvalsorted)
if subinds:
subargs = list(zip(subinds, subvals))
# subindsorted, subvalsorted = list(zip(*subargs))
# The substitutions must be inserted in order
for ind, val in subargs:
newargs.insert(ind, val)
return self.left(*newargs, **kw)
def param_names(self):
"""An ordered list of parameter names."""
return self._param_names
def _make_leaflist(self):
tdict = {}
leaflist = []
make_subtree_dict(self, "", tdict, leaflist)
self._leaflist = leaflist
self._tdict = tdict
def __getattr__(self, name):
If someone accesses an attribute not already defined, map the
parameters, and then see if the requested attribute is one of
the parameters.
# The following test is needed to avoid infinite recursion
# caused by deepcopy. There may be other such cases discovered.
if name == "__setstate__":
raise AttributeError
if name in self._param_names:
return self.__dict__[name]
raise AttributeError(f'Attribute "{name}" not found')
def __getitem__(self, index):
if self._leaflist is None:
leaflist = self._leaflist
tdict = self._tdict
if isinstance(index, slice):
if index.step:
raise ValueError("Steps in slices not supported for compound models")
if index.start is not None:
if isinstance(index.start, str):
start = self._str_index_to_int(index.start)
start = index.start
start = 0
if index.stop is not None:
if isinstance(index.stop, str):
stop = self._str_index_to_int(index.stop)
stop = index.stop - 1
stop = len(leaflist) - 1
if index.stop == 0:
raise ValueError("Slice endpoint cannot be 0")
if start < 0:
start = len(leaflist) + start
if stop < 0:
stop = len(leaflist) + stop
# now search for matching node:
if stop == start: # only single value, get leaf instead in code below
index = start
for key in tdict:
node, leftind, rightind = tdict[key]
if leftind == start and rightind == stop:
return node
raise IndexError("No appropriate subtree matches slice")
if np.issubdtype(type(index), np.integer):
return leaflist[index]
elif isinstance(index, str):
return leaflist[self._str_index_to_int(index)]
raise TypeError("index must be integer, slice, or model name string")
def _str_index_to_int(self, str_index):
# Search through leaflist for item with that name
found = []
for nleaf, leaf in enumerate(self._leaflist):
if getattr(leaf, "name", None) == str_index:
if len(found) == 0:
raise IndexError(f"No component with name '{str_index}' found")
if len(found) > 1:
raise IndexError(
f"Multiple components found using '{str_index}' as name\n"
f"at indices {found}"
return found[0]
def n_inputs(self):
"""The number of inputs of a model."""
return self._n_inputs
def n_inputs(self, value):
self._n_inputs = value
def n_outputs(self):
"""The number of outputs of a model."""
return self._n_outputs
def n_outputs(self, value):
self._n_outputs = value
def eqcons(self):
return self._eqcons
def eqcons(self, value):
self._eqcons = value
def ineqcons(self):
return self._eqcons
def ineqcons(self, value):
self._eqcons = value
def traverse_postorder(self, include_operator=False):
"""Postorder traversal of the CompoundModel tree."""
res = []
if isinstance(self.left, CompoundModel):
res = res + self.left.traverse_postorder(include_operator)
res = res + [self.left]
if isinstance(self.right, CompoundModel):
res = res + self.right.traverse_postorder(include_operator)
res = res + [self.right]
if include_operator:
return res
def _format_expression(self, format_leaf=None):
leaf_idx = 0
operands = deque()
if format_leaf is None:
format_leaf = lambda i, l: f"[{i}]"
for node in self.traverse_postorder():
if not isinstance(node, CompoundModel):
operands.append(format_leaf(leaf_idx, node))
leaf_idx += 1
right = operands.pop()
left = operands.pop()
oper_order = OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[node.op]
if isinstance(node, CompoundModel):
if (
isinstance(node.left, CompoundModel)
and OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[node.left.op] < oper_order
left = f"({left})"
if (
isinstance(node.right, CompoundModel)
and OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[node.right.op] < oper_order
right = f"({right})"
operands.append(f"{left} {node.op} {right}")
left = f"(({left}),"
right = f"({right}))"
operands.append(" ".join((node.op[0], left, right)))
return "".join(operands)
def _format_components(self):
if self._parameters_ is None:
return "\n\n".join(f"[{idx}]: {m!r}" for idx, m in enumerate(self._leaflist))
def __str__(self):
expression = self._format_expression()
components = self._format_components()
keywords = [
("Expression", expression),
("Components", "\n" + indent(components, 4 * " ")),
return super()._format_str(keywords=keywords)
def rename(self, name):
self.name = name
return self
def isleaf(self):
return False
def inverse(self):
if self.op == "|":
return self.right.inverse | self.left.inverse
elif self.op == "&":
return self.left.inverse & self.right.inverse
return NotImplemented
def fittable(self):
"""Set the fittable attribute on a compound model."""
if self._fittable is None:
if self._leaflist is None:
self._fittable = all(m.fittable for m in self._leaflist)
return self._fittable
__add__ = _model_oper("+")
__sub__ = _model_oper("-")
__mul__ = _model_oper("*")
__truediv__ = _model_oper("/")
__pow__ = _model_oper("**")
__or__ = _model_oper("|")
__and__ = _model_oper("&")
def _map_parameters(self):
Map all the constituent model parameters to the compound object,
renaming as necessary by appending a suffix number.
This can be an expensive operation, particularly for a complex
expression tree.
All the corresponding parameter attributes are created that one
expects for the Model class.
The parameter objects that the attributes point to are the same
objects as in the constiutent models. Changes made to parameter
values to either are seen by both.
Prior to calling this, none of the associated attributes will
exist. This method must be called to make the model usable by
fitting engines.
If oldnames=True, then parameters are named as in the original
implementation of compound models.
if self._parameters is not None:
# do nothing
if self._leaflist is None:
self._parameters_ = {}
param_map = {}
self._param_names = []
for lindex, leaf in enumerate(self._leaflist):
if not isinstance(leaf, dict):
for param_name in leaf.param_names:
param = getattr(leaf, param_name)
new_param_name = f"{param_name}_{lindex}"
self.__dict__[new_param_name] = param
self._parameters_[new_param_name] = param
param_map[new_param_name] = (lindex, param_name)
self._param_metrics = defaultdict(dict)
self._param_map = param_map
self._param_map_inverse = {v: k for k, v in param_map.items()}
self._param_names = tuple(self._param_names)
def _recursive_lookup(branch, adict, key):
if isinstance(branch, CompoundModel):
return adict[key]
return branch, key
def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, input_units, output_units):
if self._leaflist is None:
units_for_data = {}
for imodel, model in enumerate(self._leaflist):
units_for_data_leaf = model._parameter_units_for_data_units(
input_units, output_units
for param_leaf in units_for_data_leaf:
param = self._param_map_inverse[(imodel, param_leaf)]
units_for_data[param] = units_for_data_leaf[param_leaf]
return units_for_data
def input_units(self):
inputs_map = self.inputs_map()
input_units_dict = {
key: inputs_map[key][0].input_units[orig_key]
for key, (mod, orig_key) in inputs_map.items()
if inputs_map[key][0].input_units is not None
if input_units_dict:
return input_units_dict
return None
def input_units_equivalencies(self):
inputs_map = self.inputs_map()
input_units_equivalencies_dict = {
key: inputs_map[key][0].input_units_equivalencies[orig_key]
for key, (mod, orig_key) in inputs_map.items()
if inputs_map[key][0].input_units_equivalencies is not None
if not input_units_equivalencies_dict:
return None
return input_units_equivalencies_dict
def input_units_allow_dimensionless(self):
inputs_map = self.inputs_map()
return {
key: inputs_map[key][0].input_units_allow_dimensionless[orig_key]
for key, (mod, orig_key) in inputs_map.items()
def input_units_strict(self):
inputs_map = self.inputs_map()
return {
key: inputs_map[key][0].input_units_strict[orig_key]
for key, (mod, orig_key) in inputs_map.items()
def return_units(self):
outputs_map = self.outputs_map()
return {
key: outputs_map[key][0].return_units[orig_key]
for key, (mod, orig_key) in outputs_map.items()
if outputs_map[key][0].return_units is not None
def outputs_map(self):
Map the names of the outputs to this ExpressionTree to the outputs to the leaf models.
outputs_map = {}
if not isinstance(
self.op, str
): # If we don't have an operator the mapping is trivial
return {out: (self, out) for out in self.outputs}
elif self.op == "|":
if isinstance(self.right, CompoundModel):
r_outputs_map = self.right.outputs_map()
for out in self.outputs:
if isinstance(self.right, CompoundModel):
outputs_map[out] = r_outputs_map[out]
outputs_map[out] = self.right, out
elif self.op == "&":
if isinstance(self.left, CompoundModel):
l_outputs_map = self.left.outputs_map()
if isinstance(self.right, CompoundModel):
r_outputs_map = self.right.outputs_map()
for i, out in enumerate(self.outputs):
if i < len(self.left.outputs): # Get from left
if isinstance(self.left, CompoundModel):
outputs_map[out] = l_outputs_map[self.left.outputs[i]]
outputs_map[out] = self.left, self.left.outputs[i]
else: # Get from right
if isinstance(self.right, CompoundModel):
outputs_map[out] = r_outputs_map[
self.right.outputs[i - len(self.left.outputs)]
outputs_map[out] = (
self.right.outputs[i - len(self.left.outputs)],
elif self.op == "fix_inputs":
return self.left.outputs_map()
if isinstance(self.left, CompoundModel):
l_outputs_map = self.left.outputs_map()
for out in self.left.outputs:
if isinstance(self.left, CompoundModel):
outputs_map[out] = l_outputs_map()[out]
outputs_map[out] = self.left, out
return outputs_map
def has_user_bounding_box(self):
A flag indicating whether or not a custom bounding_box has been
assigned to this model by a user, via assignment to
return self._user_bounding_box is not None
def render(self, out=None, coords=None):
Evaluate a model at fixed positions, respecting the ``bounding_box``.
The key difference relative to evaluating the model directly
is that this method is limited to a bounding box if the
`~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` attribute is set.
out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional
An array that the evaluated model will be added to. If this is not
given (or given as ``None``), a new array will be created.
coords : array-like, optional
An array to be used to translate from the model's input coordinates
to the ``out`` array. It should have the property that
``self(coords)`` yields the same shape as ``out``. If ``out`` is
not specified, ``coords`` will be used to determine the shape of
the returned array. If this is not provided (or None), the model
will be evaluated on a grid determined by
out : `numpy.ndarray`
The model added to ``out`` if ``out`` is not ``None``, or else a
new array from evaluating the model over ``coords``.
If ``out`` and ``coords`` are both `None`, the returned array is
limited to the `~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box`
limits. If `~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` is `None`,
``arr`` or ``coords`` must be passed.
If ``coords`` are not given and the
`~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` of this model is not
bbox = self.get_bounding_box()
ndim = self.n_inputs
if (coords is None) and (out is None) and (bbox is None):
raise ValueError("If no bounding_box is set, coords or out must be input.")
# for consistent indexing
if ndim == 1:
if coords is not None:
coords = [coords]
if bbox is not None:
bbox = [bbox]
if coords is not None:
coords = np.asanyarray(coords, dtype=float)
# Check dimensions match out and model
assert len(coords) == ndim
if out is not None:
if coords[0].shape != out.shape:
raise ValueError("inconsistent shape of the output.")
out = np.zeros(coords[0].shape)
if out is not None:
out = np.asanyarray(out)
if out.ndim != ndim:
raise ValueError(
"the array and model must have the same number of dimensions."
if bbox is not None:
# Assures position is at center pixel, important when using
# add_array.
pd = (
np.array([(np.mean(bb), np.ceil((bb[1] - bb[0]) / 2)) for bb in bbox])
pos, delta = pd
if coords is not None:
sub_shape = tuple(delta * 2 + 1)
sub_coords = np.array(
[extract_array(c, sub_shape, pos) for c in coords]
limits = [slice(p - d, p + d + 1, 1) for p, d in pd.T]
sub_coords = np.mgrid[limits]
sub_coords = sub_coords[::-1]
if out is None:
out = self(*sub_coords)
out = add_array(out, self(*sub_coords), pos)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"The `bounding_box` is larger than the input out in "
"one or more dimensions. Set "
"`model.bounding_box = None`."
if coords is None:
im_shape = out.shape
limits = [slice(i) for i in im_shape]
coords = np.mgrid[limits]
coords = coords[::-1]
out += self(*coords)
return out
def replace_submodel(self, name, model):
Construct a new `~astropy.modeling.CompoundModel` instance from an
existing CompoundModel, replacing the named submodel with a new model.
In order to ensure that inverses and names are kept/reconstructed, it's
necessary to rebuild the CompoundModel from the replaced node all the
way back to the base. The original CompoundModel is left untouched.
name : str
name of submodel to be replaced
model : `~astropy.modeling.Model`
replacement model
submodels = [
m for m in self.traverse_postorder() if getattr(m, "name", None) == name
if submodels:
if len(submodels) > 1:
raise ValueError(f"More than one submodel named {name}")
old_model = submodels.pop()
if len(old_model) != len(model):
raise ValueError(
"New and old models must have equal values for n_models"
# Do this check first in order to raise a more helpful Exception,
# although it would fail trying to construct the new CompoundModel
if (
old_model.n_inputs != model.n_inputs
or old_model.n_outputs != model.n_outputs
raise ValueError(
"New model must match numbers of inputs and "
"outputs of existing model"
tree = _get_submodel_path(self, name)
while tree:
branch = self.copy()
for node in tree[:-1]:
branch = getattr(branch, node)
setattr(branch, tree[-1], model)
model = CompoundModel(
branch.op, branch.left, branch.right, name=branch.name
tree = tree[:-1]
return model
raise ValueError(f"No submodels found named {name}")
def without_units_for_data(self, **kwargs):
See `~astropy.modeling.Model.without_units_for_data` for overview
of this method.
This modifies the behavior of the base method to account for the
case where the sub-models of a compound model have different output
units. This is only valid for compound * and / compound models as
in that case it is reasonable to mix the output units. It does this
by modifying the output units of each sub model by using the output
units of the other sub model so that we can apply the original function
and get the desired result.
Additional data has to be output in the mixed output unit case
so that the units can be properly rebuilt by
Outside the mixed output units, this method is identical to the
base method.
if self.op in ["*", "/"]:
inputs = {inp: kwargs[inp] for inp in self.inputs}
left_units = self.left.output_units(**kwargs)
right_units = self.right.output_units(**kwargs)
if self.op == "*":
left_kwargs = {
out: kwargs[out] / right_units[out]
for out in self.left.outputs
if kwargs[out] is not None
right_kwargs = {
out: kwargs[out] / left_units[out]
for out in self.right.outputs
if kwargs[out] is not None
left_kwargs = {
out: kwargs[out] * right_units[out]
for out in self.left.outputs
if kwargs[out] is not None
right_kwargs = {
out: 1 / kwargs[out] * left_units[out]
for out in self.right.outputs
if kwargs[out] is not None
left = self.left.without_units_for_data(**left_kwargs)
if isinstance(left, tuple):
left_kwargs["_left_kwargs"] = left[1]
left_kwargs["_right_kwargs"] = left[2]
left = left[0]
right = self.right.without_units_for_data(**right_kwargs)
if isinstance(right, tuple):
right_kwargs["_left_kwargs"] = right[1]
right_kwargs["_right_kwargs"] = right[2]
right = right[0]
model = CompoundModel(self.op, left, right, name=self.name)
return model, left_kwargs, right_kwargs
return super().without_units_for_data(**kwargs)
def with_units_from_data(self, **kwargs):
See `~astropy.modeling.Model.with_units_from_data` for overview
of this method.
This modifies the behavior of the base method to account for the
case where the sub-models of a compound model have different output
units. This is only valid for compound * and / compound models as
in that case it is reasonable to mix the output units. In order to
do this it requires some additional information output by
`~astropy.modeling.CompoundModel.without_units_for_data` passed as
keyword arguments under the keywords ``_left_kwargs`` and ``_right_kwargs``.
Outside the mixed output units, this method is identical to the
base method.
if self.op in ["*", "/"]:
left_kwargs = kwargs.pop("_left_kwargs")
right_kwargs = kwargs.pop("_right_kwargs")
left = self.left.with_units_from_data(**left_kwargs)
right = self.right.with_units_from_data(**right_kwargs)
return CompoundModel(self.op, left, right, name=self.name)
return super().with_units_from_data(**kwargs)
def _get_submodel_path(model, name):
"""Find the route down a CompoundModel's tree to the model with the
specified name (whether it's a leaf or not).
if getattr(model, "name", None) == name:
return []
return ["left"] + _get_submodel_path(model.left, name)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
return ["right"] + _get_submodel_path(model.right, name)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
def binary_operation(binoperator, left, right):
Perform binary operation. Operands may be matching tuples of operands.
if isinstance(left, tuple) and isinstance(right, tuple):
return tuple(binoperator(item[0], item[1]) for item in zip(left, right))
return binoperator(left, right)
def get_ops(tree, opset):
Recursive function to collect operators used.
if isinstance(tree, CompoundModel):
get_ops(tree.left, opset)
get_ops(tree.right, opset)
def make_subtree_dict(tree, nodepath, tdict, leaflist):
"""Traverse a tree noting each node by a key.
The key indicates all the left/right choices necessary to reach that node.
Each key will reference a tuple that contains:
- reference to the compound model for that node.
- left most index contained within that subtree
(relative to all indices for the whole tree)
- right most index contained within that subtree
# if this is a leaf, just append it to the leaflist
if not hasattr(tree, "isleaf"):
leftmostind = len(leaflist)
make_subtree_dict(tree.left, nodepath + "l", tdict, leaflist)
make_subtree_dict(tree.right, nodepath + "r", tdict, leaflist)
rightmostind = len(leaflist) - 1
tdict[nodepath] = (tree, leftmostind, rightmostind)
_ORDER_OF_OPERATORS = [("fix_inputs",), ("|",), ("&",), ("+", "-"), ("*", "/"), ("**",)]
for idx, ops in enumerate(_ORDER_OF_OPERATORS):
for op in ops:
del idx, op, ops
def bind_bounding_box(modelinstance, bounding_box, ignored=None, order="C"):
Set a validated bounding box to a model instance.
modelinstance : `~astropy.modeling.Model` instance
This is the model that the validated bounding box will be set on.
bounding_box : tuple
A bounding box tuple, see :ref:`astropy:bounding-boxes` for details
ignored : list
List of the inputs to be ignored by the bounding box.
order : str, optional
The ordering of the bounding box tuple, can be either ``'C'`` or
modelinstance.bounding_box = ModelBoundingBox.validate(
modelinstance, bounding_box, ignored=ignored, order=order
def bind_compound_bounding_box(
Add a validated compound bounding box to a model instance.
modelinstance : `~astropy.modeling.Model` instance
This is the model that the validated compound bounding box will be set on.
bounding_boxes : dict
A dictionary of bounding box tuples, see :ref:`astropy:bounding-boxes`
for details.
selector_args : list
List of selector argument tuples to define selection for compound
bounding box, see :ref:`astropy:bounding-boxes` for details.
create_selector : callable, optional
An optional callable with interface (selector_value, model) which
can generate a bounding box based on a selector value and model if
there is no bounding box in the compound bounding box listed under
that selector value. Default is ``None``, meaning new bounding
box entries will not be automatically generated.
ignored : list
List of the inputs to be ignored by the bounding box.
order : str, optional
The ordering of the bounding box tuple, can be either ``'C'`` or
modelinstance.bounding_box = CompoundBoundingBox.validate(
def custom_model(*args, fit_deriv=None):
Create a model from a user defined function. The inputs and parameters of
the model will be inferred from the arguments of the function.
This can be used either as a function or as a decorator. See below for
examples of both usages.
The model is separable only if there is a single input.
.. note::
All model parameters have to be defined as keyword arguments with
default values in the model function. Use `None` as a default argument
value if you do not want to have a default value for that parameter.
The standard settable model properties can be configured by default
using keyword arguments matching the name of the property; however,
these values are not set as model "parameters". Moreover, users
cannot use keyword arguments matching non-settable model properties,
with the exception of ``n_outputs`` which should be set to the number of
outputs of your function.
func : function
Function which defines the model. It should take N positional
arguments where ``N`` is dimensions of the model (the number of
independent variable in the model), and any number of keyword arguments
(the parameters). It must return the value of the model (typically as
an array, but can also be a scalar for scalar inputs). This
corresponds to the `~astropy.modeling.Model.evaluate` method.
fit_deriv : function, optional
Function which defines the Jacobian derivative of the model. I.e., the
derivative with respect to the *parameters* of the model. It should
have the same argument signature as ``func``, but should return a
sequence where each element of the sequence is the derivative
with respect to the corresponding argument. This corresponds to the
:meth:`~astropy.modeling.FittableModel.fit_deriv` method.
Define a sinusoidal model function as a custom 1D model::
>>> from astropy.modeling.models import custom_model
>>> import numpy as np
>>> def sine_model(x, amplitude=1., frequency=1.):
... return amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)
>>> def sine_deriv(x, amplitude=1., frequency=1.):
... return 2 * np.pi * amplitude * np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequency * x)
>>> SineModel = custom_model(sine_model, fit_deriv=sine_deriv)
Create an instance of the custom model and evaluate it::
>>> model = SineModel()
>>> model(0.25) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
This model instance can now be used like a usual astropy model.
The next example demonstrates a 2D Moffat function model, and also
demonstrates the support for docstrings (this example could also include
a derivative, but it has been omitted for simplicity)::
>>> @custom_model
... def Moffat2D(x, y, amplitude=1.0, x_0=0.0, y_0=0.0, gamma=1.0,
... alpha=1.0):
... \"\"\"Two dimensional Moffat function.\"\"\"
... rr_gg = ((x - x_0) ** 2 + (y - y_0) ** 2) / gamma ** 2
... return amplitude * (1 + rr_gg) ** (-alpha)
>>> print(Moffat2D.__doc__)
Two dimensional Moffat function.
>>> model = Moffat2D()
>>> model(1, 1) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP
if len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0]):
return _custom_model_wrapper(args[0], fit_deriv=fit_deriv)
elif not args:
return functools.partial(_custom_model_wrapper, fit_deriv=fit_deriv)
raise TypeError(
f"{__name__} takes at most one positional argument (the callable/"
"function to be turned into a model. When used as a decorator "
"it should be passed keyword arguments only (if "
def _custom_model_inputs(func):
Processes the inputs to the `~astropy.modeling.custom_model`'s
function into the appropriate categories.
func : callable
inputs : list
list of evaluation inputs
special_params : dict
dictionary of model properties which require special treatment
settable_params : dict
dictionary of defaults for settable model properties
params : dict
dictionary of model parameters set by
`~astropyl.modeling.custom_model`'s function
inputs, parameters = get_inputs_and_params(func)
special = ["n_outputs"]
settable = [
for attr, value in vars(Model).items()
if isinstance(value, property) and value.fset is not None
properties = [
for attr, value in vars(Model).items()
if isinstance(value, property) and value.fset is None and attr not in special
special_params = {}
settable_params = {}
params = {}
for param in parameters:
if param.name in special:
special_params[param.name] = param.default
elif param.name in settable:
settable_params[param.name] = param.default
elif param.name in properties:
raise ValueError(
f"Parameter '{param.name}' cannot be a model property: {properties}."
params[param.name] = param.default
return inputs, special_params, settable_params, params
def _custom_model_wrapper(func, fit_deriv=None):
Internal implementation `~astropy.modeling.custom_model`.
When `~astropy.modeling.custom_model` is called as a function its
arguments are passed to this function, and the result of this
function is returned.
When `~astropy.modeling.custom_model` is used as a decorator
a partial evaluation of this function is returned by
if not callable(func):
raise ModelDefinitionError(
"func is not callable; it must be a function or other callable object"
if fit_deriv is not None and not callable(fit_deriv):
raise ModelDefinitionError(
"fit_deriv not callable; it must be a function or other callable object"
model_name = func.__name__
inputs, special_params, settable_params, params = _custom_model_inputs(func)
if fit_deriv is not None and len(fit_deriv.__defaults__) != len(params):
raise ModelDefinitionError(
"derivative function should accept same number of parameters as func."
params = {
param: Parameter(param, default=default) for param, default in params.items()
mod = find_current_module(2)
if mod:
modname = mod.__name__
modname = "__main__"
members = {
"__module__": str(modname),
"__doc__": func.__doc__,
"n_inputs": len(inputs),
"n_outputs": special_params.pop("n_outputs", 1),
"evaluate": staticmethod(func),
"_settable_properties": settable_params,
if fit_deriv is not None:
members["fit_deriv"] = staticmethod(fit_deriv)
cls = type(model_name, (FittableModel,), members)
cls._separable = len(inputs) == 1
return cls
def render_model(model, arr=None, coords=None):
Evaluates a model on an input array. Evaluation is limited to a
bounding box if the `~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` attribute
is set.
model : `~astropy.modeling.Model`
Model to be evaluated.
arr : `numpy.ndarray`, optional
Array on which the model is evaluated.
coords : array-like, optional
Coordinate arrays mapping to ``arr``, such that
``arr[coords] == arr``.
array : `numpy.ndarray`
The model evaluated on the input ``arr`` or a new array from
If ``arr`` and ``coords`` are both `None`, the returned array is
limited to the `~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` limits.
If `~astropy.modeling.Model.bounding_box` is `None`, ``arr`` or
``coords`` must be passed.
bbox = model.bounding_box
if (coords is None) & (arr is None) & (bbox is None):
raise ValueError("If no bounding_box is set, coords or arr must be input.")
# for consistent indexing
if model.n_inputs == 1:
if coords is not None:
coords = [coords]
if bbox is not None:
bbox = [bbox]
if arr is not None:
arr = arr.copy()
# Check dimensions match model
if arr.ndim != model.n_inputs:
raise ValueError(
"number of array dimensions inconsistent with number of model inputs."
if coords is not None:
# Check dimensions match arr and model
coords = np.array(coords)
if len(coords) != model.n_inputs:
raise ValueError(
"coordinate length inconsistent with the number of model inputs."
if arr is not None:
if coords[0].shape != arr.shape:
raise ValueError("coordinate shape inconsistent with the array shape.")
arr = np.zeros(coords[0].shape)
if bbox is not None:
# assures position is at center pixel, important when using add_array
pd = pos, delta = (
np.array([(np.mean(bb), np.ceil((bb[1] - bb[0]) / 2)) for bb in bbox])
if coords is not None:
sub_shape = tuple(delta * 2 + 1)
sub_coords = np.array([extract_array(c, sub_shape, pos) for c in coords])
limits = [slice(p - d, p + d + 1, 1) for p, d in pd.T]
sub_coords = np.mgrid[limits]
sub_coords = sub_coords[::-1]
if arr is None:
arr = model(*sub_coords)
arr = add_array(arr, model(*sub_coords), pos)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"The `bounding_box` is larger than the input"
" arr in one or more dimensions. Set "
"`model.bounding_box = None`."
if coords is None:
im_shape = arr.shape
limits = [slice(i) for i in im_shape]
coords = np.mgrid[limits]
arr += model(*coords[::-1])
return arr
def hide_inverse(model):
This is a convenience function intended to disable automatic generation
of the inverse in compound models by disabling one of the constituent
model's inverse. This is to handle cases where user provided inverse
functions are not compatible within an expression.
For example::
compound_model.inverse = hide_inverse(m1) + m2 + m3
This will insure that the defined inverse itself won't attempt to
build its own inverse, which would otherwise fail in this example
(e.g., m = m1 + m2 + m3 happens to raises an exception for this
Note that this permanently disables it. To prevent that either copy
the model or restore the inverse later.
del model.inverse
return model