This module contains the FITS compression algorithms in numcodecs style Codecs.
from gzip import compress as gzip_compress
from gzip import decompress as gzip_decompress
import numpy as np
from astropy.io.fits.hdu.compressed._compression import (
# If numcodecs is installed, we use Codec as a base class for the codecs below
# so that they can optionally be used as codecs in any package relying on
# numcodecs - however this is optional and if numcodecs is not installed we use
# our own base class. This does not affect any compressed data functionality
# in astropy.io.fits.
from numcodecs.abc import Codec
except ImportError:
class Codec:
codec_id = None
__all__ = [
def _as_big_endian_array(data):
return data.astype(np.asarray(data).dtype.newbyteorder(">"), copy=False)
def _as_native_endian_array(data):
if data.dtype.isnative:
return data
return data.astype(np.asarray(data).dtype.newbyteorder("="), copy=False)
class NoCompress(Codec):
A dummy compression/decompression algorithm that stores the data as-is.
While the data is not compressed/decompressed, it is converted to big
endian during encoding as this is what is expected in FITS files.
codec_id = "FITS_NOCOMPRESS"
def decode(self, buf):
Decompress buffer using the NOCOMPRESS algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to decompress.
buf : np.ndarray
The decompressed buffer.
return np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8)
def encode(self, buf):
Compress the data in the buffer using the NOCOMPRESS algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to compress.
The compressed bytes.
return _as_big_endian_array(buf).tobytes()
class Gzip1(Codec):
The FITS GZIP 1 compression and decompression algorithm.
The Gzip algorithm is used in the free GNU software compression utility of
the same name. It was created by J. L. Gailly and M. Adler, based on the
DEFLATE algorithm (Deutsch 1996), which is a combination of LZ77 (Ziv &
Lempel 1977) and Huffman coding.
codec_id = "FITS_GZIP1"
def decode(self, buf):
Decompress buffer using the GZIP_1 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to decompress.
buf : np.ndarray
The decompressed buffer.
# In principle we should be able to not have .tobytes() here and avoid
# the copy but this does not work correctly in Python 3.11.
cbytes = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8).tobytes()
dbytes = gzip_decompress(cbytes)
return np.frombuffer(dbytes, dtype=np.uint8)
def encode(self, buf):
Compress the data in the buffer using the GZIP_1 algorithm.
buf _like
The buffer to compress.
The compressed bytes.
# Data bytes should be stored as big endian in files
# In principle we should be able to not have .tobytes() here and avoid
# the copy but this does not work correctly in Python 3.11.
dbytes = _as_big_endian_array(buf).tobytes()
return gzip_compress(dbytes)
class Gzip2(Codec):
The FITS GZIP2 compression and decompression algorithm.
The gzip2 algorithm is a variation on 'GZIP 1'. In this case the buffer in
the array of data values are shuffled so that they are arranged in order of
decreasing significance before being compressed.
For example, a five-element contiguous array of two-byte (16-bit) integer
values, with an original big-endian byte order of:
.. math::
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 E1 E2
will have the following byte order after shuffling:
.. math::
A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 A2 B2 C2 D2 E2,
where A1, B1, C1, D1, and E1 are the most-significant buffer from
each of the integer values.
Byte shuffling shall only be performed for integer or floating-point
numeric data types; logical, bit, and character types must not be shuffled.
The number of buffer per value (e.g. 2 for a 16-bit integer)
codec_id = "FITS_GZIP2"
def __init__(self, *, itemsize: int):
self.itemsize = itemsize
def decode(self, buf):
Decompress buffer using the GZIP_2 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to decompress.
buf : np.ndarray
The decompressed buffer.
cbytes = np.frombuffer(buf, dtype=np.uint8).tobytes()
# Start off by unshuffling buffer
unshuffled_buffer = gzip_decompress(cbytes)
array = np.frombuffer(unshuffled_buffer, dtype=np.uint8)
return array.reshape((self.itemsize, -1)).T.ravel()
def encode(self, buf):
Compress the data in the buffer using the GZIP_2 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to compress.
The compressed bytes.
# Data bytes should be stored as big endian in files
array = _as_big_endian_array(buf).ravel()
# Shuffle the buffer
itemsize = array.dtype.itemsize
array = array.view(np.uint8)
shuffled_buffer = array.reshape((-1, itemsize)).T.ravel().tobytes()
return gzip_compress(shuffled_buffer)
class Rice1(Codec):
The FITS RICE1 compression and decompression algorithm.
The Rice algorithm [1]_ is simple and very fast It requires only enough
memory to hold a single block of 16 or 32 pixels at a time. It codes the
pixels in small blocks and so is able to adapt very quickly to changes in
the input image statistics (e.g., Rice has no problem handling cosmic rays,
bright stars, saturated pixels, etc.).
The blocksize to use, each tile is coded into blocks a number of pixels
wide. The default value in FITS headers is 32 pixels per block.
The number of 8-bit buffer in each original integer pixel value.
.. [1] Rice, R. F., Yeh, P.-S., and Miller, W. H. 1993, in Proc. of the 9th
AIAA Computing in Aerospace Conf., AIAA-93-4541-CP, American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics [https://doi.org/10.2514/6.1993-4541]
codec_id = "FITS_RICE1"
def __init__(self, *, blocksize: int, bytepix: int, tilesize: int):
self.blocksize = blocksize
self.bytepix = bytepix
self.tilesize = tilesize
def decode(self, buf):
Decompress buffer using the RICE_1 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to decompress.
buf : np.ndarray
The decompressed buffer.
cbytes = np.frombuffer(_as_native_endian_array(buf), dtype=np.uint8).tobytes()
dbytes = decompress_rice_1_c(
cbytes, self.blocksize, self.bytepix, self.tilesize
return np.frombuffer(dbytes, dtype=f"i{self.bytepix}")
def encode(self, buf):
Compress the data in the buffer using the RICE_1 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to compress.
The compressed bytes.
# We convert the data to native endian because it is passed to the
# C compression code which will interpret it as being native endian.
dbytes = (
.astype(f"i{self.bytepix}", copy=False)
return compress_rice_1_c(dbytes, self.blocksize, self.bytepix)
class PLIO1(Codec):
The FITS PLIO1 compression and decompression algorithm.
The IRAF PLIO (pixel list) algorithm was developed to store integer-valued
image masks in a compressed form. Such masks often have large regions of
constant value hence are highly compressible. The compression algorithm
used is based on run-length encoding, with the ability to dynamically
follow level changes in the image, allowing a 16-bit encoding to be used
regardless of the image depth.
codec_id = "FITS_PLIO1"
def __init__(self, *, tilesize: int):
self.tilesize = tilesize
def decode(self, buf):
Decompress buffer using the PLIO_1 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to decompress.
buf : np.ndarray
The decompressed buffer.
cbytes = np.frombuffer(_as_native_endian_array(buf), dtype=np.uint8).tobytes()
dbytes = decompress_plio_1_c(cbytes, self.tilesize)
return np.frombuffer(dbytes, dtype="i4")
def encode(self, buf):
Compress the data in the buffer using the PLIO_1 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to compress.
The compressed bytes.
# We convert the data to native endian because it is passed to the
# C compression code which will interpret it as being native endian.
dbytes = _as_native_endian_array(buf).astype("i4", copy=False).tobytes()
return compress_plio_1_c(dbytes, self.tilesize)
class HCompress1(Codec):
The FITS HCompress compression and decompression algorithm.
Hcompress is an the image compression package written by Richard L. White
for use at the Space Telescope Science Institute. Hcompress was used to
compress the STScI Digitized Sky Survey and has also been used to compress
the preview images in the Hubble Data Archive.
The technique gives very good compression for astronomical images and is
relatively fast. The calculations are carried out using integer arithmetic
and are entirely reversible. Consequently, the program can be used for
either lossy or lossless compression, with no special approach needed for
the lossless case.
The integer scale parameter determines the amount of compression. Scale
= 0 or 1 leads to lossless compression, i.e. the decompressed image has
exactly the same pixel values as the original image. If the scale
factor is greater than 1 then the compression is lossy: the
decompressed image will not be exactly the same as the original
At high compressions factors the decompressed image begins to appear
blocky because of the way information is discarded. This blockiness
ness is greatly reduced, producing more pleasing images, if the image
is smoothed slightly during decompression.
.. [1] White, R. L. 1992, in Proceedings of the NASA Space and Earth Science
Data Compression Workshop, ed. J. C. Tilton, Snowbird, UT;
codec_id = "FITS_HCOMPRESS1"
def __init__(self, *, scale: int, smooth: bool, bytepix: int, nx: int, ny: int):
self.scale = scale
self.smooth = smooth
self.bytepix = bytepix
# NOTE: we should probably make this less confusing, but nx is shape[0] and ny is shape[1]
self.nx = nx
self.ny = ny
def decode(self, buf):
Decompress buffer using the HCOMPRESS_1 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to decompress.
buf : np.ndarray
The decompressed buffer.
cbytes = np.frombuffer(_as_native_endian_array(buf), dtype=np.uint8).tobytes()
dbytes = decompress_hcompress_1_c(
cbytes, self.nx, self.ny, self.scale, self.smooth, self.bytepix
# fits_hdecompress* always returns 4 byte integers irrespective of bytepix
return np.frombuffer(dbytes, dtype="i4")
def encode(self, buf):
Compress the data in the buffer using the HCOMPRESS_1 algorithm.
buf : bytes or array_like
The buffer to compress.
The compressed bytes.
# We convert the data to native endian because it is passed to the
# C compression code which will interpret it as being native endian.
dbytes = (
.astype(f"i{self.bytepix}", copy=False)
return compress_hcompress_1_c(
dbytes, self.nx, self.ny, self.scale, self.bytepix