# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""An extensible HTML table reader and writer.
Classes to read and write HTML tables
`BeautifulSoup <http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/>`_
must be installed to read HTML tables.
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from astropy.table import Column
from astropy.utils.compat.optional_deps import HAS_BS4
from astropy.utils.xml import writer
from . import core
class SoupString(str):
Allows for strings to hold BeautifulSoup data.
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return str.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, val):
self.soup = val
class ListWriter:
Allows for XMLWriter to write to a list instead of a file.
def __init__(self, out):
self.out = out
def write(self, data):
def identify_table(soup, htmldict, numtable):
Checks whether the given BeautifulSoup tag is the table
the user intends to process.
if soup is None or soup.name != "table":
return False # Tag is not a <table>
elif "table_id" not in htmldict:
return numtable == 1
table_id = htmldict["table_id"]
if isinstance(table_id, str):
return "id" in soup.attrs and soup["id"] == table_id
elif isinstance(table_id, int):
return table_id == numtable
# Return False if an invalid parameter is given
return False
class HTMLInputter(core.BaseInputter):
Input lines of HTML in a valid form.
This requires `BeautifulSoup
<http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/>`_ to be installed.
def process_lines(self, lines):
Convert the given input into a list of SoupString rows
for further processing.
if not HAS_BS4:
raise core.OptionalTableImportError(
"BeautifulSoup must be installed to read HTML tables"
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
if "parser" not in self.html:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# Ignore bs4 parser warning #4550.
"ignore", ".*no parser was explicitly specified.*"
soup = BeautifulSoup("\n".join(lines))
else: # use a custom backend parser
soup = BeautifulSoup("\n".join(lines), self.html["parser"])
tables = soup.find_all("table")
for i, possible_table in enumerate(tables):
if identify_table(possible_table, self.html, i + 1):
table = possible_table # Find the correct table
if isinstance(self.html["table_id"], int):
err_descr = f"number {self.html['table_id']}"
err_descr = f"id '{self.html['table_id']}'"
raise core.InconsistentTableError(
f"ERROR: HTML table {err_descr} not found"
# Get all table rows
soup_list = [SoupString(x) for x in table.find_all("tr")]
return soup_list
class HTMLSplitter(core.BaseSplitter):
Split HTML table data.
def __call__(self, lines):
Return HTML data from lines as a generator.
for line in lines:
if not isinstance(line, SoupString):
raise TypeError("HTML lines should be of type SoupString")
soup = line.soup
header_elements = soup.find_all("th")
if header_elements:
# Return multicolumns as tuples for HTMLHeader handling
yield [
(el.text.strip(), el["colspan"])
if el.has_attr("colspan")
else el.text.strip()
for el in header_elements
data_elements = soup.find_all("td")
if data_elements:
yield [el.text.strip() for el in data_elements]
if len(lines) == 0:
raise core.InconsistentTableError(
"HTML tables must contain data in a <table> tag"
class HTMLOutputter(core.TableOutputter):
Output the HTML data as an ``astropy.table.Table`` object.
This subclass allows for the final table to contain
multidimensional columns (defined using the colspan attribute
of <th>).
default_converters = [
def __call__(self, cols, meta):
Process the data in multidimensional columns.
new_cols = []
col_num = 0
while col_num < len(cols):
col = cols[col_num]
if hasattr(col, "colspan"):
# Join elements of spanned columns together into list of tuples
span_cols = cols[col_num : col_num + col.colspan]
new_col = core.Column(col.name)
new_col.str_vals = list(zip(*[x.str_vals for x in span_cols]))
col_num += col.colspan
col_num += 1
return super().__call__(new_cols, meta)
class HTMLHeader(core.BaseHeader):
splitter_class = HTMLSplitter
def start_line(self, lines):
Return the line number at which header data begins.
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if not isinstance(line, SoupString):
raise TypeError("HTML lines should be of type SoupString")
soup = line.soup
if soup.th is not None:
return i
return None
def _set_cols_from_names(self):
Set columns from header names, handling multicolumns appropriately.
self.cols = []
new_names = []
for name in self.names:
if isinstance(name, tuple):
col = core.Column(name=name[0])
col.colspan = int(name[1])
for i in range(1, int(name[1])):
# Add dummy columns
self.names = new_names
class HTMLData(core.BaseData):
splitter_class = HTMLSplitter
def start_line(self, lines):
Return the line number at which table data begins.
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if not isinstance(line, SoupString):
raise TypeError("HTML lines should be of type SoupString")
soup = line.soup
if soup.td is not None:
if soup.th is not None:
raise core.InconsistentTableError(
"HTML tables cannot have headings and data in the same row"
return i
raise core.InconsistentTableError("No start line found for HTML data")
def end_line(self, lines):
Return the line number at which table data ends.
last_index = -1
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if not isinstance(line, SoupString):
raise TypeError("HTML lines should be of type SoupString")
soup = line.soup
if soup.td is not None:
last_index = i
if last_index == -1:
return None
return last_index + 1
class HTML(core.BaseReader):
"""HTML format table.
In order to customize input and output, a dict of parameters may
be passed to this class holding specific customizations.
**htmldict** : Dictionary of parameters for HTML input/output.
* css : Customized styling
If present, this parameter will be included in a <style>
tag and will define stylistic attributes of the output.
* table_id : ID for the input table
If a string, this defines the HTML id of the table to be processed.
If an integer, this specifies the index of the input table in the
available tables. Unless this parameter is given, the reader will
use the first table found in the input file.
* multicol : Use multi-dimensional columns for output
The writer will output tuples as elements of multi-dimensional
columns if this parameter is true, and if not then it will
use the syntax 1.36583e-13 .. 1.36583e-13 for output. If not
present, this parameter will be true by default.
* raw_html_cols : column name or list of names with raw HTML content
This allows one to include raw HTML content in the column output,
for instance to include link references in a table. This option
requires that the bleach package be installed. Only whitelisted
tags are allowed through for security reasons (see the
raw_html_clean_kwargs arg).
* raw_html_clean_kwargs : dict of keyword args controlling HTML cleaning
Raw HTML will be cleaned to prevent unsafe HTML from ending up in
the table output. This is done by calling ``bleach.clean(data,
**raw_html_clean_kwargs)``. For details on the available options
(e.g. tag whitelist) see:
* parser : Specific HTML parsing library to use
If specified, this specifies which HTML parsing library
BeautifulSoup should use as a backend. The options to choose
from are 'html.parser' (the standard library parser), 'lxml'
(the recommended parser), 'xml' (lxml's XML parser), and
'html5lib'. html5lib is a highly lenient parser and therefore
might work correctly for unusual input if a different parser
* jsfiles : list of js files to include when writing table.
* cssfiles : list of css files to include when writing table.
* js : js script to include in the body when writing table.
* table_class : css class for the table
_format_name = "html"
_io_registry_format_aliases = ["html"]
_io_registry_suffix = ".html"
_description = "HTML table"
header_class = HTMLHeader
data_class = HTMLData
inputter_class = HTMLInputter
max_ndim = 2 # HTML supports writing 2-d columns with shape (n, m)
def __init__(self, htmldict={}):
Initialize classes for HTML reading and writing.
self.html = deepcopy(htmldict)
if "multicol" not in htmldict:
self.html["multicol"] = True
if "table_id" not in htmldict:
self.html["table_id"] = 1
self.inputter.html = self.html
def read(self, table):
Read the ``table`` in HTML format and return a resulting ``Table``.
self.outputter = HTMLOutputter()
return super().read(table)
def write(self, table):
Return data in ``table`` converted to HTML as a list of strings.
# Check that table has only 1-d or 2-d columns. Above that fails.
cols = list(table.columns.values())
self.data.header.cols = cols
self.data.cols = cols
if isinstance(self.data.fill_values, tuple):
self.data.fill_values = [self.data.fill_values]
lines = []
# Set HTML escaping to False for any column in the raw_html_cols input
raw_html_cols = self.html.get("raw_html_cols", [])
if isinstance(raw_html_cols, str):
raw_html_cols = [raw_html_cols] # Allow for a single string as input
cols_escaped = [col.info.name not in raw_html_cols for col in cols]
# Kwargs that get passed on to bleach.clean() if that is available.
raw_html_clean_kwargs = self.html.get("raw_html_clean_kwargs", {})
# Use XMLWriter to output HTML to lines
w = writer.XMLWriter(ListWriter(lines))
with w.tag("html"):
with w.tag("head"):
# Declare encoding and set CSS style for table
with w.tag("meta", attrib={"charset": "utf-8"}):
with w.tag(
"http-equiv": "Content-type",
"content": "text/html;charset=UTF-8",
if "css" in self.html:
with w.tag("style"):
if "cssfiles" in self.html:
for filename in self.html["cssfiles"]:
with w.tag(
"link", rel="stylesheet", href=filename, type="text/css"
if "jsfiles" in self.html:
for filename in self.html["jsfiles"]:
with w.tag("script", src=filename):
# need this instead of pass to get <script></script>
with w.tag("body"):
if "js" in self.html:
with w.xml_cleaning_method("none"):
with w.tag("script"):
if isinstance(self.html["table_id"], str):
html_table_id = self.html["table_id"]
html_table_id = None
if "table_class" in self.html:
html_table_class = self.html["table_class"]
attrib = {"class": html_table_class}
attrib = {}
with w.tag("table", id=html_table_id, attrib=attrib):
with w.tag("thead"):
with w.tag("tr"):
for col in cols:
if len(col.shape) > 1 and self.html["multicol"]:
# Set colspan attribute for multicolumns
w.start("th", colspan=col.shape[1])
col_str_iters = []
new_cols_escaped = []
# Make a container to hold any new_col objects created
# below for multicolumn elements. This is purely to
# maintain a reference for these objects during
# subsequent iteration to format column values. This
# requires that the weakref info._parent be maintained.
new_cols = []
for col, col_escaped in zip(cols, cols_escaped):
if len(col.shape) > 1 and self.html["multicol"]:
span = col.shape[1]
for i in range(span):
# Split up multicolumns into separate columns
new_col = Column([el[i] for el in col])
new_col_iter_str_vals = self.fill_values(
col, new_col.info.iter_str_vals()
col_iter_str_vals = self.fill_values(
col, col.info.iter_str_vals()
for row in zip(*col_str_iters):
with w.tag("tr"):
for el, col_escaped in zip(row, new_cols_escaped):
# Potentially disable HTML escaping for column
method = "escape_xml" if col_escaped else "bleach_clean"
with w.xml_cleaning_method(
method, **raw_html_clean_kwargs
# Fixes XMLWriter's insertion of unwanted line breaks
return ["".join(lines)]
def fill_values(self, col, col_str_iters):
Return an iterator of the values with replacements based on fill_values.
# check if the col is a masked column and has fill values
is_masked_column = hasattr(col, "mask")
has_fill_values = hasattr(col, "fill_values")
for idx, col_str in enumerate(col_str_iters):
if is_masked_column and has_fill_values:
if col.mask[idx]:
yield col.fill_values[core.masked]
if has_fill_values:
if col_str in col.fill_values:
yield col.fill_values[col_str]
yield col_str