from __future__ import annotations
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import NamedTuple
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils import unbroadcast
from astropy.utils.compat import COPY_IF_NEEDED
from astropy.utils.data_info import MixinInfo
from astropy.utils.shapes import ShapedLikeNDArray
__all__ = ["StokesCoord", "custom_stokes_symbol_mapping", "StokesSymbol"]
class StokesSymbol(NamedTuple):
"""Symbol for a Stokes coordinate."""
symbol: str = ""
description: str = ""
# This is table 29 in the FITS 4.0 paper
1: StokesSymbol("I", "Standard Stokes unpolarized"),
2: StokesSymbol("Q", "Standard Stokes linear"),
3: StokesSymbol("U", "Standard Stokes linear"),
4: StokesSymbol("V", "Standard Stokes circular"),
-1: StokesSymbol("RR", "Right-right circular: <RR*>"),
-2: StokesSymbol("LL", "Left-left circular: <LL*>"),
-3: StokesSymbol("RL", "Right-left cross-circular: Re(<RL*>))"),
-4: StokesSymbol("LR", "Left-right cross-circular: Re(<LR*>)=Im(<RL*>)"),
-5: StokesSymbol("XX", "X parallel linear: <XX*>"),
-6: StokesSymbol("YY", "Y parallel linear: <YY*>"),
-7: StokesSymbol("XY", "XY cross linear: Re(<XY*>)"),
-8: StokesSymbol("YX", "YX cross linear: Im(<XY*>)"),
def custom_stokes_symbol_mapping(
mapping: dict[int, StokesSymbol], replace: bool = False
) -> None:
Add a custom set of mappings from values to Stokes symbols.
A list of dictionaries with custom mappings between values (integers)
and `.StokesSymbol` classes.
Replace all mappings with this one.
original_mapping = STOKES_VALUE_SYMBOL_MAP.copy()
if not replace:
STOKES_VALUE_SYMBOL_MAP = {**original_mapping, **mapping}
STOKES_VALUE_SYMBOL_MAP = original_mapping
class StokesCoordInfo(MixinInfo):
# The attributes containing actual information.
_represent_as_dict_attrs = {"value"}
# Since there is only one attribute, use a column with the name to represent it
# (rather than as name.value)
_represent_as_dict_primary_data = "value"
# Attributes that should be presented as positional arguments to
# the class initializer (which takes "stokes" as an argument, not "value").
_construct_from_dict_args = ("value",)
def unit(self):
return None
def dtype(self):
return self._parent._data.dtype
def default_format(val):
return f"{val.symbol}"
def new_like(self, cols, length, metadata_conflicts="warn", name=None):
Return a new StokesCoord instance which is consistent with the
input ``cols`` and has ``length`` rows.
This is intended for creating an empty column object whose elements can
be set in-place for table operations like join or vstack.
cols : list
List of input columns
length : int
Length of the output column object
metadata_conflicts : str ('warn'|'error'|'silent')
How to handle metadata conflicts
name : str
Output column name
col : `~astropy.coordinates.StokesCoord` (or subclass)
Empty instance of this class consistent with ``cols``
# Get merged info attributes like shape, dtype, format, description, etc.
attrs = self.merge_cols_attributes(
cols, metadata_conflicts, name, ("meta", "format", "description")
# Make an empty StokesCoord.
shape = (length,) + attrs.pop("shape")
data = np.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=attrs.pop("dtype"))
# Get arguments needed to reconstruct class
out = self._construct_from_dict({"value": data})
# Set remaining info attributes
for attr, value in attrs.items():
setattr(, attr, value)
return out
def get_sortable_arrays(self):
Return a list of arrays which can be lexically sorted to represent
the order of the parent column.
For StokesCoord this is just the underlying values.
arrays : list of ndarray
return [self._parent._data]
class StokesCoord(ShapedLikeNDArray):
A representation of stokes coordinates with helpers for converting to profile names.
stokes : array-like
The numeric values representing stokes coordinates.
info = StokesCoordInfo()
def __init__(self, stokes, copy=False):
if isinstance(stokes, type(self)):
data = stokes._data.copy() if copy else stokes._data =
data = np.asanyarray(stokes)
if data.dtype.kind == "O":
msg = "StokesCoord objects cannot be initialised with an object array."
raise ValueError(msg)
if data.dtype.kind == "U":
data = self._from_symbols(data)
data = data.copy() if copy and data is stokes else data
self._data = data
def shape(self):
return self._data.shape
def value(self):
return self._data
def dtype(self):
return self._data.dtype
def __array__(self, dtype=None, copy=COPY_IF_NEEDED):
return self._data.astype(dtype, copy=copy)
def _apply(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
cls = type(self)
if callable(method):
new = cls(method(self._data, *args, **kwargs))
new = cls(getattr(self._data, method)(*args, **kwargs))
# Copy other 'info' attr only if it has actually been defined.
# See PR #3898 for further explanation and justification, along
# with Quantity.__array_finalize__
if "info" in self.__dict__: =
return new
def _from_symbols(symbols):
Convert an array of symbols to an array of values
values_array = np.full_like(
symbols, UNKNOWN_STOKES_VALUE, dtype=int, subok=False
for stokes_value, symbol in STOKES_VALUE_SYMBOL_MAP.items():
values_array[symbols == symbol.symbol] = stokes_value
if (unknown_values := np.equal(values_array, UNKNOWN_STOKES_VALUE)).any():
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown stokes symbols present in the input array: {np.unique(symbols[unknown_values])}"
return values_array
def symbol(self):
"""The coordinate represented as strings."""
known_symbols = tuple(
["?"] + [s.symbol for s in STOKES_VALUE_SYMBOL_MAP.values()]
max_len = np.max([len(s) for s in known_symbols])
# Note we unbroadcast and re-broadcast here to prevent the new array
# using more memory than the old one.
unbroadcasted = np.round(unbroadcast(self.value))
symbolarr = np.full(unbroadcasted.shape, "?", dtype=f"<U{max_len}")
for value, symbol in STOKES_VALUE_SYMBOL_MAP.items():
symbolarr[unbroadcasted == value] = symbol.symbol
return np.broadcast_to(symbolarr, self.shape)
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
self._data[item] = type(self)(value)._data
def __eq__(self, other):
other = self.__class__(other)
except Exception:
return NotImplemented
return self._data == other._data
def __str__(self):
arrstr = np.array2string(self.symbol, separator=", ", prefix=" ")
return f"{type(self).__name__}({arrstr})"
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()