astropy: A Community Python Library for Astronomy#

Version: 7.0.1 - What’s New in Astropy 7.0?

Useful links: Installation | Issues & Ideas | Get Help | Contribute | About

The astropy package contains key functionality and common tools needed for performing astronomy and astrophysics with Python. It is at the core of the Astropy Project, which aims to enable the community to develop a robust ecosystem of affiliated packages covering a broad range of needs for astronomical research, data processing, and data analysis.


If you use Astropy for work presented in a publication or talk please help the project via proper citation or acknowledgement. This also applies to use of software or affiliated packages that depend on the astropy core package.

Getting Started

New to Astropy? Check out the getting started guides. They contain an introduction to astropy’s main concepts and links to additional tutorials.

User Guide

The user guide provides in-depth information on the key concepts of astropy with useful background information and explanation.

Contributor’s Guide

Saw a typo in the documentation? Want to improve existing functionalities? The contributing guidelines will guide you through the process of improving astropy.

Project Details

What’s new in the latest release, changelog, and other project details.

Astropy User Statistics Astropy User Statistics